Jay Electronica feat. LaTonya Givens – “Better In Tune With The Infinite”


There was a time when I would be so excited to hear a new Jay Electronica song. A lot has changed since then and the last thing Jay Elec did of importance was having the third verse on “Control”.

At this point with no album release date for Act II in sight (still), I guess we have to take what we can get. It is comforting that on “Better in Tune With the Infinite” the signature production and rhymes are still there. The waiting game continues.

Download: Jay Electronica feat. LaTonya Givens – “Better In Tune With The Infinite”

  1. Dude’s a great rapper, but I’m tired of this no drums stuff. Everyone sounds better with some hardass drums. Suppose this is preferable to the Fruity loops drums that cascades most Old School revival stuff that comes out.

  2. The 2 comments below sounds as if its coming from simpletons. The lyrics are powerful and refreshing compared to the bullshit out there in mainstream land. Now with that said, they could have left the chick out as she sounded horrible IMO. I turn away as soon as she starts but to say its overrated and such says a lot about your maturity lyrically/musically.

    1. Yeah, you never know, some people (hopefully) know whats up and were just looking for head nod ish at the time. Its definitely a strong song, but a “conditional/emotional” song as well.

  3. I personally think this joint was trying to get you to focus on the lyrics. I mean it was a simple piano loop with an audience clapping sound effect thrown in there to help complement certain points . There are a multitude of reasons for releasing a song. A person may not be in the mindframe at a given time to listen to this but i’ve played this song in front of people (without a preface) and calmly watch them shed tears (because I already did in the past) so to TOTALLY throw it out is rather “interesting” I too eventually became annoyed (more frequently the more I listened to the song) by the singing (even if its *positive*) so I feel what undergroundmadness was saying. But…… You know….. To each its own. “Overrated” was sad to read by the way….

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