WWE SummerSlam Recap & Review: Undertaker Wins

Dean Roman

Bray Wyatt & Luke Harper vs Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose

Pretty good match with some good action. Roman staying on the outside for most of the match, or sleeping as the Brooklyn crowd put it, was a bad idea. Would have liked to see more Reigns and Bray together in this match for storyline purposes. It didn’t make a lot of sense for Ambrose to wrestle for nearly the whole match alone against the Wyatt’s and have Reigns get the hot tag when it was Roman’s original storyline to begin with. Overall this was a good match but it was another match that could have been better. Roman really should have been featured more in this match even if the crowd were going to boo him.

Move of the Match: Suicide dive

Match rating: Two 1/2 Stars