FROCAST: Episode #27

We’re a lil light this week on the FROCAST as we record with just a duo. That don’t stop the topics, we talk NBA, NFL, and a few other topics. We get another installment of Real Nigga Quotes and two old fogies talk relationships as well. It’s such a wholesome show this week so won’t you be, won’t you be, please won’t you be, my neighbor….

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    1.  when I heard that part of the frocast, I literally fell asleep. That song is fucking horrible.

  1. Ya’ll was kicking some real shit on the relationship tip. I definitely feel that way 100%. Kids need to hear this shit for real. Not every woman is special but if you know she is special than why not show her how important she is.

    1.  Thanks bruh. We’re getting some good feedback on that, we may have to do that from time to time.

      1. No doubt Saule. I think so many people in general get relationships twisted. If a person going to cheat or flirt and not spend time with the S/O you might as well be single if that is the case. Why cause heartache to somebody who don’t deserve that kind of mistreatment? Ya dig. I think people listen to too many songs and base life on fairy tales, especially these youngsters coming up. They really got the game fucked up. Sometimes all a woman want is for a guy to listen to them since they are more emotional. I do that with mines. It seem like you do that with your wife. I respect you very much my dude, keep it up. Women that deserve a good man need to know there are good dudes out there even though it is limited, and the same for men who want a relationship with a woman on their level. I think people should feel the person out before they try to give them their all and once they know they can do that then it is all good afterwards. Once again dope shit for real my dude.

  2. Lol I figured all of yall’s favorite groups would be Outkast, that’s why I omitted them.  Good choices though!  I’ll give you the tribe thing I guess, most of their acclaim comes from Low End Theory and Midnight Marauders.. I need to study more of their music though

  3. Good frocast Yeah alot of what Steve Harvey says is crazy.
    P Body you are flooding the forums with all those posts I go maybe once a week
    Hell no on that positive rap
    Thing is people dont know that they really want they just think they do

  4. Positive rap is garbage. I couldn’t get into that song ya’ll played to save my life. Nothing wrong with positive rap but it’s the way they did it which made me skip it to hear what ya’ll had to say about the song especially when I heard the verse and hook… Lawd that was something else 

  5. The Forums have become P-Body’s own personal website. I don’t even fuck with the Forums anymore

    1. Dub if you got a problem you need to address it to me or even send me a personal message brother, be a man about it. That’s what I notice about people nowadays they don’t directly say stuff to people but they want to put everything on blast instead of addressing things to the person. Also Jerm is my homie but he should address his issue with me one on one or even call me since he have my cell phone number and he know me personally.

      1. Lol nigga, he did personally adress it with you and you spazzed out. If one of the Admins of the site tell you to chill and you won’t, why should anyone else respect you enough to adress it personally?

        1. Naw he broadcast it. If it was PM to me or even a phone call it would be a little different. It feel like people trying to shine and I’m not that type of dude to do that. Ya’ll can have those forums, it’s not that serious to me. 

          1.  Let me dead this real quick before y’all fuck up another comments section. P-Body, he told you this shit in the forums before. Y’all did a long ass back and forth about him telling you to stop posting that shit and you protesting. So he DID address you with it. What you do from here is on you. But he did address it with you. THE END.

  6. The Heat will win the NBA title or Pat Riley will trade t least one of the Big 3 in the offseason if not two of them. I expect OKC to make it to the finals, but if L.A. Makes it then the Heat will go home without a trophy.

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