The FRO Horsemen: Episode #59 – WWE Night Of Champions 2014 Predictions


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The Black Alex P. Keaton
  1. Dolph Ziggler over Miz
    Rusev over Henry (Heard they’re thinking of a Cena/Rusev feud. Cena is the ultimate patriot)
    Paige over AJ and Nikki. Hi Paige
    Rollins over Reigns
    Orton over Jericho (Orton needs the credibility back and Jericho is that utilitarian guy)
    Usos over Gold/Star Dust (Ascension comes out next night)
    Cesaro over Sheamus

    Obviously Brock over Cena

    1. Cena vs. Rusev give me kid goosebumps. It really may be the best match-up. I feel like Rusev should win but if Cena drops twice to brock, he’s winning his next feud.

      1. Nobody wins against Cena unless there is outside influence OR you’re Brock Lesnar OR you’re CM Punk (Gotta throw in at least one Punk reference. :D). He does not lose clean, it doesn’t happen. Look at every loss in the past year:
        Orton-TLC Match (The only potentially clean loss, but there is the whole TLC aspect. He collided with a table rather awkwardly.)
        Wyatt Loss at ER (The kid singing and what not)
        Brock- SS (Clean)

          1. I meant a year, but we can throw in another month, sure. 😀
            Yeah, Bryan and Brock. Both at Summerslam, interestingly enough.

  2. Brock Lesnar defeats John Cena or at least keeps the title (I don’t think this will be clean win for Brock; even a DQ may happen. Maybe this leads to another match at Hell in the Cell)

    Sheamus defeats Cesaro and keeps the US title (I like the idea of Sheamus keeping the US title only to lose it to Rusev later)

    Dolph Ziggler defeats The Miz and keeps the IC title

    Nikki Bella defeats Paige & AJ Lee for the Diva title (With help from Brie maybe?)

    Rusev defeats Mark Henry

    Gold and Stardust defeats The Usos for the Tag titles

    Randy Orton defeats Chris Jericho

    Seth Rollins defeats Roman Reigns

    1. This is one of the things that I really enjoy about him, he LOVES this shit. Also, Bray vs. Ambrose would be insane!

      1. I rewatched the EC Match between the Wyatts and the Shield. That was a great mini feud, and I would love to see Ambrose v Wyatt one of these days. I don’t know who I would want to win though lol

  3. Dolph ziggler beat the miz (everything Goes black and you hear “Nashville I’m here.”)
    Henry does the impossible And beat rusev (no cena cuz he kills careers)
    Aj lee defeats Paige and whichever one of the fucking bellas (to sit up Stephen vs aj lee)
    Regins went to the hospital so that is out the window (Monday dean is back)
    Orton vs wrestlmaina 29 Jericho (so next)
    Usos drop the titles to gold/stardust and the ascension come on national tv and not the network
    Cesasro wins
    Brock should win but it is wwe

  4. I just can’t see them taking the belt off of Cena and putting it on Brock Lesnar, the guy who beat the streak, just to take it off of him and put it back on Cena a month later. Honestly, with how stretched my time is because of law school, it might be one of the things that makes me check out of wrestling for a while.

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