FROCAST: Episode #64


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um….hi….we’re back. It’s only been two weeks but it seems like forever. This week we STILL manage to get some football talk in (told you I’d do it) as well as a few current events per usual. Our main topic this week is racism and/in the Black community. We also need your input on a few things (please answer in the comments section):

Should Saule Wright GTFOH for the frocast?
Shout out your teams! What does your NFL team need to do?
How is Obama doing?
How are WE doing in our own communities?

We’re equal parts ratchet and opinionated and sometimes we manage to make coherent points. At all times, we do what we do outta love and with good intentions. Check us out, Episode #64 is in the chamber.

Remember, you can call the nappyafro Phone Number(347) 201-2572. and talk about us. Also, shameless plug, I’m still slangin’ that thread. Head over to and buy one of my workout shirts for you or your girl, We’re running a sale right now so if you’ve ween waiting, now’s the time to order! Use code NAPFRO and get free shipping in the US.

Wanna submit a drop or be a guest on the show or advertise on a frocast, go here and put FROCAST as the subject OR call us and leave your drop nappyafro Phone Number(347) 201-2572.

This Weeks HOHN is presented to you by “Everyone should have a Simply Dope logo.”
Bones Jones – “G.R.I.N.D.” – – Twitter: @BonesxJones
Steezy Womack – “Kush Ups” –
Say’Hu – “Ghetto Streets” – – NC by way of Gambia West Africa

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  1. Glad to see y’all back but damn shawty! I go away for a few weeks to morn and y’all act like niggas can’t lay low for a sec. And to be honest, I ain’t had nothin to say cause there wasn’t nothin to say. We lost. I’m over it. Now I’m lookin forward to next season. Just like fans of 31 other teams in the league. Still a Falcons fans and always will be. I am glad the 49ers lost the same way the got to the Super Bowl though. That shit made me happy to see Harbaugh almost break into tears tryin to get a holding call. But anyway, I’m upset we didn’t win the SB but I am glad we took another step toward starting a dynasty. And y’all can hate all you want but you can’t deny that the Falcons are only a few steps away.
    As far as this offseason. First off, Te’o wont go before the 3rd round. I would be pissed if my team(any team) wasted a 1st or 2nd round pick on him. If he has a better showing during his Pro Day then I could see him in Atlanta but I think Dimitroff will look in Free Agency before he takes a chance on the kid. Since Jerm wouldn’t talk about the Falcons needs for the offseason, here you go. Sign as many of our free agents as possible: Willie Mo, Grimes, and Sam Baker to be specific. Pray to God, Budda, and Allah that Tony G comes back. Release Turner and get a veteran RB like Steve Jackson but only if Dimitroff can’t make a move like he did a couple years ago when we got Julio. And you already know if that happen he goin for Eddy Lacy. If we he can’t make it happen, Knile Davis and the kid from UNC looked good at the combine. Use the 30th pick to get Eifert even if Tony comes back. After that, use the rest of the draft to fill in the defense where we couldn’t in free agency. If Osi Umenyiora will take a pay cut, I think he will be coming to Atl. And it’s plenty of good LBs in free agency that would love to come play for Nolan. Ima wait until the draft is over to make my ‘Falcons to the Super Bowl guarantee’ but just know it’s comin.

    Damn this post long as hell but fuck it. Can’t let y’all just shit on Falcons fans like it ain’t nothin. And Jerm, don’t hop on the train when it’s convenient homie! Get on or kick rocks my nigga! Everybody know we got enough fair weather fans in the A. Most of em imports anyway. Holla at y’all later. I’m bout to go back to the alter and say my daily prayer for Tony G.

      1. HAHA! The Mike Turner cut is official now so if Dimitroff don’t make any moves to go get Lacy in the draft, it might be a sad day comin for the Rams fans. Plus, he gotta do something to make up for cutting John Abraham too.

  2. Good episode of the frocast. That was a good/crazy warmup before starting the show. Great and crazy segment on the sports. It’s just crazy with all of the trades that’s going on in sports. About LeBron going to Cleveland after he’s done with the Miami Heat, I don’t see it happening. They’re still hurt when LeBron left and he decided to take his talents to Miami. The QFTN segment was cool and funny. LOL @ King Jerm talking as P-Body talking about 2Pac. About the 3 songs for HOHN, all 3 of them are a Hell Naw. The second half of this episode was definitely interesting. That was fucked up and uncalled for about the 9 year old girl being a called a cunt and a that man telling a lady to shut that nigger baby up. Pretty much, a lot of valid points was made, even while talking about the President, communities, race, etc. For the next frocast, as of right now, what do y’all think about Kanye West doing those rants recently about everyone from Taylor Swift, to Jay-Z and Justin Timberlake, etc and screaming and throwing the mic at/to the crowd around at the end of a show he just did?

  3. Ben Chavis was president of the NAACP in 1993. King Jerm was correct. The Urban League nigga should have known that.

  4. Lmao @ the comment about men with soft hands. Good grief you guys are on point I was just talking about that not too long ago. My dad always told me you can tell a man strength by his hand shake, thank god I have a firm handshake. I almost break people hands sometimes so I just dap them instead and with my knuckles being rough I have to control being heavy handed. How is Jerm team young nigga? If Jerm is team young nigga then I’m team infant nigga. That Lil Wayne comment about him being the next Pac is some bullshit. I use to support Wayne a long time ago but dude need to fall the fuck back seriously. He is annoying me like hell now and he became really lazy lyrically also. He sound like a scorned woman with his antics against the Miami Heat, well Chris Bosh issue. I don’t take Lil Wayne serious anymore. He is just taking up space in the music industry, I do love his old music of course but his personality is questionable. Now all of a sudden he is a skateboarder now? I mean really. I don’t understand how some women can degrade themselves to fuck him. Enough about that but we all know that man is nowhere near on 2Pac level nor as intelligent as Pac. It’s funny how Obama speak on Chicago issues right now when the issues was fucked up for a while. So many kids been killed in Chi-Town and all other major cities but since it’s minorities it doesn’t matter apparently. Man I just don’t know what else to say mayne.

      1. By the way that voice you did of me doesn’t sound like me mayne. You’re not a team young nigga, maybe compared to somebody in their 50’s and beyond. You wasn’t born in the 90’s, if so that means I was born in the 00’s

  5. Trust me Chicago murder’s well most major cities murders aren’t as bad as it was in the 70’s, 80’s and definitely the early to mid 90’s when shit was really going down plus the crack epidemic shook up a lot of shit. Look at how New York City was they had 2245 murders in 1990 which was the highest NYC ever had but in 2012 they had under 500.

  6. I don’t really have much to say about Obama. I didn’t even vote last year and that’s the honest truth.

  7. Shout out to Mr classic,The Pocket Square Kang and King Jerm for bringing us the Frocast 1 more time.Dope show as always,especially the 2nd hr.Looking forward to next week.Maybe in the future y’all can get someone from the urban league on the show for an interview to explain to us what they do and how we can start something similar in our communities,particularly in small low income areas.Do you guys plan on interviewing any artist in the future?Anyway keep up the good work.Peace

    1. Thanks for listening! Glad y’all are enjoying that 2nd hour. That was the brainchild of King Jerm and it’s pretty cool to have one focused topic. I like the urban league idea as well, we’ll get our Political Analyst on that asap. We are trying to get some folks on the show…but we gotta keep on the hush

      1. OH you prolly talkin about the contracts. Yeah, I fucked that up. I knew they were top on the team and the majority of the space, but yeah, Iono what made me say tops in the league. I knew better. lol

          1. Opting out of a losing situation after 7 years somewhere is a bit different to me but fair enough. I was wrong.

      2. Well LeBron making the third most in the NBA. You said that you would be upset if he opted out of his contract and left, although that is exactly what he Bosh and Wade did to become free agents in 2010.

        I ain’t hating you just ain’t up on the facts!

  8. Saule Wright, my nigga are you really trying to do the villain thing? It seems like you done became real forgetful lately.

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