Three Reasons Not to Beef With Soulja Boy

Let me put it out there real quick…I AM NOT A SOULJA BOY STAN, I really enjoy his comedy and respect his hustle. Now that’s out of the way, let me let you know Three Reasons Not to Beef with the youngin. Soulja Boy has been in the center of all this Hip-Hop is dead stuff, with him being the Grim Reaper of Hip-Hop. I don’t think the dude is the problem. I think that people like YOU have the problem. Soulja Boy is just giving you HIS interpretation of Hip-Hop. Why is that a problem? Haven’t we been listening to rap tunes like his for ages? I didn’t come to defend him, I came to tell you why it wouldn’t be smart to beef with him.

Reason #1: The Guy Has Comedy
I know you may hate his songs, dances, and even his shoes, but can you honestly say that he doesn’t make you laugh when he puts up his YouTube videos. It’s hard to beat someone that is young, arrogant, and ignorant. When I say ignorant, not dumb ignorant, but funny ignorant. Did I leave out the fact that he’s rich too.

Reason #2 The Guy Has Millions of Fans
Think about it, he has the most played video EVER with over 300 million views. He lives on YouTube and MySpace, so his customers are constantly updated with his news. So even if 10% of the people that watched his video are fans, that gives him 30 million fans. When you have those kind of numbers, it’s hard for you to be wrong. Plus it doesn’t help that some of Hip-Hop’s elite has gone to bat for him when he’s been under attack.

Reason #3 The Guy is a Career Killer
Can you name a rapper in 2008 that is undefeated in rap battles? I can: Souljaboytellem! First it was Ice-T, we saw what happened to that. Then the GZA dissed him, what did he do? He went and asked his boss who the GZA was. Now Charles Hamilton has stepped in the arena. Let’s just look at it this way. Chuck, you were named by XXL as one of the stars of 2009, keep messing with SB and you will be an afterthought.

The People's Champ/Founder
  1. I feel ya King Jerm, Definitely don’t like his music, but dude is honestly the new fresh prince. At least he don’t be lying about dealing drugs and cappin motherfuckas like most rappers be doin.

    1. uh i juss saw dis and now dat soulja boy cd is out its not looking real good for him but i like his music honestly im going to get the cd next week i think hes different and bring hype in the game and i have younger cuzins and siblings and they love him and i dnt think hes really goin kno where he came a long way and i thnk if he was gone be a one hit wonder he wouldnt be having this second cd and he is the type who would be here forever or almost as long as he got a computer and beats he aint goin nowhere NOBODY SELLIN NO CDS rite now…..he have so many haters but i think he doin him and being original doin stuff for the kids and he really can rap…. WHO EVER WILL 4 GET HIM….he juss need 2 stay on his grind

  2. Soulja Boy has to be the most hated “rapper” of ALL TIME!!
    But i dont think he deserves most of it.
    He just getting money. When was that such a bad thing?

    But i do agree he FUNNY AS HELL!!
    He has me rollin on most his videos..

    Music wise…. He just doin him.

    BTW, when you guys reviewing his new album, if u are at all.
    I wanna Know if ya think its better than his first one

  3. Now this is some good shit, right on everything i mean dont hate on the nigga for puttin out music that you dont like, if ya dont like dont listen to it, This nigga be puttin up the most ridiculous numbers. His music is garbage!! But hes a youngin on his grind makin some serious dough!! respect that

  4. a career killer…are you serious?? gza and ice-t’s careers were already dead don’t credit this clown with killing them

  5. What Rap Battles Are You Talking About. Just Because Someone Says Something About The Boy Doesn’t Make It A Battle. GZA Vs. Soulja Boy In A Rap Battle? Are You Serious? I Feel His Hustle But You Are D*** Ryding; Just A Little Bit 😉

  6. Hmmmm… I’m not a hater but I definitely don’t like Souljaboy, his music isn’t my cup of tea at all.

    He didn’t kill GZA and Ice-T career at all because nobody wasn’t checking for them two anyways, don’t get me wrong I liked Gza along time ago and I liked some of Ice T music too as a kid.

    Souljaboy is making his money but how long it will it last, I hope he is saving his money in a vault and not spending it on necklaces and other stupid things that other rappers buy. You got a point he don’t rap about shit he don’t do, thats a really good point, and I commend him on that.

    I see kids not liking Souljaboy like they use to, he is a fad like a lot of entertainers before him. How many times can you make dances up, and be successful like the last one?

    I’m not a hater once again but his music isn’t for me, and I’m just telling why I don’t feel him too much. The beats he make aren’t too hot to me either.

  7. Im feelin Jerm on this one…. the nigga Soulja Boy will kill a rapper’s career. Well, he might not kill it, but he’ll make any nigga look stupid. He stoops down to some hilarious lows when he’s dissin somebody… and the only real retaliation is to not say anything back cause if you’re not down to gettin dirty on WorldStar, you’re gonna lose. Sorry Sonic!

  8. good call – i happen to enjoy his swag too…especially when he has gucci on the track..GUCCCCCCCCCI

    but i dont know if ill pick up his cd next wk…even though his mixtapes gave me a buzz for a lil..

  9. Really…so we shouldn’t beef with souljaboy…cuz the nigga is the next 50 cent… he’s rich, ends careers, and has millions of fans…

  10. P.S. I will say his shit is funny, that cartoon video with Ice-T had me dying. “yo dis ice t…” LMAO

    BUT if i ever saw this kid on the street i’d knock the shit out of him if he tries to do 1 of those stupid dances

  11. I’d say about 1.5 no more than 2. See and i ahve the right to say that because i went and and bought his first cd, just to give him a shot…and that shit was TERRIBLE.

  12. hah its true he really aint to bad a rapper his music is supposed to be fun. dance and shit. @ pitbull he is the next fiddy. he can definitly make a mark on someones career and he’s funnier then all hell. on youtube he has countless songs dissen himjust by average haters. we all luv to hate. ups to soulja boy.

    gucci bandanna gucci gucci bandanna! ups to LO and Gucci to.

  13. This Nigga straight up wack. I’ll admit that for a second there I was into his first single. But then I realized…what the fuck am I doing…
    Personally I don’t think this guy can end anyones career. Ice T and GZA were already done when they mentioned Soulja Boy. I’m not sure if the Charles Hamilton beef would be good cuz I haven’t heard any of Charles Hamilton’s music but I wouldn’t mind seeing him beef with Cory Gunz or Mickey Factz. Them my boys.
    This guy think he one of the big boys? Then lets start beef with the big boys and watch Soulja crash and burn.

  14. How did Soulja Boy end Ice-T or GZA’s careers?
    That makes no sense Jerm.

    When Nas was beefing with Jay, Nas won because even some of Jay’s fans would admit that Nas won. When Game took out 50, even some of 50’s fans would admit that Game tore him a new asshole.

    So it just sounds dumb to me. When is any GZA fan ever going to side with Soulja Boy here? If your a fan of GZA’s your going to buy his shit no matter what Soulja Boy says.

    Same for Charles Hamilton. No Charles Hamilton fan is going to rethink buying The Lava Lamp CD (or whatever it’s called) because of what Soulja Boy said.

    LP, Cory Gunz and Mickey Factz are not “the big boys”, but I agree I want him to battle Nas or Ghostface.

    Plus how fucking stupid is worldstarhiphop… they got dissed on their own video and they don’t cut it?

  15. @Guy Fawkes
    I didn’t mean that Cory Gunz and Mickey Factz are the big boys. I meant in general. Let him beef with people that are actually “big boys”.

  16. soulja boy funny dude i mean that but im gonna say dis…..keep ya gunz down.

    imma give him a 3 star for his next album!!!!

    why his music is just for fun and his stuff aint that bad. turn my swag on is just raw disguistin shit in the realest form but gucci bandanna idance even birdwalk they arent that bad, we juyst see him as the dancin dude who cant rap. Who ever that dude was beefin wit em i gott a say soulja boy kno how to just roll with the punches and be cool bout it.

  17. rich?

    dude aint rich…he just got coon’d up by his label with ice and tattoos (shout out to the slave masters) to give him that illusion…kids probably too dumb to have gone out and put a house in his name and cover his tail when the bubble pops…gonna be a glorious fall from grace…cant wait to watch the remains burn

    kid’ll be flippin burgers with J-Kwon (who?….exactly) in a couple years

  18. @ KThundo

    difference between SB and J-Kwon is that SB was still living off an album he made almost 2 years ago. Nobody is still talking about Tipsy, but they are still Supermanning that hoe!


  19. @ Spyzyda

    See that’s the problem with today’s hip hop. Your giving a rating for an album you haven’t even heard yet. Why not actually listen to an album, instead of trying to be in the new “fad”.

  20. @ H2O

    Hey yo, why are you gonna waste your time reviewing that new SB album, when you know it’s not gonna get anything higher than a 2? Not hating or anything, but I don’t know, seems like a waste of time to review something that is going to be garbage, why not review some next album that could be great?

  21. I still don’t understand the Soulja Boy hate factor… Some of yall sayin the nigga aint rich… That nigga got money. Buddy got other ventures utside of rap if you aint noticed. Then mufucka said don’t be part of the “fad” and hear the album first. That’s good advice as well for the people that said its garbage cause im so sure they’ve heard it(sarcasm). I aint gon buy it, but im not talkin shit bout the nigga for no reason!

    I can understand why a lot of yall don’t like his music, but damn! I hate saying “hating”, but yall niggas hatin! I could understand if Soulja Boy was walkin around sayin he was the best rapper alive or some shit like that, but the nigga is jus making music for himself and his fans.

  22. U-God>>>>>Soulja Boy

    I’m not going to just like someone cuz they have money. Are you fucking serious? He’s wack. It’s not hating, if he’s wack, then that’s it. He has one of the worst flows i’ve ever heard, and I know local rappers that have better word play then them. You guys are on his jock more than people are hating on him.

  23. Word, I respect SB, he gets money, he’s funny, and has a strong fanbase. His music…ehh. The whole thing about ending GZA? Nahh, GZA’s too much. But the Ice-T thing he had in a wrap. The CH/SB thing? It’s prolly fake, just a ploy for both of them to get record sales. It isn’t funny/iffy that iSouljaBoy is merely 4 days away? C’mon now.

    Check out the website

  24. I hate to admit the fact that Souljaboy has a place in hip hop history. Who else got on the way SB got on? Kimbo Slice is bout the only one I can think of. That lil dude will be remembered 5 years down the road. Believe that.

    By the way cool site

  25. man am i the only dude who like tht “turn my swag on” song lol tht shits raw……………………………other than tht ill read the review n prolly jus listen to snippets of it on itunes

  26. SB wouldn`t kill an already established rapper. Yes, he`s funny, I personally don`t feel one way or another about him but Ice T is washed out, GZA is old news and Charles Hamilton can`t bat because he`s established. Try again.

  27. what yall gotta understand SB isnt hip hop or rap this entertainer is stright POP!
    most of his fan base dont even listen to hip hop or anything close to that form…
    were talking stright mainstream!
    even if this dude funny, or has a huge fan base it dosent mean he gonna win a battle, shit the only song i heard him trying to diss someone was wack.
    when it comes down to it u cant lose against SB cos the dude cant diss, but in the other hand he cant lose cos the dude is too mainstream…

  28. @DNelTheMC
    You talking like most mainstream people know who Charles Hamilton is. Most people won’t even know there is a beef going on around the time SB’s cd is released. Nigga this aint no Game vs. 50 or Kanye vs 50 beef where it will help sell.

    As for his music. Its wack. For me anyways. But I do know alot of people in the south(I’m not dissin the south) do like SB or atleast his style. You know what I mean…no lyrics, wack ass flow and that catchy beat.

  29. Anyone heard Charles Hamilton’s new soulja boy diss? It’s about the wackest shit I’ve heard this year. The future of hip hop is not looking good.

  30. are you serious? cmon now, true soulja boy izz funny as hell but… career killer the nigga izz not! ice-t days been dead and all he doing now izz chasing down criminal on Law & Order and Gza still dropping albums and gettin his money so how can we call him a career killer when both careers have been on the recent downlow anyway? lets see how funny the nigga can be if anybody with any kinda swag in today’s setting come at this nigga!

    four thumbs down to soulja boy!

  31. Gza is still dropping albums and touring, what’s it been now, 15 nearly 16 years? What the f*ck did souljah wasteman kill? Get off his d*ck man, kid is manufactured trash, no different to britney spears, it’s pop sh*t made for kids. I was at the show that Gza buried 50 and Souljah and believe me he ain’t on that petty immature beef sh*t, the crowd were shouting abuse and Gza was too drunk to lie, he just agreed with them. Souljah boy is an obnoxious kid that’ll be forgotten by 2010, he shouldn’t be gettin paid for his cocky ignorance, you people need to stop singing his praises.


  33. first off Soulja Boy didnt KILL Charles Hamilton career cuz Charles Hamilton HAD NO CAREER to beqin w|. & yes he plays around & is ” iqnorant ” but iqnorance qot him into stupid shxt like ” beefinq ” w|. Bow Wow & i really hope he isnt ” iqnorant ” enuff to qet involved w|. Pimpin Curly . COMEDY yes Beezys a character in so many ways but look beyond tha fans , look beyond tha fame & look at his roots , he’s DeAndre Way FIRST Soulja Boy’s character wudnt be a phenomenon if Dre wasnt a qood person undaneath it all so despite hatinq his music & dance & him actually , you qotta respect tha fact that he proves there’s nothinq wronq w|. beinq urself in tha industry

    Beezy’s my niqqa , in all his yums qucci qroupie lovinq qlory


  35. He’s nothing but a joke. It’s pretty bad, we’re so starved for real talent people will latch onto anything.

  36. dont hate on soulja, i mean stop listenin to mainstream and shit cuz thats not hip hop. that my friends is rap. rap and hip hop r different. rap and hip hop are as clearly different as…sun and moon. soulja boy and andre 3000. its all in the writing. so stop hateing on soulja boy and do sumthin. im a artist myself and im in the works of getting my first mixtape out. so really all i can say is fuk all you haters. do what ya do cuz thats what u do but ima do what i do and get mine. real talk.

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