Follow us @saulewright @nappyafro @GQ_Blu and @tanjareen. Use #frocast to discuss the show. Let’s make this a trending topic fronation.
um….hi….we’re back. It’s only been two weeks but it seems like forever. This week we STILL manage to get some football talk in (told you I’d do it) as well as a few current events per usual. Our main topic this week is racism and/in the Black community. We also need your input on a few things (please answer in the comments section):
Should Saule Wright GTFOH for the frocast? #SauleWrightMustGo
Shout out your teams! What does your NFL team need to do?
How is Obama doing?
How are WE doing in our own communities?
We’re equal parts ratchet and opinionated and sometimes we manage to make coherent points. At all times, we do what we do outta love and with good intentions. Check us out, Episode #64 is in the chamber.
Remember, you can call the nappyafro Phone Number – (347) 201-2572. and talk about us. Also, shameless plug, I’m still slangin’ that thread. Head over to and buy one of my workout shirts for you or your girl, We’re running a sale right now so if you’ve ween waiting, now’s the time to order! Use code NAPFRO and get free shipping in the US.
Wanna submit a drop or be a guest on the show or advertise on a frocast, go here and put FROCAST as the subject OR call us and leave your drop nappyafro Phone Number – (347) 201-2572.
This Weeks HOHN is presented to you by “Everyone should have a Simply Dope logo.”
Bones Jones – “G.R.I.N.D.” –
Steezy Womack – “Kush Ups” –
Say’Hu – “Ghetto Streets” – http://sayhumusic.bandcamp.
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