The FRO Horsemen: Episode #104

FRO Horsemen 104

The reports of the demise of The FRO Horsemen Wrestling Podcast have been extremely exaggerated. We’re back.

Okay. Not exactly. We’re still working that out. But while we are, enjoy this episode. GQ-Blu & B-Easy evoke “The Freebird Rule” and defend the titles this week (Shout out to Saule Wright!). Such topics covered on this episode include:

  • All the recent NXT call-ups to the main roster
  • Bray & The Wyatt Family have turned face? Is that a good thing?
  • Have WWE Creative finally fixed the Roman Reign problem?
  • And of course, much much more…

Be sure to go and subscribe to the show on iTunes and rate us.

Go to the nappyafro Store and buy some shit. There are TWO FRO Horsemen themed shirts!

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Da Pocketsquare Kang
  1. – I’m soo confused how Vince said no to Matt Morgan twice, but yes to Braun Strowman at all.

    – My boy and I were discussing how Bailey is like JOAN Cena. But I think that’s the problem because Sasha could be the same thing. Folks love her and it would be awesome for her to take that kind of role, but Bailey, at least as she is, could NEVER work as a heel. So with both of them potentially being your biggest Superstars in the Women’s Division…how do you sort that out short of sliding one to Smackdown mostly and one on Raw?

    – Bray Wyatts natural feud should have been with Trips off the top. I liked the Kane situation, but the amounted to a big hill of nothing. Taker should have ended better, but also netted a fat ZERO. The teasing of Bray vs. Trips also led to nothing and they missed that opportunity majorly.

    – “I’m not a good guy, etc.” I think is gold. He needs to trumpet that shit all the way to the end of his career. It’s perfect for him. Awesome real world merch potential too. I would wear that shit.

    – Horsemen owned NWA as heels. It’s definitely possible. Our society is cynical and evil, a heel being the face of the brand is no different than Jordan or Karl Malone being honored when they are known as terrible people.

    – Cesaro is too good to be wearing a fucking tear away suit. Also, that shit has NO value going forward. It’s not his gimmick, it’s just A gimmick…and it’s terrible. He’s too good for that entrance to be so half-assed.

    Good show fellas!

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