As I guide my way from site to site, I read all the articles and questions pop up in my head. This week some crazy things have been going on, and I had to bring some things to light. So this week we have Diddy, Amy Winehouse, Lil’ Wayne, Jim Jones, and The Game stopping through. Enough of the small talk, you came here for the QUESTIONS!
Question #1: What is Lil’ Wayne thinking?
Or should I say, is Weezy thinking? Okay, so you have 3.5 ounces of weed, over an ounce of coke, and 41 ecstasy pills, 22 grand, and a couple of pistols. Now granted, he had a license for the gun, but what are you trying to do kill yourself? Maybe Wayne is taking the “rock star” thing a little too far. Weezy is talented, but I don’t want him to have a “rock star” demise either. Come on Weezy, we want to hear the Carter III, but if you keep it up with all the charges, one of these are going to eventually stick, and you are going to get sent up the road!
Question #2: Why did The Game get ANOTHER tattoo on his face?
What these rappers are running out of real estate on their bodies? I sure hope he is putting some away for a rainy day, because what kind of job could some of these guys get with tattoos all over their faces? First it was Iron Mike, now we have The Game. When will these guys learn? Well at least this time it isn’t anything feminine, like his butterfly!
Question #3: Who cares that Diddy changed his name…AGAIN?
So this is the way you make news, Sean John? That’s the new alias in case you didn’t know. Here is a direct quote: “Right now I want to be Sean John because that’s where I am.” So what is this, the sixth name the guy has had. So Puff Daddy, Puffy, Puff, P. Diddy, Diddy, or Sean John, can we just call you what your Mom named you?
Question #4: Why do we have this love affair with Amy Winehouse?
This is the first time I have mentioned her, but B-Easy loves her and her music! But is her music that good to hear about her every move? So she wants to smoke crack, who cares? I get it, people love tragedies. We are watching a train wreck that no one is stopping. How many crackheads get as much airtime as her? Maybe on Crackheads Gone Wild, but that’s about it. So this is my one time mentioning her, and hopefully she can get some help, because all of you buying her music are supporting her habits!
Question #5: Where is Jim Jones new album?
2006 was big for Jim Jones, he had a quiet 2007, a remix here, a remix there. But he has to put out some more music for 2008! What how long did he think “We Fly High” was going to keep him on the charts? Now we will find out if he can hold the ball all alone. Hip-Hop is a strange game, one minute you’re hot, the next you’re not. Let’s hope that Jimmy is in the studio prepping some real music and not just some more mixtape music!
Well that’s all for now, see you again real soon! Don’t forget; if you have any questions or want to tell us how much you love us, hit us at!