A Zip & A Double-Click: June 2014 + The Top Mixtapes of 2014 (So Far)

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Also Worth Downloading1

Your Old Droog – Your Old Droog EP
This tape has a whole confusing backstory to it. Apparently, someone found out that the word “Droog” means friend in Russian. So this rapper’s name is essentially, “Your Old Friend”. Then, on “Nutty Bars”, this guy raps about his PBS special being on TV (which is confusing for an unknown rapper). Then, someone changed the pitch on his songs, and realized that dude sounds a whole lot like Nas. People have since said that this is not true, but I’d love it if Nas was secretly releasing new material in mixtape-form. Oh yeah, the tape is dope too. (DOWNLOAD)

D/WILL – Ready. Aim. Beautiful.
D/WILL came through this month with a solid instrumental project. This is a pleasant, chill tape that’s perfect for the summer. There’s nothing on there that will blow your mind, but it’s clear that D/WILL has nice production chops. (DOWNLOAD)

Little Simz – E.D.G.E.
Hailing from North London, Little Simz’ latest tape E.D.G.E. is refreshing different-sounding project. Many of the beats are faster and sparser than American listeners will be used to, drawing inspiration from some of the grime and garage elements of British rap. (DOWNLOAD)

Scotty ATL – OTR2SJ
Like the MCTreeG EP, this project is sponsored by Scion, and for some reason, that means that any cursing is bleeped out. This makes absolutely no sense. Presumably, by sponsoring mixtapes, you’re trying to get rap fans to buy your cars. And what rap fan is offended by swearing in rap music? Anyhow, this is a very solid southern rap project that reminds me of fellow southerner and underground king Big K.R.I.T. (DOWNLOAD)

Zumo Kollie – You’re A Good Sport, Zumo Kollie
I almost passed on this tape. At the start of the tape, there are a few kind-of clichéd lines, and the production wasn’t blowing me away either. But I’m glad I stuck with this project because while it’s inconsistent, it’s clear that Zumo has a ton of potential and the highlights of the project are really worth checking out. (DOWNLOAD)

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