The FRO Horsemen: Episode #41


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Let’s get ready to Ramble….

Elimination Chamber 2014 was amazing was spectacular happened and the following RAW tied up loose ends was awesome came and went and like most of the WWE Universe (see Hogan, WE’RE the universe…the other thing is the Network…Universe….Network…) we’re not going into Mania with high expectations. Well, let’s get this over with. It’s going to be a very long 40+ days this go around. Ring the damn bell…

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  1. I think the Batista Heel turn is on Smackdown this friday.

    R-Truth and Kofi Kingston held the belts, didn’t they? Kofi’s identity crisis of whether he’s Jamaican or Ghanan aside.

    They said that Rusev isn’t going to debut until after Wrestlemania. It makes sense, because of the Fandango situation last year. I don’t think they want to push him too much because people might want to see him at WM.


Shield Wyatts changed my life. It’s my match of the year so far too. Followed by Bray and Daniel at the Rumble.

    Ten points for DMX Style reference, lmao.

    Daniel Bryan to Detox? I don’t know if that can work.

    Best spot in the EC Match, was Cesaro’s suplex of Bryan and Cena at the same time.

    I thought they said that Kane’s issues were all psychological/PTSD, not real.

    1. A Smackdown heel turn of Batista is like McDonalds serving Pizza…nobody gives a fuck. They should have done it at Raw and it should have been a solid, complete turn. Easily done by beating the shit outta ADR without mercy. Toss a ref aside, etc.

      Truth and Kofi, no sir. Check this list….if I’m seeing this right, we’ve had as many Russian and French Tag Team champs as we’ve had black…wow

      Rusev not wrestling until after Mania…like I said, they need to stop with this shit. He can debut without being the bulldozer they do with all these monsters. OR if you gotta make him unstoppable, let him have a streak of DQ’s to start his career. Just beat the shit outta folks, ref DQ’s him woman calms him down, they leave. Someone comes out to stop this brutality, there you go, first fued.

      Agreed with Shield vs. Wyatts…shit was sooo epic.

      LOL GQ was on point with that reference.

      I forgot about double suplex, that was dope!

      1. From Kofi’s Wikipedia page:
        WWE Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Evan Bourne (1) and R-Truth (1)[146]

        I’m not saying that there haven’t been more Black tag team champs, I was just pointing out that there has been at least one since all those years ago. Now, is there a disparity? Absolutely.

        I feel like that Rusev angle would be very similar to the Ryback, beating random jobbers and then handicap matches against jobbers. I’d throw him against someone like Kofi. After Kofi, throw him against Sheamus. That’s an outstanding midcarder and a midcard/highcarder who can give him serious rub, before he goes after a face US champion (Assuming Dean has dropped the belt), or IC Champion (Assuming Big E still has the belt).

        I think they didn’t want to pull the trigger on the Batista heel turn because it flies in the face of their internal logic. Guess they wanted to see if they could salvage a little bit, by giving a slight heel turn on Raw. But they saw they needed to go full blown, hence Smackdown.

        Also, it gives more reason to watch Smackdown. Remember, it’s a business and they need to maintain ratings. People know that Smackdown is like Main Event/Superstars Lite at this point, so it’s worth their while to have things change up.

        That’s why I think once every two years, randomly, they should have the midcard belts change at house shows. Tag belts too. Keeps the idea of anything can happen alive.

        1. Check this out, the link I posted above as well as the one on the WWE site ( DON’T list the match, that’s crazy!

          The difference between what I proposed with Rusev and Ryback is that I don’t care who he faces, I’d even be down for it to be legit roster guys. Thing is that he doesn’t beat them and win, he abuses and brutalizes them so the match ends in DQ or doesn’t even get started. Even with a Kofi of Sheamus, just blatant disregard for the rules, comes in and beats the guy like they are in the streets. So by the time he gets a no holds barred match or whatever, he’s a solid 0 and 15/20 ALL matches ending in DQ or no contest. I don’t even want there to be a “match” lasting 2minutes.

          While I don’t disagree with the belt changing, seeing a Batista heel turn on Smackdown doesn’t make me want to watch at all. A title defense main event on Smackdown would, but the turn with Batista as the focus doesn’t move me. Maybe it’ll move the fans, I may be alone in this…I often am.

          1. I think my response to that is, do both members of the tag team need to be black in order for it to “count”? Or are we marginalizing the contributions of people like Rock and Ron Simmons because when they were tag champs, it wasn’t with a fellow black wrestler? Or someone like Kofi when he was world tag champ with Punk, before he was Unified WWE tag champ with R-Truth?

            Well, it’s not advertised as a heel turn, so the average fan, not people like us, just think that it’s literally Batista “speaking his mind”, as it’s advertised.

            I think the problem with booking Rusev like that, is that which face would they pit him against when it comes time for the PPV match or the main event of…lol…prob Smackdown, that he loses? OR wins, to cement his badassery?

            Sheamus? That’d be a laugh, because Sheamus isn’t doing the job, so he’d win, killing the momentum. It’d have to be a face Mark Henry or a face Show. Maybe a face Reigns. No one else would have the heavyweight credibility, if this dude has spent 10+ matches just tossing dudes around the ring and getting DQ’d. Unless, it’s the simultaneous story of a plucky underdog, who’s technical and pulls out wins no matter the….

            Oh wait….sorry. Sami Zaynerico stole my computer for a moment. Shit.

          2. Well, let’s not toss around marginalize or anything like that. The reference of black tag team was used on the show specifically because of the veneration of Atlas and Rocky as the 1st Black Tag Team Champions so our commentary and the topic was specifically about a team of 2 black men holding the titles. The fact that the only other time it happened, it’s not referenced on the site NOR on another site seems to be the only marginalization that is going on.

            As far as Rusev goes, let’s take Sheamus as the perfect example. Someone who “loves to fight.” The fact that it’s a legit match and he wins/loses is the part that cements his badassery. Maybe he doesn’t even lose cleanly…loses to his own game so to speak. Maybe someone else can chime in here but I think the DQ roll idea leading up to a legit match and feud for him would be epic. Maybe even a situation where comes out, does his DQ thing, the face stands up and says not so fast, I want more, I DEMAND this be a no DQ match! And the match continues and they work it, Rusev gets a clean win or loses via a dirty trick. After that, Rusev attacks again and leaves face in the ring mangled. Feud continues. The story in my idea is that Rusev has blatant disregard for the rules and just brutalizes opponents at the direction of his manager. This isn’t about the guys he’s beating up as much as it is about the fact that he comes out and destroys folks. Ryback played from bell to bell. Goldberg played from bell to bell. Rusev doesn’t give a shit about the bell, just beats folks down and leaves. Maybe even getting some L’s by count out.

          3. That I will give you, absolutely. Personally, I’d have loved a PTP run with the titles. I think a Big E and Mark Henry run would be great too, as Henry starts to wind down his career.

            In regards to Rusev, the reason why I’m not that favorable to a series of DQ losses, is because it damages the other talent that faces him. When I see Drew McIntyre in the ring or Jinder Mahal, I don’t care who they’re facing, I’m assuming that they’re losing. Simply because they have lost so many times. 3MB has lost so many times.

            You have Rusev destroy people and keep destroying people, and those guys credibility gets destroyed in the process. Why do we never feel like Christian can really get a title run? Because the dude gets shit on every time. He’s the *ONE* guy that Randy *BEAT*.

            You mean to tell me, they couldn’t have switched it with Sheamus and gotten the same effect? As a matter of fact, the Sheamus match was a DQ. You could have given that to Christian, and thus, Christian looks like more of a threat, because the Shield came out to help Randy, *because* of Christian.

            That’s simple booking that doesn’t hurt Sheamus because his character can take it, and helps Christian, because his character needs the rub, so to speak.

            The more that Rusev hurts with his DQ, the fewer people can be considered as credible when it comes time to bring him down from his introductory push. If he’s destroyed say….Darren Young or Miz a certain number of times, who cares if they technically won by DQ? When it comes time to them having a standard match where he finally cares about the rules and what not, then no one is going to expect Miz or Darren to win.

          4. Agreed, both PTP and a Big E, Henry run would be dope.

            I think that’s where we disagree. I don’t think you losing to a beatdown DQ damages your credibility if the dude can’t play within the rules. I totally see Drew and Jinder being jobbers because they do the the rules. If I come out to have a sanctioned match and you make me lose by playing outside the rules…how do I look weaker? If I come out to have a match and I’m posing to the crowd and you beat me down before the bell and the match is tossed out, how do I look weak? You attacked me, I get the win, you get the L…it’s a win win. It’s pretty standard booking actually, just turned on it’s ear because he has a RUN of matches like that.

            We’re not connecting on this one for some reason. So he destroys to guys DQ style, still winless but someone gets tired of the brutality. Let’s say he kills, Darren, Zack, Christian, Sin Cara, each Uso, Kofi, and each member of 3MB. The idea that they couldn’t beat him anyway, given. The idea that EVEN knowing that he would win in a legit match but he instead loses because he can’t control himself works. They don’t lose anything and actually get a Win for once. Rusev is seen like a jackass who is disrespectful. I mean, lets be honest, we’ve seen Ryback quit in a match with the Miz.

            So let’s say that he does this and someone like Ryback or Khali come out and say enough is enough…well, maybe Khali says it through someone else lol. But the point is that someone finally says enough is enough. He beats them down per usual and on his way up the ramp after the ref calls for the bell, the opponent stands up with a mic and says not so fast, No Holds Barred at the PPV or at a regular ass show…maybe even NOW. From there, book it how you want but in the end, the story is more about Rusev and his brutality than it is the folks he’s beating. Makes sense to me.

          5. Sorry, didn’t get a chance to respond due to being busy at work. I think the problem with it is that it would have to keep happening.

            For example, he’d have to beat some guys repeatedly. There’s only so many times Zack Ryder can get destroyed by Rusev and take the DQ Win without starting to look weak. Like, after the second time Rusev has destroyed you, why would you pose in the ring? You’ve seen him mess up Sin Cara on Smackdown or Main Event or whatever last week. Why would you do anything but try to survive before he locks you in the camel clutch and refuses to let go when you grab the rope?

            More importantly, why wouldn’t you just tap out as soon as it happens?

  2. We know Vince is a media whore. So how does he play Batista as a heel with the superhero movie coming this summer where Batista is a hero? He pimped that Rock movie run like hell last year.

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