FROCAST: Episode #212

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Tough week, but we still got this show in. Where else can you hear about Ali, Gordon Gartrell and Kanye all in about an hour? That’s why we’re the dopest NETWORK on the internet. Fuck wit’ us.

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The Black Alex P. Keaton
The People's Champ/Founder
  1. Good episode of the frocast. Crazy and interesting segment on the passing of Muhammad Ali and Kimbo Slice. A lot of valid points were made during the segment. That’s fucked up about the dude raping the girl that was unconscious, gets caught up, but ends up getting 6 months. I agree about if it was a black dude in this situation, instead of getting 6 months, the black dude would end up being 6 years, 20 years, etc. A lot of valid points were made during this segment. Crazy segment about Kanye. What was he thinking doing a show in NYC at 2am, fans go crazy/riot outside, and the concert ends up being shut down. Crazy shit. Cool segments on TV Talk, Keep It 100, and Winners and Losers of the week. Good episode. R.I.P. Muhammad Ali and Kimbo Slice.

  2. -Definite s/o to Ali. The best fighter in Knockout Kings/Fight Night, even after they put Tyson in there, lol.
    -“Negatively impact his life” is the ultimate fuckshit. I can’t do shit but wish the worst for that 6 months. “Keep your butthole tight!” (c) Chappelle
    -Arbor Day is a more popular US holiday than Father’s Day.
    -1500 streams is 1 album sale now. So, 1 billy streams is 666,666 albums, if I’m not too tired to do the math correctly.
    -I love going to the movies, but 98% of the time, I’m solo.
    -Rich Boy probably didn’t cake, cuz the basis of that song was a DeBarge sample.
    -I wonder how unproductive NYC was, as a whole city, after thousands of people left SummerJam to wait up for a 2AM Kanye show.
    -Yeezy’s look like Roshe’s with berber carpet.
    -Ohhhhhhh, that’s why you tagged me in the “pretty in ink” IG, lol. Lmao, bitch got them Yoda hands.
    -Whoooooaaaa, that candy tat is GARBAGE, and them look like some kid panties.
    -Bwahahaha, the chick with the ski mask got one slim hip and one fat hip.

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