The FRO Horsemen: Episode #36 – WWE Royal Rumble


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Let’s get ready to ramble!

Welp, after an eventful day on the innanets, the worlds greatest 3 man tag team decided to talk about jeggings, grown men in onesies, and the brilliance of Bray Wyatt and the epic promo he cut leading into Easy’s favorite PPV, WWE Royal Rumble. We go over the card as well a give our predictions, you know, our usual shtick. So step between the ropes, it’s an iron man match for 36…it’s Ramblin’ time!

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  1. Conquer, Eat, Sleep, Repeat.

    Shit, I’d take eat out of there. Conquer, Sleep, Repeat.

    I’m still buying that shirt though.

    Appreciate the shoutout.

    Here’s my WM30 Card (For those who care):

    1. Randy Orton Vs Batista for WWE WHC
    2. Undertaker Vs Brock Lesnar
    3. Daniel Bryan and the Usos Vs the Wyatt Family, 6 Man *Elimination* Tag match
    4. CM Punk Vs Triple H
    5. Goldust Vs Cody Rhodes
    6. Roman Reigns Vs Dean Ambrose Vs Seth Rollins Triple Threat match
    7. John Cena Vs Sheamus
    8. AJ versus Naomi for the Divas title

    Pre-show: Big E Vs Damien Sandow Vs Miz Vs Barrett for the IC Title Fatal Four Way

    I’d book Batista winning the Rumble, and Big Show taking up more of Brock’s time shortly after the Rumble, before Brock talks about how there’s nothing left for him to do, since shit, he’s beaten the King of Kings, he’s beaten the Best in the World, he’s beaten the World’s Largest Athlete. Why bother being a Champion when there’s no competition?

    And then Graveyard Symphony plays, and we have Taker/Brock. Which will be a great match, but horrible for Undertaker’s medical insurance.

    Batista can go on to take the belt from Randy at Mania. From what I understand, he’s staying for a while, at least until August when Guardians of the Galaxy Promo starts up. That’s around the time of Summerslam, so he can drop the belt round that part, and elevate a B lvl PPV.

    Daniel Bryan can team with the Usos in a six man elimination tag against Bray Wyatt and the Tag Team Champions, the Wyatts. They’ll have taken the Tag titles from Goldust and Cody at Elimination Chamber, after Goldust and Cody start having problems at the Rumble.

    Cody and Goldust will fight, but Goldust should be the Heel.

    Punk and Triple H is self explanatory.

    Shield breakup can also happen at the Rumble or be teased. I’m thinking something along the lines of the Legacy Triple Threat at WM 26, how Cody and Ted “teamed up” for a while against Randy, but with Dean and Seth in their places. You could have something where Dean is about to take the headstomp from Rollins, Reigns superman punches Rollins, Turns, spears Ambrose and pins either.

    Uh, I totally threw the Cena Sheamus thing in there so Cena would be able to do something even though he doesn’t need to be on the card at…all.

    And then the obligatory Divas match.

    1. The more I think about it I think Daniel Bryan will beat Taker at 30. Taker says he likes Bryan and really wants to do a program with him. Bryan is the only person it really makes sense to beat Taker (fans would riot if it was Cena, and Punk already tried) Takers not getting younger and if not at 30, why ever end the streak? It’s not like he’ll make it to Wrestlemania 50. Brock and Taker would be epic, but since they have legit beef idk if I trust Brock protecting the Deadman. Plus, Daniel Bryan’s style is technical/submission, so there can be a lot of holds and strikes that can not put Taker at too much harm. Plus it lets them keep the belt off Bryan and let Batista have it, which was his whole point in coming back in the 1st place. Vince get’s his big muscle guy with the belt and makes the fans happy by putting Bryan over and making him a bonafide star.

      1. What if Bryan beats Bray and comes out on Raw the next night and says he beat the darkness. All of a sudden the lights go out and a voice says “Daniel, you know nothing about Darkness. You may have beaten a demon, but can you slay the devil himself?” The bell hits, lights turn on and Undertaker’s in the ring and Tombstones Bryan???

      1. Returning Heel Sheamus who wants to destroy John Cena to get back his viciousness, since Sheamus won his first WWE Title from Cena at TLC 2009, and so it’s to prove to himself that he still has it, coming off of his injury. Might be a compelling storyline, maybe something that could extend to Extreme Rules.

        1. I am damn near a fan of Sheamus when he’s heel, but it look like they are trying to groom him to be Cena 2.0 or some shit. Maybe because he’s so unique and getting in on the good guy “ginger” thing works. Sadly, I expect that the pop that he’ll get when he returns will be amazing and Face Sheamus is here for the long haul.

    2. TONS of good stuff here, but this excites me the most. Roman Reigns Vs Dean Ambrose Vs Seth Rollins Triple Threat match

      I’m not even mad at the finish if it goes the way you set it up. I think these two guys can really make Reigns look amazing. Like I’ve said at nauseum, Reigns doesn’t move me as the mega star they (or he) thinks he is, but booking like this will protect him.

      Punk vs. Trips…needs to happen

      Goldust the heel? Over Cody? Why? Goldy gets a top 5-10 pop, no need to ruin that. Cody is a natural asshole, it just works for him. I think Easy said on one of the eps that he can flat out be pissed because Goldy took his spot. It’s really easy that way. The only reason I can see it flipped is because last time it was Cody as heel, Goldy as face. I think if Cody got eliminated by Golddust, the crowd would just cheer anyway.

      Taker vs. Brock….a MILLION times no. I still haven’t forgiven him and Goldberg for that horrible match they had.

      As far as Batista and the title, I’d appreciate it if we could keep the belt around the waist of folks that have been there you know…for like 12 solid months. Gave it to Rock, then Batista? That shit doesn’t sit well with me.

      1. Personally, Rollins and Ambrose are the stars to me. Rollins the most, but that’s because I prefer people who can work in the ring over anything else. It’s why Punk and Bryan are my top two current, and HBK is my top overall.

        As to Goldust and Cody, I think Cody needs the rub as a face more. He got a great pop as the jilted ex-friend of Damien Sandow, and then as the guy who was fighting for his job. Meanwhile, Goldust already has the built in history of being the unfavored child.

        They could even make it as though the Authority, tired of not having the tag belts in their possession, whisper words of the most vile nature into the ears of good brother Dustin, corrupting him against Cody. Why take the belts off of the Brotherhood in a traditional scenario, ie, the Shield or NAO taking it from them, when they can do so, and also cause the team to break up, lessening the chances of a team that is anti-authority or potentially anti-authority having them?

        Taker and Brock is a match that should happen, due to the big payday that will happen because of this, as it’s a match that can’t happen in a year or two. Taker’s going to be too beat up.

  2. I really don’t care who wins the rumble, as long as it’s not Batista. A Batista/Orton main event for Mania is not what anyone wants. Why not a Lesnar/Bryan main event? There is much potential in that match-up. Rumors are that Bryan might actually be facing Sheamus…..?

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