Drake feat. Kanye West, Lil’ Wayne, & Eminem – “Forever”


Finally. All week the net has been buzzing about a new song that features Drake, Kanye, Weezy, & Eminem; “Forever”. It was scheduled to drop Friday but it here 2 days early. Also, sorry about the pic. I didn’t feel like cutting up anything including all the rappers on the song. And besides, the track is for LeBron’s movie, More Than A Game (Check out the trailer here). It just occurred to me that Wayne finally got to be on a song with Eminem…just to get out rhymed! All in all, everybody turned in a good performance. Produced by Boi-1da. If you want more about the story behind the song, check here and here. Update: Added Final/Mastered version

Download: Drake feat. Kanye West, Lil’ Wayne, & Eminem – “Forever”

Download: Drake feat. Kanye West, Lil’ Wayne, & Eminem – “Forever” (Final/Mastered)

  1. Damn, all that time bumping the original and getting mad that nutt da Kidd’s garbage verse ruined it and now I get this. Everybody went in…except Weezy of course. Replace him, I’m getting tired of him following Drake everywhere anyway. You know who my ideal choice would be (no stanning King Jerm).

    1. What??? Nutt went in(I feel that he is Gudda Gudda… Maybe not.) but Jay woulda ruined this being that he’s been going so soft lately. He could body it, but I wouldn’t trust him. Wayne went in on this too! What are you talkin about? Lol

      1. I don’t think Wayne went in, I think he fell off big time save for a Death Wish verse there, Uptown verse here. I peeped that you haven’t been feeling the Bp3 so far so that’s fair. Lmao at “I think Gudda Gudda is nutt da kidd”

  2. On the real track….the beats kinda dope. Ye’s verse is hot (not a suprise) Not fond of waynes verse, it was average or Drakes talking-in-tune (singing). Em….went….In! Very on point. overall…. I’d give it a 6 or 7 out of 10

  3. Fuck….this is definitely one of the dopest songs I have heard in a while. EVERYONE did their thing. Eminem > Kanye > Drake > Wayne. Kanye and Em were pretty close to me both fuckin killed it. This songs gonna be huuuuge

  4. I got Em>>>>>Drake>Kanye>Wayne>>>>>A lot of songs I’ve heard this year.

    To be honest, Em’s verse is the only “special” one(the others could have been on any song), but the track, the hook, and the fact that it’s Drake, Eminem, Kanye West, and Lil’ Wayne on one song just carries this out the atmosphere for me.

  5. Gotta chance to hear the song…THAT SHIT IS THAT FLAME. Errbody went in. I’m partial to Ye right now, so I would go with him first then Marshall, Weezy/Drake (they the same).

    As far as collabos go..this might be this years “Swagger Like Us”

  6. Very weak lyrical song. C’mon Em is the only one who really comes hard on this, and it still isn’t his best type of shit. Kanye had 2 nice lines. What the hell was Lil Wayne trying to imply…oh right, he can’t flow. And Drake had an average verse at that.

    Not that bad of a song, but already overrated.

  7. Dudes is acting like Eminem’s verse was the greatest ever! It’s not all that. Not even his best this year.

    1. Best Em verse this year! Not 1 verse from Relapse is fuckin wit this. Not one song from Relapse is fuckin wit this verse lol but like we always say IMO.

  8. Swagger Like Us 09! Em and Drake killed this I need to listen to Kanye again, and Wayne was unnecessary.

  9. All of them put out solid versus Em did have the best verse
    but why so much hate on wayne on this one he even put out a soild voice appreiciate this song its great for hip hop so why should any1 one hate on one artist just be greatfull that these 4 elites got together.

  10. Can’t believe that I’m the first on here to give to props to Boi-1da on this joint…all this haggling and chirping over who dropped what verse and who murdered who and who was lame ‘n all of that shit.

    If the beat was wack, it would be a garbage song. Period.

    So why don’t we all be thankful for Boi-1da’s gem of a beat here. He’s one the up-and-coming stars in the production world – coming straight from my native country. Respect.

  11. If Eminem would rap on beats like these and have these type of lyrics then he would be one of my favorite rappers… he flow is so damn stupid! I love that shit!

  12. Em ripped this shit a new asshole…I agree with whoever said Em’s was the only one that actually spit about something…Hip hop has to get back to a meaning. it’s kinda funny, cuz Em usually is the one who raps (way) off topic.

  13. So hiphop dx just posted something pretty much saying drake isnt hip hop cause he doesnt hate on women
    so thats bassically saying lupe isnt hip hop
    common isnt hip hop
    a tribe called quest isnt
    so i decided to give NAPPY a shout out and post that u guys are the true hip hop heads

  14. this song is off the chain!!!!!!!!!!!..

    i thought it was a fake or some shit when i saw all these names together in one track

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