BET Awards ’09 + Performances


Damn. I understand that Michael Jackson’s death threw off the whole BET Awards, but I still gotta say it: It sucked. They had their hearts in the right place but the show just seemed boring and not well put together. From a Hip-Hop standpoint, we had performances from Soulja Boy, Jay-Z, & Drake (messed up leg and all) with some backup from Lil’ Wayne (Who won the night’s “Best Male Hip-Hop Artist” awards) and Young Money. Soulja Boy’s stage performance looked good on paper until you realized singing “Turn My Swag On” looks boring on stage. I was surprised to see Drake close the show. Drake’s performance was hurt because he was confined to a stool (It’s rumored that he messed up his ACL). By the time Weezy & Young Money hit the stage to perform “Every Girl”, the crowd was out of it…even more out of it when Birdman came out and performed “Always Strapped”. It wasn’t hard for Jay-Z’s performance of “D.O.A. (Death Of Auto-Tune)” to rank as one of the show’s best (BET even added effects) but he seemed well rehearsed and the crowd was into it. Check out some videos of the BET performances (As well as the Skank Robbers trailer) and tell us what you thought about BET Awards ’09.

Soulja Boy Tell ‘Em – “Turn My Swag On”

Jay-Z – “D.O.A. (Death Of Auto-Tune)”

Drake, Lil’ Wayne, Birdman, & Young Money – “Best I Ever Had”/”Every Girl”/”Always Strapped”

Skank Robbers Trailer

    1. Yeah I agree with you, but if they would have made it back in 93-94 when it was hot then I think that’ll sell much more. The kids nowadays don’t remember them, well really know who the characters are.

  1. THE AWARDS WERE TERRIBLE, but at the same time, it was hilarious because it was so bad. “EVERYBODY WAS DANCIN AND SHIT!” The bleep man was 4 seconds late all night. They oughta be ashmed.o and SKANK ROBBERS FTW

  2. I thought the BET awards were ok. I mean, without MJ’s death (R.I.P, no disrespect here) there wouldn’t have really been a concept for the show. Luckily I missed Soulja Boys preformace, but Jay-Z did quite well (Even thougth the instrumentals sounded off tune in my ears for a second), and Drake I was surprised too, as he did quite well, sounding pretty good comparing to how he sounds on an mp3. Yeah, the Every Girl had like 20 million censors in it, which was terrible, and it wasn’t good either. And Always Strapped? All you have is Birdman and Weezy, no Jeezy (I think he was on stage for some time though), and no Rawse.

    1. what you mean without MJ dying there wouldnt have been a concept of the show? yes there would have been a concept for the show had MJ not died, it would have been whatever they planned it to be months in advance prior to MJ passing! i dont kno why everybody acting like they planned to have a fuked show from the beginning, i knew from the get go that once it was confirmed that MJ was gone BET was gonna overhaul the whole show and basically redo over what they had already had set and in essence re-plan a whole new show in three days! so yea my expectations were lowered dramatically for this years show

  3. That damn awards show was fucked up badly. I didn’t like it at all. Ojays did their thing and that Skank Robbers did have me crack up.

    That Lil Wayne and Drake performance was awful. Why did they have these teenagers get on stage with them?? Omgness.. I know Papa Joe wanted to beat him like he was one of the jacksons.

    R.I.P. MJ it wasn’t suppose to go down like that. I been stopped watching BET but damn that was low. You can barely hear Lil Wayne song, all the blanks in there. Aaron Hall didn’t sing too good either.

  4. I forgot about Maxwell, he did good too. A few people did pretty good. Don from Soul Train was boring me though.

  5. I agree that overall the ’09 BET Awards were pretty bad and boring for the most part. With Michael Jackson’s sudden passing they obvious trying to incorporate and pay their respects to him as much as they could with the show, but I think they should have waited and put together a real Michael Jackson tribute show with artists performing his songs. I think that was a major reason as to why the show turned out the way it did because they tried to rush MJ into every aspect of it. They could have subtly incorporated their respects to Michael throughout and just took their time in planning a great MJ tribute show for the future (probably something MTV is carefully planning at the moment).

    So many other aspects of the show also brought it down though from the miscued editing (that person got fired as soon as the show was over), boring/lackluster performances, and other stuff that lacked professionalism (Jamie Foxx not knowing they were back from commercials… WTF!??!!). I stopped watching BET a long time away for the fact that many of their shows suck and seem ignorant, and this awards show reinforces my decision (along with the proof of the future stupid shows they have coming up… Tiny & Toya, Frankie & Neffe, The Monique Show (Get the fuck outta here with this shit). Even though there were some good aspects of the show, the bad aspects greatly outweighed them. Let see what MTV has in store to tribute MJ because BET failed with this rushed attempt. ***What The Fuck Happened To The Cyphers!!!????!…. The best part of past recent BET Awards***

      1. Fuck that, they need to have that on the BET Awards in general. They don’t even need a damn BET rap awards when the BET Awards is general is so poor.

        1. Yeah BET took a major L for me. I been stopped watching BET years back but now this definitely make me want to not go by that channel ever again. The shows they got are stupid.. Omgness the awards was just awful. Lil Wayne performance was the worst with them little girls on stage while singing “I wanna fuck every girl in the world”.. I mean come on what the fuck is that all about? Ignorant shit forreal. Me and B-Easy was talking about that shit, that was just horrible and boring. Aaron Hall didn’t do good either. Hopefully MTV will do better than that garbage. Anybody that liked that BET awards had to be smoking on some shit or just ignorant as hell.

  6. BET Awards sucked. I was only checking for it because I wanted to see the Michael Jackson tribute and it was a failure. The O’Jays deserved the Lifetime Award, but why wasn’t it given to Michael!?!? The man just died, and he hadn’t been accepted yet. That would have been perfect.

    But in reality, no one really cares about the BET Awards: the BET HIP-HOP AWARDS is what people want to see. The Cyphers, the Performances, and the crowd itself is just better. Jamie Foxx was also a dissapointing host.







  8. overall the whole show did suk mad balls, but what everybody expect? i knew what time it was when i realized they was having presenters give two awards at a time as well as not even naming off the nominees before each award! the funniest moment izz when ol gurl from the new star trek movie put the old star trek lady on blast for bein in the bathroom when she came out to present! also anybody catch birdman fukn up his second verse and comin in too early when him and weezy performed always strapped?

    that was straight buffoonery…

  9. damn i stopped watching bet in like ’05-’06…….maybe a lil b4 tht…… times hav changed

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