5 Questions: Trick vs. Ross, Anderson Silva, T.I.’s New Song, Hip-Hop’s Return, & DMX

akx925jz.jpg Since it’s been a slow week with the Hip-Hop news, I decided to do one of your favorite columns….5 Questions! This week we’re questioning DMX, Trick Daddy, T.I, Hip-Hop, and Anderson Silva. Let’s see what we can get out of these guys.

Question #1
What’s up with the Trick Daddy/Rick Ross feud?

I wonder where all this began? Miami is getting major “shine” in the game right now, but their two biggest stars are throwing shots at each other left and right. Why? The whole movement was built on unity, and now all of that is in jeopardy because of this. Didn’t you guys see what happened to the Houston movement? Wasn’t Trick featured on Rick Ross’ last album? Damn, it was all good a few months ago.

Question #2 Is Anderson Silva the baddest man walking the planet?

So now that I have started watching MMA (partly because of Kimbo) I noticed that Anderson Silva is a BAD joker! The way he destroyed James Irvin Saturday was impressive. I used to watch boxing, but with the corruption of the sport and the weak heavyweight division, my attention has shifted to MMA. How long before this sport is turned into a circus like boxing? As long as Don King stays away, the sport will be okay.

Question #3 What’s up with T.I.’s new song?I know he is softening this album up, but DAMN! “Whatever You Like” is one of his new singles off of his new album Paper Trail in stores on September 9th.  Now I know with his recent troubles he wants to repair his image, but don’t forget what made you. If most of the album sounds like this, I think I might have to pass on this album.  Tip’s still my boy by the way, but doesn’t he sounds like Shawty LO on this one?

Question #4 Doesn’t it feel like Hip-Hop is on the way back?

With all the recent good music we’ve been getting lately, it feels like the game is on the mend and getting back to health. You got Weezy moving good numbers, and you got some solid material coming from Nas. Hopefully the lull that has been hurting Hip-Hop is finally letting up.

Question #5 What is wrong with DMX?
When you were at the top of the world and now you can’t even get a phone call returned, things are really bad. When you get arrested 6 times in 3 months, you have a problem! DMX used to be one of the most gifted artists in the game (and one of the best selling) and now he’s shooting more mugshots than videos. DMX…get your shit together, not just for the music, but for YOU! He is turning into the black Amy Winehouse!

Well that’s that for this installment. Hope you enjoyed it. Maybe we’ll see you next time, maybe we won’t. But keep checking and remember, you can always hit us @ nappyafro@gmail.com!

The People's Champ/Founder
  1. Trick Daddy Beef With Plies And Ricky!

    You Can Have Whatever You Like! That Play The Shit Outta That Song On The Radio Already! It’s Alright I Guess, But I Rather Listen To The Instrumental…

    I Never Felt Hip-Hop Faltered, People We Jus Being Overcritical.

  2. T.I.’s song is on some Lollipop shit, and that really sucks, but its not like he can really do anything else: if he did a “You Don’t Know Me” like track right now, the Feds would be all over him!

    Still, he shoulda chose “A Better Day”, “Swing Ya Rag”, or “What Up”. Those were all better than that Whatever you Like song. What Up would be the most popular I think; who cares if it got leaked??

  3. They Play The Hell Outta All Those Songs, Except For “A Better Day”…. So He Could Have Chosen Anyone Of Them. But He Is In Good Hands With The Song. Lollipop Sucked Too and Look Where It Got Weezy.

    And, T.I. Put Out “You Ain’t Ready” After The Gun Thing And He Was Pretty Much Saying He Was Gonna “Bury Shawty On the Lo” lol… So I Don’t Think He’s Too Worried About What He Says…

  4. Haha…that was kind of funny.You need to step your game up.You have had way better ones than this!

    Where da hell is SBK?

  5. LMAO Ross got exposed!! He’s the biggest fraud I seen thus far!! and I guess you can’t blame him cuz it’s just another day in a life of a god damn cop!! lmao…

    Hip-Hop being on the way back is pretty true, there are enough good albums this year!!

  6. This was a good “5 Questions” article KJ. I always enjoy reading the articles outside of the reviews here @ the ‘fro.

    Damn, why is Trick Daddy beefing with these South cats (Plies, Rick Ross…) Who is gonna be next? Is he just mad because he was one of the kings of the South when it was coming up and now some new artists are making major moves.

    Yeah MMA is that shit, I’m watching more often now too. It’s killing Boxing as far as I’m concerned. I think I’m a go check out the UFC event when it comes to the Chi in October.

    Yeah that “Whatever You Like” does sound like Wayne’s “Lollipop”. It’s gonna do well with radio and with fans, but it won’t be a bigger record than “Lollipop”. I don’t really like the track though and don’t think he should have picked it as the next single. It really doesn’t fit the T.I. that I’m used to listening to. I really ain’t been bumping T.I. since he dropped ‘King’ as ‘T.I. vs. T.I.P.’ was weak in comparison.

    Yes sir, Hip-Hop is back on the rise slowly but surely. We just need it to get back to real Hip-Hop, not no Hip-Pop shit. Artists need to step up their game and get bold like Nas and drop an album that really represents Hip-Hop on the level it needs to be.

    Lol, DMX is on a new level of low. Yeah that’s true, it is a shame in regards to how his career has completely gone from the top to the bottom. I don’t know about him anymore, but I will always bump his old music from ‘It’s Dark And Hell Is Hot’ and ‘Flesh Of My Flesh, Blood Of My Blood’. I can’t deny that DMX when it was classic shit.

    Yo Buddha, SBK is right here. I was away from the ‘fro for a while taking care of summer school and some other business. Now that it’s finished I’m back @ the ‘fro and ready to get back to business.

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