The FRO Horsemen: Episode #56 – BATTLEGROUND Predictions


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Let’s get ready to Ramble….

It’s time for us to talk WWE PPV, this time it’s WWE Battleground. It’s hard to have any enthusiasm left for this PPV after such a shitty RAW, but hey, we know our millions, AND MILLIONS of FROlievers wouldn’t feel right if we didn’t go over the card and give our picks. So press play, n shit, it’s on….RING THE DAMN BELL!

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  1. The why was it Roman Reigns is what I was referring to, when I called in. It doesn’t make sense, according to a storyline reason.

  2. Bray Wyatt did not lose a singles match until Wrestlemania XXX against Cena. His first match I think was Summerslam last year against Kane.

    1. He hasn’t won a singles match since June 10th, losing 5 singles matches straight (this is including house shows and taped events). So the Devils favorite son is only imposing when he has help? I don’t like the booking as it pertains to his character. He was steamrolling for a while, and thats’ precisely how they fuck up so many characters. When you have folks win a shitload of matches, then have them lose damn near as often in a row, you lose everything you built up. That’s why I liked ambrose losing to Orton. I thought it was a good spot and opponent to lose to. Levels him out.

      Here’s a look at how they’ve booked him

      1. Well first off, I didn’t know that website exists that place is perfect for a guy like me.

        Secondly, the two losses against Sheamus were by DQ. That’s not as damaging for the character. I haven’t seen the matches, but it was probably a Wyatt member helping him. Which leaves the Japan Match against Cena and the MSG Match against Cena.

        I wasn’t there for the Japan match, so I don’t know about that. But the MSG Match I was. He lost after Ric Flair got in the ring and busted him open. He took an AA and then got put into the STF.

        I don’t think that the booking has been that bad for him, but I do feel like he should have won at WM30 or at least won the best of 3 series that he had with Cena. I don’t think getting upset about the booking when it’s only been 1 month (Jun 10th was the date you used), makes sense. It’s only been one month

        1. I agree, that site could be awesome!

          Upset isn’t the word I’d use, but when you lose matches via submission, clean pin, last man standing, get a DQ loss vs. someone rocking a midcard belt, you look weak. You have to get help to beat a midcard title holder…how are you a force exactly? What are you doing in a title match? A couple TKO’s and DQ’s and it’s starting to look like you aren’t tough as we’re booking you. I mean, you came in and beat Kane (granted, you had help, but it was Kane) and then we saw you carry him off….. dude wasn’t the same anymore. Then you lost to D-Bry WITH help, you’ve lost to Cena WITH help, you’ve lost extreme matches, you need help and STILL lose to Sheamus….see where I’m going?

      1. Most of that went to the orchestral players, I don’t doubt it.

        Though, I could see a good couple grand put in there for the face paint budget.

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