Look who actually did another Recently Watched article. I guess I’m a real writer on the internet now (Which honestly doesn’t mean anything). Things I watched this week: An Airbnb horror movie, anime deathmatch fighting, and Beyoncé. Let’s go.

Black Is King
Movie • Disney+ • Release Date: July 31, 2020
Beyoncé’s Black Is King is one of the Blackest things I have ever seen and is easily the Blackest thing you can see on Disney+. I didn’t know what to expect before watching Black Is King (Especially since I didn’t see the live-action remake of The Lion King) but if I had to describe it after one viewing it would be Afrofuture + 2001: A Space Odyssey + Musical. Cinematography-wise it’s a beautiful film. If you are not into the Afro-punk version of Beyoncé’s music, the 85-minute length time may be a bit much. But that’s about all the negative things I’ll say about something this Black. ??

Kengan Ashura
TV Series • Netflix • Release Date: July 31, 2019
My favorite genre of anime is when there is a deathmatch tournament and they introduce the fighters between the matches. Is this a real anime genre? Yes. I have really enjoyed the Netflix anime like Megalo Box, Baki (I even went back and watch the previous series that is not on Netflix, Baki The Grappler), and the same can be said about Kengan Ashura, another Netflix show that revolves around life and death battles (This time called Kengan Annihilation Tournament). It’s not better than Baki (Which it has admittedly taken influence from) and the CGI animation style took a while to get used to, but after a few episodes, I was in. Now I’m looking forward to Season 3/Part 3.

The Rental
Movie • VOD • Release Date: July 24, 2020
If Airbnb wasn’t already scary enough, here comes a movie directed by James Franco’s little brother called The Rental. I thought it was gonna be a slasher film (Which I guess it technically still can be) but it’s mostly a drama (horror-drama?), which I should have figured out just by looking at the cast. If you came in looking for a horror film and can wait out until the last 20 minutes, you’ll probably like it. I kinda liked it and I hope the ending means a sequel is coming. Also, just assume there are hidden cameras in your vacation rental.