50 Cent – The Kanan Tape [Mixtape]

Kanan Tape-1

50 Cent finally drops his Power inspired project titled The Kanan Tape. And while Curtis’ spot in the game isn’t nowhere as big as it use to be, I don’t mind hearing new music from him every once in a while.

For one, the music video I posted up by 50 Cent, “9 Shots”, was actually pretty good.

It’s only 7 tracks long. In this world of constant new music, I appreciate that. Unlike Lil’ Wayne who had the audacity to put 24 tracks on No Ceilings 2.

I know The Kanan Tape is named after 50’s character from the show Power. I have yet to actually watch the show but I do have the first season downloaded and sitting on portable hard drive.

Tracklist, stream, and download below.

Kanan Tape-2

[button color=”red” size=”normal” alignment=”center” rel=”follow” openin=”newwindow” url=”http://www.datpiff.com/pop-mixtape-download.php?id=mf7c706d”]DOWNLOAD[/button]