Eminem feat. Dr. Dre – “Old Time’s Sake”


Here’s another one off Eminem’s Relapse. And like the title says, the track does remind me of an older Eminem & Dr. Dre track. The track is nice but Em’s new voice is hard to get used to. I just realized that so far my favorite from the leaked tracks is the freestyle (“I’m Having A Relapse”). Tell us what you think…

Download: Eminem feat. Dr. Dre – “Old Time’s Sake”

  1. the chorus and dre sound good… eminem’s verses are awful and so is that voice. pretty disappointed

  2. Shits wack. Sorry haven’t liked a single besides that freestyle that ya mentioned. Hip Hop has moved from when Em was heavy in the game and Em can’t seem to adapt to it.

  3. There’s just no pleasing you guys now days with Eminem. If you don’t like this single then you just don’t like Em. This song is pure fire! Eminem and Dre both go back and forth droppin heat. The beat is incredible and once again, this is original. This is the Em that everyone fell in love with. I don’t get how ya’ll can not feel this. I can listen to this over and over again. Hot single and I can’t wait til Relapse hits the shelves on May 19. Aftermath’s back! (Oh, and VG, you just hate Eminem! I mean, you liked Ross’s album and other bullshit and you don’t like this!? Your a fuckhead dude. Ross talks about the same shit over and over again. His album’s garbage. You don’t know good hip hop when you hear it.)

    1. Haha… I’m not a hater! If I don’t like something, I don’t like something. Ever since that Vibe shit its been a surge of Eminem “fans”. You dumbasses aint fans! Yall just using that as a reason to validate him. You didn’t think he was so great before! But whatever the case, you’re the biggest dickrider thus far. I hate when niggas talk about subject matter. If you a trapper, you don’t make love songs, you make trap songs! So what the fuck do you expect from Ross? And Eminem aint the prime example of variety. Dude talk about the same thing every song too. Going ape shit and killin everybody or “lets make fun of relevant society!”. I used to fuck wit Eminem on the heavy back when he was WORH LISTENING TO. But these songs suck. And if “Relapse” is anything similar, it will suck. Pull that dick from your ass and be released from the Matrix.

      1. You’re sayin things that are such bullshit. First off, I’ve been an Em fan since the beginning (yeah, Infinite) so if you think that I’m just beginning to like Em, you’re dead wrong. And as for the song, Em’s flow is sick. I know I’m not the only one who likes this song (maybe just on this site). As for subject matter, it does play a tole on how I look at hip hop. Officer Ricky is a trapper, so I guess his subject matter will have to be the same. What’s Eminem? If you can answer that, let me know. His material is always original. If it’s similar subject matter that we’ve heard before, he makes it his. He puts his name on everything he raps. I agree that he needs to get rid of this new voice. But I don’t think it’s that big of a deal as to write him off. Maybe Relapse will have Em rapping how you would like. But Em will go down in history as one of the best rappers of all time whether you like it or not.

          1. How did VG murk my ass? How am I being a dickrider? Just because I’m defending my case on Eminem doesn’t mean I’m a dickrider. Everyone sais that if you say you like somebody. I love this song and I’m shocked that some people don’t like it. I’m done arguing this shit, VG didn’t murk my ass and you guys are getting everything dead wrong. You’ll end up givin Relapse like a 3 which will be total bullshit. At least get a guy to review who likes Eminem and has heard his earlier stuff. Em’s weird voice is hardley recognizable in this song. This is the Em that alost everyone loves. King Jerm, how bout you get off Ross’s dick (as VG would say) and actually realize that Em has four times the talent Ross has.

  4. so this song is better than his previous singles off relapse but only because of dre em did not help him self that voice he is using is annoying personally em fell off this isn’t him anymore now I hope I never hear anyone say this is his best work cause everyone knows marshall mathers was his greatest work what this is is his worst

    I think he is trying to appeal to everyone and is trying to be like the rap now instead of being classic and him own self like he used to

    now I know people are goin to call me a hater and talk all this shit but before you do take a listen at his old stuff and then try to tell me he is back

  5. His raps are good. Its just the voice that’s killin it. Shit, have you ever heard a bad em song after he signed wit dre before this? Hopefully relapse 2 will be the old em. Crack a bottle isn’t that bad but we made you is horrible. I’ll still buy the album cause its em.

  6. that voice man…it’s really bothering me to the point where I can’t get into any of the shit

  7. This song’s pretty good, I like 3am better but this one is more of a banger. I hope his next song is serious, I want to hear a song like “The Way I Am”.

    “Hypnotic and Red Bull its an incredible energy drink
    And its givin me wings, I believe I can fly
    While I pee on the girl, you can’t catch me CSI”

  8. Most def the best song off Relapse so far. 3am was tight though. I think Relapse will be pretty damn good in the end.

    In other news did y’all hear 50 went back to the lab and re-did 70% of BISD. He musta heard Deeper Than Rap and realized The Bawse brung his A game to the table, so 50 half-assing songs wasnt gonna cut it this time. As long as the album isnt another “Curtis” ill be happy.

  9. @ JSK

    Em isn’t what he used to be. FACE IT. I like Shady, but he just isn’t bringing it to the table anymore. I know his fans are going to come out the woodwork to help him outdo C3, but I don’t think Em will do a mill in a week. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did either.

    *HI HATER*

    1. He’ll sell at least 700k first week out. His album will be better than C3 and Em is what he used to be (before Encore). His flow is still on point and this song proves that. I can’t believe you don’t think this shit is hot! Dre and Em droppin lines back and forth on a beat that’s pure fire. Go back to Guilty Conscience and tell me this isn’t similar. I could go without the accent but I’m sure he’ll make songs on the album without it (Crack A Bottle). Did you like Crack A Bottle (no accent)? If you didn’t then I don’t know what from Em will please you. He sticks out more than any other artist in the industry. He makes the song his own now matter what the topic is. You’ve never heard a song like We Made You (at least that’s original). Like I said earlier, Em will slaughter Ross’s album sales. Ross is garbage. Tell me, in your opinion, who won the rap battle between Ross and 50. Tell me we haven’t heard the same shit from Ross before. Then I’ll call you a liar.

  10. jsk ill agree that this song is good but not because of em dre killed it I think and is voice is there its obvious but why does ross gotta be brought up all the damm time just cause he is currently putting out better shit than em doesn’t mean you gotta hate I think you are a shady and dre dick rider cause you only defend them two and think there fucking god its people like you who don’t understand what’s good face it em is done there is no alter ego slim shady anymore also if you truely were a big fan of em you would know he feel off em best shit is behind him same with 50 I would not be suprise if relapse gets a 3 I think all he is doin is trying to please people also notice he is not swearing as much now come on man think bout it would you rather have old shit that had emotion or this almost pop shit
    get out of here

  11. @ JSK

    Come on, Eminem isn’t like he was in 99 or even the early 2000’s. He rap good still but it ain’t the same. I fell out with EM after he produced that 2Pac “Loyal To The Game” album, that shit was trashed. They should have left the original beats, even on that Runnin song, they should have left it the original way. Em is good but he isn’t like he use to be.

  12. well…..i am gunna throw in my shit. ross, completely wastes em. deeper then rap is a Modern Classic. i say this cuz when you think of classics you know you gotta think of the old outkast biggie and shit. but…can we really expect the same from nowaday artists? so out of recent shit i gotta say that this ross shit will be up on my list of heavyweight albums. it has the classic “feel” to me. when i listen to maybach music, mafia music, or that cigar music ten years from now i will be like damn ross got that shit. and jsk. u sayd ross is a trap music dude? da fuk man. gucci and oj are. ross is that boss status. listen to that cd again and tell me that all those beats are made specifically for him. when a orchastra kicks in that just sounds like you are the king of the world. and call him the fukin officer ricky. who cares. didnt you know man niggaz gotta eat. doesnt matter how. he gotta. and as for bitch as em. i never was a fan. but he sure aint gettin new ones. he cant adapt. Rawse. no cd this year will come close….no wait unless those outkast joints are fire like they shud be. i just got all the cd’s by the way cuz i missed out jumpin in late. and i am so stuck figuring out which one i like better….aquemini or atliens. thats hard. but i like mighty o. hahaha. back to buisnes….. and on the trap music shit…wunder what rawse wud sound like on a zaytoven beat??????????

  13. wow..did u guys know they were rappin bout weed…..this is sicc….relapse will prolly b like a 3.5…a 4 if he has sum gems tht havent leaked yet

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