THE FRO HORSEMEN: Extreme Rules Predictions 2013


“I Quit” Match/#1 Contendership to the World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

SW – Dolph is a heel, ADR is a face, but Swagger “accidentally” fucked Dolph up with that kick. I think Swag did that on purpose to write the next storyline. Swagger vs. a semi face Dolph works better than a never over ADR vs. Dolph does. So Swagger wins, unfortunately.

GQ – Since Ziggler is still technically a heel ADR has to win to set up the feud once Ziggler is healthy. The train stops for Swagger here.

B – Del Rio? Swagger? It doesn’t really matter. The real losers are the fans because Ziggler in a triple threat ladder match would have been crazy.