Site News: Status


Wow, it’s been a while since I used the “We Want Easy” logo (I was gonna put a big ass there to make y’all read this, but whatever). I think I’m gonna start posting the status of the site every now and then. If you all read the Joe Budden/”Who” post, you know I went in a little about whats going on. First of all I like to thank Dark Angel (I don’t know if she want me to put her government name out there). Once again, you may think people don’t donate but… I guess I can go ahead and update you on the ‘fro (That’s what SBK calls it).

T-Shirts Are COMING!!!!
Yes, finally we have gotten a handle on the official nappyafro T-Shirts. We’re currently talking to vendors, manufactures, and such (If anyone knows any good deals hit us up though). When we get them we will probably give some away before we start selling them.

Banned From Wikipedia?
Yea, I don’t now what the fuck is going on with that either. We had a page at one time that somebody put up as well as our review links. A reader told us we was banned and at first we didn’t believe him, but low and behold… If you a Wikipedia editor and your reading this, hit us up. We legit homie.

iPhone Optmized
I was wondering if anybody would prefer our site having a version just for mobile devices (iPhones/iPod Touch/Blackberry/etc.). I see some of y’all hitting up the site on some of these devices so if anybody likes this idea, we got it installed we just haven’t pulled the trigger yet.

Video Game Developers
This may sound weird but me and Jerm are working on something for the site and are wondering if any of our loyal (and intelligent) readers have any background in video game programming, Visual C+++, or anything like that. You don’t even have to be professional with it. We just need to pick a few brains and ask a few questions. Thats all about that for now. Once again, hit us up if you can help.

New Search Page
Have you see our new “Black” search page? If not, it’s not a big deal. It’s just the little things sometimes you know?

I kid about the donation thing but you can contribute in other ways. On the front page, you can always enter to win a trip to Vegas or college scholarship. Enter as many time as you like or even enter your cousin you never even knew you had (huh?).

The Squad (-1)
I’m here. King Jerm is always here. Thic Flair has always been down. SBK has returned. H20 never left. It feels like we missing somebody. Oh yea, Ddot. He family, but he is still sidelined after getting jumped by 2 big girls a few weeks ago after an altercation over a bucket of KFC chicken. We wish him a speedy recovering. Ddot I know your ego is bruised but you can always come home. As the staff page says, we are The Notorious Staff.

That’s basically it. Once again thanks for the support and tell your friends.


  1. I Gotta Donate Sometime In The Near Future…

    I Get On On My Sidekick A Lot And It Works Pretty Well.

    Lol On The Videogame Thing… To Bad I Don’t Know Anything About It Or I’d Jump On It…

    And The Main Thing I’d Like To See On Nappy Is A Forum! That Would Be Great. They Run Something Like $180 From VBulletin, So Yall Look Into That!

    I Pledge Allegience To The ‘Fro!

  2. Yo, good lookin’ on the update B.E. The nappyafro t-shirts sounds great. I can’t wait until those are available, I’m definitely coppin’ some of them. Yeah man Wikipedia be on some dumb shit 4real. They did the same thing to me and my independent record label page and we’re a legitimately registered corporation. I kept the page nice and organize and then they decide to delete it because they say we weren’t “legit” or something. BULLSHIT!!! (I think it’s time for me to premier my new article).

    That would be cool to have access to nappyafro on a mobile device like an iPhone. I would definitely find much use in that feature. The video game idea would be a nice feature to add to the site and keep it interesting. Lol, no doubt Ddot, we gon’ hold it down ’til you recover and come back. Hold ya head fam! I agree with V-G on the idea of a nappyafro forum. I think that would be a really good addition.

  3. Thanks, B-easy!! You know I been down from day one and will forever be, no matter what! 🙂 (Hey Jerm, in your face!!)

    I’m excited about the shirts!! I was just about to go get me one custom made and show you niggies how to do this! 😀

    Ah, I never liked wikipedia anyway…

    I wish I had a iphone/touch…one of those natures…LOL

    I wanna help with the video game! 😉 I’ll leave it at that!

    One word for the search page: HOT!!! It’s smokin’….wait, I said more than one word. Dammit!

    When I get more money, I’ll donate!

    What’s the deal with Ddot and these fat women?? Is this a true story?? …poor guy. If it helps, I got smothered by a fat woman before…

    *nappy for life!*


    Good looks on the update. Dark Angel, I got a foot message for you when I see you…yes, even the extra toe mami, I GOT’CHU.

    Shirts are on pizzoint. If you are using the design I think you are using fam….it’s about to be big business.

  5. This is one of the best hip hop sites doin it, especially with sohh never recovering fully from their “attack.” You guys don’t post that much news but its still all good

  6. @ Chip…don’t confuse us with them…we’re different! The reason why we don’t get so newsy is because we let the other sites do that. Our bread and butter is the REVIEWS! Hence the tagline..”Hip-Hop Reviews and More!” But we do have a link to a site that you can get news from. But I’m glad that you feel that way about us. We really do appreciate all the support we get from the readers. Without you guys, this thing prolly wouldn’t be happening right now.

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