Celebrating 5 Years of Bringing It To You!

Yep..we 5 years old. Seems like yesterday when we started taking the world over, but as I sit back and reflect, we’ve been around ALOT longer than some of our fellow bloggers. We might not be the most known site out there, but dammit, we’ve been doing it longer and more consistently than some of these other cats. Do I feel bitter about us not getting the shine we deserve…HELL YEAH, but then I think about all the people that help keep this thing going.

B-Easy does SO MUCH for the site and sacrifices alot of his time just to give you nigglets something to read. Saule Wright, the homie, if it wasn’t for him..wouldn’t be a nappyafro. He came in when me and B was struggling and for that, we are forever grateful. Arkitekt, he always comes thru in the clutch. He’s the Derek Fisher of the team. H2O, my godson, I have watched him grow up in front of my eyes over the years and he has become a GREAT writer. DuB, rookie of the year in my eyes. DuB has been a great acquisition to the squad. Then we have our reserves: Spread Jermz, DJLP, P from the D, P-Body, raza, VG, Calvin, and Verbose (only reason I called him this is because he’s been AWOL…if you reading this Verb…hit us up to know that you are alright..for real.) Ya’ll guys really mean alot to me and the team. Ya’ll come thru and help out with posts, always commenting, and you guys keep the forums alive. I just want you guys to know that it means alot to us.

I know I forgot some people…I know I did. But know this…YOU ARE APPRECIATED! This will be the year that either makes us or breaks us. So look for a more aggressive nappyafro in 2012. We will still bring you the reviews that you come to love, but we might take it back to the columns too. So once again…thanks for keeping us a bookmark on your web browser and hopefully this will be the year we open up a store so we can start pushing this merchandise on the public!

The People's Champ/Founder
  1. I think I been kickin it here for about 4 years and man I don’t know what I’d do without the ‘Fro! Salute Fellas!

    I wasn’t a full time alcoholic, part time student I’d be dropping a lot more stuff for the site. I been itching to write for a minute…

  2. This is an amazing website and one of my favorite hip-hop sites for years. This is my first time commenting, but I first went on this site back in 2007 when y’all had the Doctor’s Advocate, Hip-Hop is Dead, and Release Therapy reviews. I’ve been a regular just checking on it everyday. To see where this site has become from where it was in 2007 is incredible and congratulations to the Nappyafro site for a job well done. Honestly this has become my favorite site for reviews along with djbooth.net and pitchforkmedia.

  3. I’ve been following and enjoying the website, but just recently started interacting. I think it’s a great site, and I would say that’s because of who’s involved with it. Good work to all. I appreciate the acceptance and interactivity. My first comment and first post (on forums) were both responded to. It’s good to see other knowledgeable opinions, regardless of the amount of agreement on preferences and opinions.  

  4. congrats guys im from nz and i luv this site been hooked since 2010 wen i stumbled across your review of j.cole’s friday night lights and now i cant live witout the fro keep up the good work

  5. Great site, been coming here before I even had a computer (used my blackberry). I’ll always be grateful to those pictures of Bria Myles for bringing me here.

    P.S. Ain’t kinda fucked up a post saying Eminem’s not the greatest rapper ever gets like 200 comments and this get five.

  6. What up Nappyafro staff!!!

    This  is Boricua (remember me) any hell yes i still go on this site and ive been here since the beginning sorry just had to brag haha, on the real i hope you keep it goin 4 awhile

    P.S. Why is this a make or break year?? jus curious

  7. Wow I can’t believe it’s been 5 years for real. So much done happened since then and we lost a lot of pioneers since then. Also some of the staff done changed from me to Blood to etc. It’s still going strong though! Keep it up

  8. I remember I stumbled upon tha website back in ’09 when I came across ur guyz’ review of KRS & Buckshot’s joint. Been here ever since. Haha.

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