Justin Bieber feat. Kanye West & Raekwon – “Runaway Love (remix)”

Kanye said that he was gonna remix Justin Bieber’s “Runaway Love” and I didn’t believe him. Then he said he was gonna throw Raekwon on the remix and then I cringed a little. I was so ready to hate this song before it came out. Now that I’ve finally heard the song, I have conflicted feelings.

As soon as the “Wu-Tang Clan Ain’t Nothin’ To Fuck With” beat comes on you gotta nod your head. As soon as you hear The Chef spittin’, then Ye spittin, then The Chef again, you gotta admit that those verse were pretty good. It may even remind the older heads of all the Puffy R&B remixes of the late 90’s. But then you remember that it’s a Justin Bieber song and you get confused. Like me.

Download: Justin Bieber feat Kanye West & Raekwon – “Runaway Love (remix)”

Sources: Xclusives Zone via Hip Hop Connection

  1. I’m feelin everything except the singing!!…Justin Bieber over the Wu-Tang Clan Ain’t Nothin’ Ta Fuck With beat hahaha…

  2. Back in 1993 Wu Tang would have robbed Justin Bieber at the studio while Ol’ Dirty Bastard would have slept with his mother and had her pregnant in two weeks. The Macho Man does not approve this collaboration.

    Oooooo yea!

  3. *sigh* yeah, you made some points…
    I mean the beat is hard, Ye and Rae did they thing an all….
    its just the Justin Bieber crap….it reminds me of when MOP did that “Life is Good” jint with LFO

    if this was Beiber and say, Diddy and Flo-rida or some shit, or an un-co-signed mashup, I’d have an easier time just listening to it and taking it for what it is.

    but when two dudes that I respect so much, make such a really bad artistic decision, it messes with my head. Timbo and TI workin’ with Justin Timberlake….Paul McCartney saying The Jonas Brothers are the new Beatles…..now Kanye and a rep from the Wu getting “Bieber Fever”?

    whats next, Lil Jon and Wiz Khalifa working with 3OH3!? Wale doin’ songs with Lady Gaga? B.o.B doin songs with Paramore? Cee-Lo and Lupe doin’ songs for Twilight Soundtracks? Gangsta Gibbs workin with Mike Posner? Snoop working with Katy Perry? Em doin’ songs with Pink?!?!?

    oh right, all that already happened too…
    my theory is we’ve become alot more forgiving because we hardly ever pay for music anymore.
    and artists are therefore more willing to try odd shit cause it never backfires on em.

    I know, I know “calm down dude, its just music, dont knock their hustle”

    maybe I’m just getting old or something. or maybe I do take music too seriously….I dunno…

    “Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!” – Dr. P. Venkman

  4. Im pretty sure the rest of the Wu doesnt approve of this. They already had friction with Rae because he wanted to shoot a Wu Tang reality show and nobody else from the group wanted to. I wonder if he is going in a different direction than the rest of the Wu.

  5. Honestly this song isn’t that bad, it’s actually pretty decent. In the end it’s not as bad a people are making it out to be. Folks (read: “Hip-Hop Heads”) are quick to pan this song just from seeing the name Justin Bieber. When you look at the lineup this song could have been a lot worse with them using some Justin Bieber/Pop production behind it but they keep it listenable utilizing the “Wu-Tang Clan Ain’t Nuthing Ta Fuck Wit” beat with light piano. Both Rae and Ye drop real solid verses and Justin’s contribution isn’t even that much with it just being a verse and the hook. Shit Rae and Ye could have went the “Pop” route with their verses to satisfy Justin’s fan base but they keep it legit and really how can you complain about that. No disrespect to any but I think most Rap fans are fickle and aren’t open enough musically to other types of music especially with mixing it with the Hip-Hop/Rap genre. The fact that most of Justin’s listeners would accept this more than Rae and Ye fans is sad.

    1. I personally listen to many different types of music, but this song is a train wreck. Each individual piece to the puzzle is fine, Rae and Ye spit some nice verses, and I actually think JB can sing, but when you put them together they just don’t mesh well. I mean it’s two grown ass men rapping with a little boy in the middle singing in a prepubescent high pitched tone, this was a bad, bad collaboration.

    1. yo slime this is the movement. It’s all about hard core rappers with pop singers, we off that straight gutta.

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