Friday Night ‘Fro: The Horde

Last year me and Verbose wrote an article that tallied up all the movies we watched for 2010 as well as each of us listing our top 5 films of that year. While I was familiar with almost all the movies Verbose listed as his favorite for 2010, there was one that I didn’t know anything about: The French horror film entitled La Horde (The Horde in English). This is what he wrote:

Two rival gangs meet in a rundown apartment complex to do battle. At that very same moment, the whole World over, the dead all rise up and swarm the living. Trapped, the 2 gangs decide to work together to survive. This movie is a total bloodbath, with some pretty funny dialog. Just a straight up fun, fast-paced zombie flick.

Gangstas, guns, AND Zombies. Wait, did i write this movie? Actually, I did write a similar movie script in the 8th grade. But I’m sure if they would have used my script it probably would had more naked women in it.

But seriously, I had a lotta fun watching this movie and while it would have been in my top 5, I understand why Verbose listed it in his. Besides some crazy zombie action, there’s some great imagery in this movie I wasn’t expecting. The version I have here is dubbed in English (That sometimes has the effect of a old school dubbed kung fu flick) but if you don’t mind subtitles, you may wanna grab the subtitled version that Verb watched.

Sidenote: I just noticed that this movie came out in 2009. Man….

Update: Verbose reveals The Horde Easter Egg

  1. Cool shit. I’ll have to check this one out for sure.

    I tell ya the truth I need to really politic with Verbose about movies. There is still movies out there I haven’t watch yet.

    1. just make sure I’m 3rd on your list behind B-Easy and H20. those 2 make my knowledge of movies seem foolish.
      my only strength is I know a little bit about all genres. some people have PHDs in one subject, like Comedy or Horror. I’ve got like a 6th grade education is all movie genres. come to think of it, I’m like that with everything, lol

      “Jack of all trades, master of none” – Geffray Mynshul

  2. yeah, this one came out in ’09, but the dvd was ’10 and it was foreign, so I added it anyway.

    I remember you had said you were checkin it out B, I’m glad you liked it.
    it probably wouldnt have made my Top normally, but 2 things put it over the edge:

    1. that scene in the carpark with the cop on the car. you one you added a pic of for the caption. I thought that was such an iconic zombie scene that I had to give it some props. most new zombie movies arent really worth anything because they arent artful and add nothing to the genre. When a horror movie succeeds in being gory, funny, scary and beautiful, we gotta take notice. The french seem to pull it off alot (Inside, Martyrs, High Tention, etc.)

    2. second reason is an “easter egg”. this is hard to explain, so I’ll put clips in the Forum. everybody go check it (but not until you’ve watch the full movie Easy posted above)

  3. You need to put “Fresh” up here one of these days B-Easy. I ain’t seen that shit in some years.

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