FROCAST: Episode #43

On this weeks episode, we talk about all kinds of stuff. We get into some sports and LHHATL of course, but also some expensive ass kicks, The Top Cities for Singles, and a mobile truck that you may want to swing Jr. by…and it’s not the Ice Cream Truck. We answer your questions this week (thanks go out to RTIII and Tracie Mae) as well as drop another edition of HOHN. Be sure to hit us up in the forums, on Twitter or email us your questions. Time to get into Episode #43, you’re welcome.

This weeks HOHN is Animuse (Savier & Elishua):
THE LINK: Animuse (includes Twitter, music, and bio)
The Link To Soundcloud:

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  1. Saule be hating on Walking Dead, I don’t have any words for you right now. That’s the pastor spirit coming out of you, you probably think that show is demonic or something!!!! Anyway, I have to agree about Saved By The Bell, Family Matters and other shows aging horribly. I was watching Saved By The Bell a couple of weeks ago and I was shaking my head in shame…. Back in the day that show was dope as fuck. I need to watch Parent Hood again so I can see if the show aged horribly also. Wayans Bros still dope and In Living Color of course.

    1. ….right. So anyway, yeah, Wayans Bros and LC are both still hilarious. I can’t quite put my finger on why Family Matters and such are so damn bad now. Maybe they were bad then and we just ain’t care lol.

      1. Well to me Family Matters just look corny as hell anyway especially when Steve Urkel started to get into his teenage/adult years. He was beginning to be too old playing that role and also they had stupid characters such as Bruce Lee Urkel, Robot Urkel, and so forth. Then remember Judy (younger sister) was on the show but they wrote her off so nobody know what the fuck happened to her and I remember B-Easy told me a few years ago she was doing porn I was like “Wow, damn family matters fucked her life up”. I use to like Family Matters back in the day until they started throwing stupid characters on the show and the show didn’t make any sense anymore. They should have stopped after season 2/3. Season 1 was kinda boring until the end when Steve arrived. The other shows I can’t really put my finger on also maybe because we seen so much shit over the years and probably been corrupted that we don’t appreciate some of the old shows nowadays. Sanford & Son is one of my favorite shows of all time and it never get old to me… Wayans Bros was just classic. Steve Harvey was good at first.. Jamie Foxx show was good, Martin was good but I think the last season was kinda lame. In Living Color was great until Season 5 when all the Wayans Family left but 2Pac made a guest appearance so that made me happy not to mention he was on In Living Color before the Wayans left he was in the background when Damon Wayans left at the end of Season 3, and he was at the performance with Heavy D & The Boys, Puff Daddy & Flavor Flav. One show I liked a little bit was Out All Night, well it was okay for what it was back then. I’m starting to think we didn’t care at all back then about shows. I use watch the hell out of The Heat Of The Night also….. Man I can go on and on about what I use to watch during certain parts of my life back in the day.

        1. YO, I can’t even argue with any of that shit. That last season of Martin was terrible, simply terrible. Jamie Foxx show and Martin are my jam.

          1. No doubt. The last season was plain out fucked and I remember people thought I was crazy for saying that. You knew that shit was the end. Pam & Martin disses were getting lame and old to me after a while. The first season was the shit though. Fresh Prince is a classic in my opinion… I love all the seasons.

          2. yeah, Gina fucked it all up. Well, I guess technically Martin fucked it all up. Fresh Prince is still dope, agreed.

  2. Watchin Breakin’ Bad and Jerm’s right, this show is dope….iono about greatest show ever on TV, but it’s damn good.

    1. Hey Sailed if you watch Alphas you gotta see Misfits it’s on Hulu. It’s about young adults with superpowers and they do a lot of drugs and somebody having sex every episode.

  3. So, y’all don’t like ass shots (pause), but if the booty is looking proportional, you’ont care. And y’all don’t think having a stripper pole makes a girl “freaky” but if you see one, you automatically assume she’s DTF. Welll…guys aren’t complicated at all. O_o

    1. We ain’t promoting them joints but if you got em, at least make it look good. And no, we never said that the pole don’t make her freaky. We just said that it DON’T mean that she’s not wife material for Jerm and I. Cornell was the hater to the wifey part.

    2. From my previous experiences, one was down for the cause and another one just had it for fun. The one down for the cause had a whole separate room for it so it was nothing but open space to get down. The other who just had like in her living room would use it mostly for social events when women got drunk.

  4. Good episode of the frocast. I enjoyed all of the talk on sports. Crazy/kinda dramatic ending on LHHATL. Some old shows I still watch like Sanford and Son, In Living Color, Wayans Bros, Martin, etc. BTW, I don’t watch American Idol. No disrespect to Lebron, but who in da fuck would want to buy a pair of shoes that’s worth $315? WTF is up with a DNA truck driving around giving out DNA tests on the spot? I can see it being a ice cream truck, animal control, but DNA tests? Like I said, WTF? And for the HOHN, I say it’s a Hell Naw.

  5. On the next frocast, are y’all gonna talk about the intruder that broke into LL Cool J’s house and got his ass whooped and jaw broke by LL himself?

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