FROCAST: Episode 13

The FROCAST returns. But this isn’t you normal episode; this go around we bring a full house. Beside me and Saule Wright (@SauleWright), we got nappyafro staff member DuB (@Leondub) on the podcast as well as my Internet girlfriend, the beautiful Tracie Mae (@TracieMae). On Episode #13 we cover such topics as:

Okay, to be fair, I may have just daydreamed one of the topics above. Maybe.

Also, let me address the technical problems of this episode of the FROCAST. Besides me talking way too much and being really awkward, the voices of DuB, Tracie Mae, & Saule are not as clear as your’s truly and I take full blame for that. This is advice to anybody trying to record over Skype: Remember to tell everybody else to plug in earphones. Another thing about this one is that it’s all raw. Raw meaning that most of the time I cut out the parts where I sound stupid. But this time I let the whole thing play out, slapped some MF Doom instrumentals under it, and called it a day.

But besides all that, I honestly feel this was really good show. Good, intelligent discussion with everybody contributing something. Plus me hitting on Tracie for basically the whole podcast is worth a listen by itself.

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