The FRO Horsemen: Episode #57


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Let’s get ready to Ramble….

We’re baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack…..again. We’ve been gone for about a month…in that time we’ve seen titles change hands a few times, Cena almost get killed, and slaps galore. Things that were once promising now look like shit….and well, yeah, that’s about the size of it. Ring the damn bell, let’s get this one in….we missed ya.

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  1. Alright, I don’t have stats on if Beth Phoenix ever closed out a Raw. I feel like she might have, when the company was big on her and Kelly Kelly feuding. But I could be wrong.

    As to ADR’s new name, El Patron, it’s spanish for the Patron. Seems simple enough, I think they’re keeping the rich guy gimmick, but having him as a face. Because…after that promo….you’re a face.

    My next response is going to be long, so I’m separating it.

  2. So…who can they have Brock Lesnar feud with?

    The quick choice is Cena, which is what they’re going for. That gets them through Night of Champions.

    Here’s the PPV Break down after that:

    Hell in a Cell
    Survivor Series
    Royal Rumble
    Elimination Chamber

    I’m going to go with a “Brock Doesn’t Have to be at every PPV because…we’re gonna make the US title and the IC title mean something” plan. Shit, if done properly, you could make a Tag Team Title the main event of a PPV. Triple threat elimination match at at Hell in a Cell or TLC.

    So, you kind of should have Brock at Survivor Series. Who should he face at Survivor

    My answer is Randy Orton. It’s not a technical match, it’s more of a slugfest kind of match, but it’s important storyline wise. It turns Randy Orton face, which is better than what he has been as a heel since…last December when he unified the titles.

    Randy, gets upset that the Authority still won’t give him his one on one shot (We’ll say that at NOC, he beats Roman Reigns maybe with a screwy finish. Possibly something involving Seth, because hey, Seth and Reigns have shit they need to talk about anyway). He’s furious that he can’t face Brock at Hell in a Cell, and that Survivor Series is the earliest that he could face Brock.

    Maybe the authority has Randy go through some gauntlet style stuff, to prove that he should get a shot at Brock.

    After Survivor Series, where Randy obviously loses, we don’t need to have Brock back, until RR. My booking would not have Brock face anyone at the Royal Rumble. All he’s there to do, is to have Heyman cut a promo on how no matter who it is who wins, there’s no shot that they can beat Brock Lesnar.

    RR or D-Bry wins the Royal Rumble. My dream would be CM Punk, I don’t care what
    Saule Wright says, but I know it won’t happen.

    IF RR Wins:

    You have the storyline fairly set. Keep it simple. Unstoppable Force versus the
    Immovable Object. When Reigns wins, it cements him as the future of the company.
    The Brown Cena, in GQ_Blu’s words. This is the man who beat Kane’s record at the RR in 2013, was a great survivor at SS 2013, and would have now beaten the man who was the 1 in 21-1. I don’t think even Cena got a better cosign than that when he was coming up.

    On that note, I will say that it IS starting to feel force-fed, the Roman Reigns campaign.

    IF D-BRY Wins:

    Well, first off the internet will lose their mind. He’ll have completed the Money in the Bank and RR wins, and he’ll be in line to beat Brock. Bryan works best as underdog. For him, the storyline is similar to this past WM, but I feel like it will have lost some of it’s potency. I mean…the man beat the entirety of Evolution in one night. Ric Flair doesn’t count. That’s some Chris Jericho beating SCSA and Rock in the same night kind of thing, and Jericho cheated in the first match. But it’ll depend on the writing.

    Alright, that’s part 1.

  3. Part 2:

    If WWE decides to water down Brock Lesnar and the WWE Title by having him run through folk every month:

    NOC: John Cena
    HiTC: Cesaro (Split with Heyman gone sour)
    SS: Randy Orton (See part 1)
    TLC: Ryback (Build him back up, slowly, separating him
    from Curtis and giving him something like the face run of 2012)
    RR: Sheamus (Interchangeable with Ryback, if the Ryback
    push needs more time.)
    EC: Sheamus/Cesaro/Big Show/Big E/Ryback

    This set up is if you’re going for the RR winning the Rumble option. If you go with D-Bry, you’d have to switch up a few folk for some more athletic guys….like…Kofi getting F5’ed in a Triple Threat TLC match, with him and Big E, due to Xavier Woods (Since it looks like the stable might continue). If not him, then you have other athletic guys.

    Soooooo….when can I guest star on a FROhorsemen?

    1. “TLC: Ryback (Build him back up, slowly, separating him
      from Curtis and giving him something like the face run of 2012)”

      This shit will only work if all the RAW shows leading up to that event are in Las Vegas (I still love The Big Guy though).

      1. Have Axel turns on him and he beats axel. Then he does what swagger and Mark Henry couldn’t and beats rusev. Have him beat a heel US Champion once he becomes contender and you’re set

          1. But the Goldberg chants would be amazing during the Brock match. Brock might get confused and think he’s back in that WM match.

    2. RR or D-Bry wins the Royal Rumble. My dream would be CM Punk, I don’t care what Saule Wright says, but I know it won’t happen.

      1. I live in Chicago now. If you didn’t see CM Punk in every comment at least once before, you’re definitely going to now.

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