Short-T’s Favorite Podcasts (This Week)


Lately, it seems like another week, another podcast starts. (Two weeks ago, I learned that Shaq has a podcast) Audio recordings of long conversations are the new wave. Hard copies of interviews/articles found in magazines are becoming extinct, I think there might be a chance of even blogs/sites going the same way. Thanks to multitasking millennials, sitting down to read has become mundane and counter productive. Speaking of mundane, it’s entertaining to hear someone being interviewed for more than five to ten minutes on a talk show. With a podcast interview, you are more likely to get a sense of someone’s personality and mindset on various topic besides the usual “Hey, I got this thing coming out soon so I’m here to promote” agenda. Some of my favorite podcasts are based on music and film, of course, but some of my favorite podcasts are just people having outrageous conversations on various topics and current headlines. This is not ALL of my favorite podcasts, just a sample of my Soundcloud stream that had episodes in the last week I either enjoyed or haven’t listened to yet because they don’t have a download button so I can’t listen to them while working in a non-Wifi zone.

Short-T Note: All of the podcasts listed (No Ranking Here) can be found on iTunes, Soundcloud, and Stitcher. Listen, Comment, Rate, and Enjoy if you like them, but only after you do all that with nappyafro’s own podcasts. Happy Thanksgiving!