Song of the Week: Lil’ Wayne – “A Millie (remix)”


After a million rappers record a freestyle verse to “A Millie”, Lil’ Wayne jumps back on the beat to speak about the million copies of Tha Carter III sold in the first week. Weezy stumbles a bit and doesn’t top the original, but he does his thing. It’s funny, just this morning King Jerm wanted me to put up the original “A Millie” for Song of the Week; you happy know Jerm?

Download: Lil’ Wayne – “A Millie” (remix)

  1. Let Me Be A Wayne DickRider For 1 Post…

    Weezy The Best Niggas! He IS The Best Rapper Alive And There Is No Way Else To Prove It!!! A Milli In A Week??? Forget All Other Rappers. Weezy Is A Beast, A Dog, A Muthafuckin Problem, He Aint A Fuckin Goon, He’s A Muthafuckin Goblin!!!!

    Ok…. Supressing The Inner Wayne DickRider….

    Alrite… I’m Straight… Haha…

  2. I’m not a weezy hater, but understand me when I say, he brainwashed 3/4’s of hip hop, he jumped on a song said he was the greatest then kept sayin it, now u got all kinds of people on his pole like he’s truly that dude…he’s NOT…he’s got skills, but far from the best or greatest, as for the platinum in a week, yay for him…50 sold 1.3 or some shit like that in the first three days of massacre, and took tupacs crown for best selling rap artist in three albums and tupac got like 60 albums out (exaggeration I know), ain’t NOBODY ride him for that shit..and I personally like all of his albums better…give respect where respect is due…and stop overhauling it on somebody just because the market is flooded with garbage…

  3. @ sum dude…so people wasn’t on Fiddy’s jock? Ever heard of G-Unit? That was his following. Fif got blacks, whites, asian, latino, europeans, and africans. So you don’t think that he got more STANS that Weezy? The fact that Weezy sold a million in a week in 2008 is better than 50’s 1.3 mill in a short week back in 2004. As far as Weezy not being the greatest…I know he isn’t, but he sure has came a long way with his flow. That is what Hip-Hop is all about…practicing your craft until you get it down. Look at Kanye, he was a straight producer, and now he got some of the best wordplay in the game.

  4. @ King Jerm…I will cosign some of that…ur right dudes were all over 50’s jock, AT ONE POINT, 50 was sellin when Massacre came out, but his fan buzz was never like this nigga weezy’s and it was much better deserved in my opinion. However, I DEFINATELY agree that lil wayne came up in terms of flow, cant say too much on content, he just delivers in a more compelling manner, and he tries harder…and Kanye, from the first verse and spoken word piece i heard of his…he was hot…so I can’t speak ill of kanye (other than he’s a bit childish with the temper tantrums, lol) Hip Hop is redeveloping, seems to be starting back from its roots party feel good music with very questionable wordplay and lyrical content…I just hope its gets back to the necessity of quality and intelligible vernacular continuity soon. Hov is leavin, Nas is trying to hard, Em hasn’t dropped an album in damn near a decade, and the greats keep dropping like flies. I guess in a state of hip hop this bleek, Dr. Carter has to rescue us…

  5. @King Jerm

    Lil Waste has gotten WORSE as he has come along in the game. He didn’t come up in terms of flow. He has just arrived at ONE style. He jocked Jay-Z long enough and people were tired of it…so now he has a “LEAN” influenced flow (put the damn cup down Lil Waste) and it’s annoying.

    congrats to him for selling a millie in a week; or should I say thanks to all of the mixtape DJ’s for circulating his music even though he dissed them for all of the FREE promotion that they gave him.

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