Eminem – “My Darling” & “Careful What You Wish For”


Hey, it’s more Relapse! Earlier today, the bonus tracks from Eminem’s upcoming album leaked to the internet. I’m sure most of you already got these, but since it’s the arguably the biggest album of the year, so why not? The first one “My Darling” has a mean beat to it and I’m still wondering why it’s just a bonus track. Dr. Dre makes a cameo so that’s that too (Peep the shout outs to Paul Wall and Bubba Sparxxx). The second one, “Careful What You Wish For”, also is pretty good. Eminem goes over he life, critical acclaim, and basically the whole “what glitters ain’t always gold” thing.

I know a lot of you are getting your dollars ready for May 19.

Download: Eminem – “My Darling”

Download: Eminem – “Careful What You Wish For”

  1. Easily the best album of the year so far. Shits fire, if your hatin on Relapse then go suck a dick. Em is back like he never left……possibly another classic for him. And these bonus tracks are dope could of easily made the album.

  2. wow just wow these bonus tracks are better than 90% of this album I guess people are to afraid to say em lost it he is not trying kinda like encore yea there is a few deep songs but no way can you call this a classic

      1. V-G, you have to be kidding me. Relapse is a fantastic album. It’s twice as good as the Carter III. These tracks are good, but there’s no way you can say they’re better than every track on Relapse. Beautiful, Underground, Deja Vu, Medicine Ball, and My Mom are all better than these just to name a few. I’m beginning to think that you just hate Em. Anything he does is wrong to you. You’re opinion is so fucked up. Em is better than Wayne, better than fuckin Officer Ricky, and better than the majority of the other rapper’s out there. You better not review this fuckin album or I’m gonna flip.

  3. why is the only people you use for a example wayne and ross Jsk your incredibley biased my mom is horrible the only tracks worth listening to are insane beautiful old time sake (only because of dre) and I guess deja vu is alright im sick of hearing you biased opinion and always saying vg must hate eminem I don’tthink its him hating em I think its more the fact he realizes eminem is washed up and not thesame these opinion could change when relapse 2 drops so quit fucking saying he is a hater quit bringing wayne into it cause right now im sorry I don’t like to admit it wayne when he is trying and goin hard kills eminem new shit where not goin to bring rick into it cause I didn’t think deeper than rap was great but like I said shit can change with relapse 2

  4. Very good album, but too many songs about nothing for it to be a classic. If it came out last year I’d put it over Carter III but under Paper Trail and Untitled. It should get 4 stars, but its better than Rick Ross’ album which got a 4.5.

  5. fuck relapse, shits gunna suck. its so hyped but its gunna be trash. like v-g said. the carter 3 of 2009.it aint gon be gud. JSK officer ricky has the album of the year so far. fukin em is so shit. i choose paul wall fast life over relapse anyday. i choose murder was the case over relapse any day. i cant stand eminem. its not better then nuthin. it might be better the isouljaboytellem. might be.

  6. Spyda, Officer is a fat fucking joke. Em writes all of his own shit while officer ricky has someone write his down while he’s out on patrol.
    Listen to all these songs, no one is as lyrically gifted as eminem. The way he comes up with stuff to say that actually makes sense is wild. Stuff no one would ever dare think of.
    Have fun listening to Officer Ricky and his hype up songs about ballin and grills and jewelry, yeah thats cool to rap about, the first time. Now it’s boring, and btw 50 cent would kill officer ricky both physically and lyrically, because well he has eminem and worst could have em write down a whole song about that joke.

    Em’s back take relapse for what it is, a lyrically gifted/insane cd

  7. Half of relapse might be good. After we made you everything else seems good. Insane is the best one so far. And right now Carter 3 is a better all around album. That doesn’t mean Wayne is better or worse cause both kill tracks. And watch out for Drake too cause that nigga kills songs to. Relapse 2 will be better than this one though.

  8. U dam idiots… If u would just pause for a sec and acctually listen to the record and use ure brains a lil, u would acctually c that yes is not a hating crazy ass em but is a lyrical megafest that em is putting out. People just sit and listen… I felt the same way a first till I actually just closed my eyes and listened to every song in the album…is lyrically genious…

  9. Haha wow to even say that the Carter III is better than Relapse is a joke
    Alls anyone buys into anymore is good beats and cheap, uninspired lyrics.
    Why not appreciate real poetry for once? are the beats the no most entertaining? No are the words catchy? No
    but every single word means something, Eminem is a true poet, more than a rap artist he knows how to spread messages through metaphor and actually uses his real life. Besides, how many tracks on the Carter III were good that Lil Wayne did himself? compared to how many were better when there was a feature artist when he was usually outshined (Mr. Carter, You Aint Got Nothin) compared to Relapse where all but 2 songs were done without a feature.

  10. woah u em stans are out of line. i forgot the instant sumone is better at lyricalness that everyone else is obsolete on the fact that there under. and no bitch boy DIE ross writes his shit. em might be whatever to yall but he shit to me. bitch boy please. i stay away from that shit. i got every tech nyne, every outkast, ugk, z-ro, heltah skeltah, jadakiss, theres alot…..fuk that em garbage. boy be makin bitch made songs like we made you. like ravishin ruck rude said (my flow is on spectalcular that marshall mathers wishin i go back to afrika) damn right. heltah skeltah is on sum king ass shit. that d.i.r.t. album was one the hotest last year. em cant fuk with these boyz. they dont make no bullshit rap songs. fukin trailer trash em is wack. gtfoh. i dont giv a fuk its my opinion…so in my opionion all yall m stans can go back to fukin your teddy bears with ems face glued on it. and rawse had a brilliant offering. he has come up so much since his debut. em is same shit em. givin you a bum bitch single about homo ass paparazzi shit. then a single that makes him sound psycho. any fucka can do that! is em better the3n ross lyrically. probley. but he aint better. ross presents himself as top dawg. and if he keeps goin this way…he gunna be. look how he has went from self proclaimed boss. to boss. we now call him boss. his beats are like orchestras. their fukin amazing. and yea he flubbed a bit on that album but overall the only visual i get from that cd is ross standin at the front of his yeacht wit a shit ton of women smokin a cigar. thats boss status. em prob eatin outta a can of tuna. he also brought it on lyrics. he not a slouch. he is different them em. he does his riches and bitches. em talks about lindsey lohan and bein emo. BITCH BOY!!!!!!

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