WWE SummerSlam Recap & Review: Undertaker Wins

Seth Cena

John Cena vs Seth Rollins
Title for Title/Winner takes All

Definitely the match of the night; from bell to bell this match was great. Both men put on five star performances and produced an amazing match. The fast pace made the match extremely entertaining and made for no dull moments; everything in this match was perfect. Really liked Cena using the figure four it was a nice homage to Ric Flair.

John Stewart’s involvement was questionable and was the only downside of this match. The crowd were great and it was nice to hear “Let’s go Rollins” chants instead of the usual “Lets go Cena, Cena sucks” chants throughout the match. Overall this was a great match and was arguably the best title match Seth Rollins has had since he’s been Champion. It’s safe to say that Seth Rollins has had a career defining moment.

Move of the match: Superplex into sit-out Suplex combo

Match rating: Four Stars