WWE Night of Champions Recap & Review: Seth Loses… And Wins

Rollins vs Sting

Seth Rollins vs Sting
WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match

This match was a lot better than what was expected of these two. With Sting not wrestling since Wrestlemania, what he could do in the ring was unknown and it was hard to tell if he would be able to put on a good match with Seth Rollins. The match itself was good and there were a lot of great moments in this match. Sting going through the announce table was unexpected and a great moment in the match. Seth Rollins picking up the victory was a great ending with Rollins countering the Scorpion Deathlock into a roll up.

Overall: This was actually a good match. It wasn’t the best match of the night but it definitely wasn’t the worst and I wouldn’t mind seeing a rematch in the future.

Moment of the Match: Sting’s Fall Through Announce Table

Sting Fall

Match Rating: Two & 3/4 Stars


Overall: Night of Champions was an average show. Had some good matches but none of them will be remembered years from now.

Match of the night: Seth Rollins vs John Cena