FROCAST: Episode #144


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This episode of the #frocast is brought to you by Short-T and There, I think we’ve officially fufilled our paid agreement sir. Now that that’s out of the way, onto the show content. We talk about NFL football for one of the last two times for a while. After that, we get into our TV talk, the HOHN this week and our main topic (Weezy and Birdman). Check us out, we’re the most known unknowns on the innanets. Oh, and one more time for good measure, Short-T shoutout (in my TK voice).

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Hit or Hell Naw for the week: “These Hoes is for Everybody” by Khaotic.  Please comment/tweet/call us and let us know what you think of this song.

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  1. Cool episode of the frocast. Great segment on sports, super bowl, etc. We’ll see how the Super Bowl turns out. Interesting segment on TV shows. I started checking out the show Empire, and IMO, it’s actually pretty good. The HOHN segment was cool, but to me, the song is a Hell Naw. Great segment on Weezy and Birdman drama. It’s really getting messy now, cause first it was for 8 million, now it’s for 51 million. Like King Jerm said, hopefully it’s just a publicity stunt. It’s crazy how’s it all turning out now. Cool segment on Winners and Losers of the week. Cool episode.

  2. “I’m only here so I don’t get fined.” The hit or hell naw is a hit because it sounds contemporary. It sounds like most of the stuff that appears in vines. HAHA! Saule Wright said, “Oh Shit is bad at life.” King Jerm, ‘Moonshiners’ is hilarious, the subtitles make you really into it. Great episode, thanks for the shoutouts. No there is not any child pornography on “What The Fuck” in my best B-Easy voice. Lately, I’ve just been doing podcasts like you two gentleman and cue Kanye West’s “Big Brother” playing as I write this comment I had to log my email in to make to tell y’all Great episode, Forever a fan of the show, the site, idols in my eyes, Gods of the game, Heart of the city, Napfro Gang, never be the same, never be another.

  3. If ya’ll think Lil Wayne & Birdman is a publicity stunt then ya’ll need to wake up…. It was only a matter of time. Remember Wayne wanted to leave a while then Birdman let him be president. Look at B.G., Mannie Fresh, Mickey, Juvenile, Turk, TQ, Boo & Gotti, Mystikal, UNLV [Shame what he had done to Yella, RIP Yella], Lil Slim, Ms. Tee, and the list go on from the early 90’s to now…

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