Michael Jackson (1958-2009)


I don’t even know how to intro this. I guess with the fact that he’s gone. MJ died today of  apparent cardiac arrest in his home at the age of 50. I’m hurt, it feels like family…and no I’m not being overly dramatic. I can’t think of a person who has dedicated more of his life to peace, love, and just a good time in general. He has, what is surely to never be surpassed now, the top selling album of all times. I could go into all kinds of detail about his career and all that, but I want to share a personal experience.

I was really shy and quiet as a child. One night, I went to some function with my parents and there was music and a lot of kids around, so I ventured out there…bored. I had on my blue khaki pants, my white button up shirt, and my blue and gold Michael Jackson belt complete with Michael Jackson belt buckle…the picture was the one of him in that white outfit and the yellow vest. “PYT” came on (which is tied with “Say Say Say” for my favorite MJ song) and I got busy. I had the kicks, the moonwalk, the moves, the spins, I was doing it all. The kids formed a circle around me all clapping and smiling with joy. My parents caught a glimpse of me through the commotion and came to see me getting down. I haven’t been the same since. They always tell this story when folks as them, “when did this boy start acting so crazy.” It all goes back to them…of course, crazy being a tongue and cheek term.

My prayers go out to MJ, his family, and his friends. His music was inspirational and his life was dedicated to doing what he loved. You will be missed MJ. Rest In Peace.- Saule Wright

By now, it’s common knowledge that Michael Joseph Jackson has died at age 50 of cardiac arrest. What can I say about Mike? 13 Grammy wins (8 in one night!!), 13 number one singles (5 off one album alone!!), and 6 Guinness World Records with 750 million records sold worldwide; this man got busy. I don’t care what anybody says: Michael Jackson was without a doubt THE GREATEST PERFORMER OF ALL TIME! He had the dance moves everybody was trying to copy and the voice that everyone envied. He had haters all across the world too, but all throughout that bullshit, I was there, a loyal fan. We miss you, Mike. Rest in peace. – H2O

I’m still numb after hearing the news about MJ. I know I kid A LOT about things, but let me tell you that I was one of those MJ fans that probably would have fainted if I ever met him! I had the posters of him on my walls, the jackets, the gloves, and I even had the MJ doll! The man was bigger than music and he even though his stature was small, he was bigger than life. There will never be an entertainer that can achieve what MJ did in his 42 years in the music business. NEVER! I have a really heavy heart right now writing this so I’m going to keep it short. REST IN PEACE TO THE KING OF POP, MICHAEL JACKSON! You will never be forgotten! – King Jerm

Wow. I just knew he’d make it out the hospital ya know? I’ve been on the road the weekend of his death and I find my CD player jammed with his tunes and I genuinely felt empty that the man was gone.

He was an eccentric yes…but he was OUR eccentric. His imagination, vision, showmanship, and pure talent; even at his worst; is something all artists should aspire to get to. The man has crated songs that have sound tracked our highs, lows, parties, social changes, and our overall lives in his 50 years of life.

I wish he had more to give. It sounds selfish, especially after looking at how much he gave already. I’m just saying…I’ll miss him so. His art is his legacy and at least now; he’ll have a 2nd life beyond the unjust jokes, treatment, and scrutiny. He deserves to be remembered as a legend, nothing less. – Kareem Abdul Jamar

  1. One of the best artists of all-time without a doubt… Gotta watch Moonwalker and put in Thriller… Rest In Peace MJ “King of Pop”… All of you R&B artists that jacked MJ for his moves and style, Pay Respect!!!

  2. In heaven, I hope he finds the childhood he never had. R.I.P


  3. Mike was definitely the G.O.A.T!…NOBODY did it as BIG…His video premieres were 2 hour primetime events, he’s arguably the MOST Famous person in the world and some element of his work permeates through ALL modern R&B/Pop music….He will be missed but not forgotten….RIP MJ!

  4. Born in the 80’s grew up early 90’s MJ was my idol as a kid.I listened to all his records, I watched the movie/music video…but who can say they played the Michael Jackson video game for NINTENDO??? I miss you man, you will be missed.

      1. Yes! My bad. I was so young i only remember some from it. Like when you took out all the thugs at a bar the jukebox would blow up and Mike would start dancing…yeah, like i said, i was growing up.

  5. I’ll be honest I never really listened to his music a whole lot, but by looking at his success it’s clear that no other artist in history came close to the things he’s accomplished, or ever will. 750 records sold are you kidding me?!! Shit sucks, guess it was his time….RIP g

  6. I was shocked as hell when I walked in the door of my best friend’s house yesterday after a long two hour drive. She told me Mike died. I thought it was a joke. Ironically, I was going to visit my cousin in the hospital due to having a heart attack. I couldn’t believe it and still in shock and disbelief. I’m actually crying now. Micheal Jackson was always talked about EVERYWHERE and probably somewhere, everyday. Good or bad. My brother and I use to argue about which Micheal Jackson we liked more,the black one or white one (we were confused as kids when he did the first steps of his skin lighten). I will forever miss and love Mike but never forget him because his music is classic,timeless and legendary. I pray for his family at this hard time. That dude had a few issues, but who doesn’t? :*(

    RIP Micheal Jackson- The King of Pop and Best entertainer EVER.

    Great job with the post nappyafro. Touched me. And thanks.

  7. Damn RIP MJ

    I took it hard hearing the news, my eyes did water up about this. I still can’t believe the news that I’m hearing and now I hear that the doctor may had something to do with it since he was the only one with Mike and now he is missing. Even the Lawyer said Mike was on too much medicine and they was scared he could turn into a Anna Nicole Case.. Man this is terrible. I grew up on your music. I use to try to dance like you when I was a little child. I use to play your vinyls, I use to listen to all the Jacksons albums and etc. My favorite songs from you is “Can’t Help It” which is my favorite, “Earth Song” I love the arrangement and the instruments, “Remember The Time”, “Jam” was my joint too with Michael Jordan and Kris Kross in the video, “Can You Feel It” even though its The Jacksons song overall… I can go all day about what songs I liked.

    He is the one of the last original artist that had his own sound, that can actually sing, and dance, and put on a hell of a show. These bullshit artist nowadays can’t do that. He influence people beyond the US. People in Germany and all over the world loved Mike!

    Well Mike it hurt me to write all this but Rest In Peace Man.


  8. man i was in the theater watching the new transformers movie wit my fam when i heard the news, tell me we didnt leave in the middle of the movie to go to the best buy store across the street to chek the news on the display tvs in the store! only michael jackson could cause me to miss out on the movie i been lookin forward to all summer, its jus a damn shame it was for the wrong reasons!

  9. Our generation has never experienced anything like this. It is too surreal of a feeling. MJ is dead. Unbelievable.

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