Young Chris – The Network [Mixtape]


Whoa. We posting a mixtape on Sunday? Yep. Young Chris (Who has been grinding on the internets) is back with the Don Cannon assisted The Network. After a few listens, I like what I’m hearing and you probablywill too (Even though you may have already heard a few of these tracks). Wale, Beanie Sigel, Twista & Freeway even make some appearances. Check out the artwork (I personally prefer the original cover) and download the mixtape.


Download: Young Chris & Don Cannon – The Network

  1. His sound changed a little bit from the “Roc-A-Fella” days but he still has it. hopefully when his album drops, he will have a buzz, cuz Chris along with other newcomers are the future of hip hop

  2. yo no hate whatsoever cus i got luv for all artist doesnt mean i like thm all but i jus think young chris sounds generic …..he has good lines ya but to me he jus dont got anything to make me wanna cop his album……b4 u think im jus hatin i bought both of the young gunz albums (i bet prolly only 1 person on this site got both hardcopies) but to me hes too boring….don cannon is in my top 10 producers…pair cannon up with lloyd banks or sum1 else whr his beat swill actually get heard……chris been trying 2 get a buzz for awhile now n i dont think its goin anywhere specially since his buzz prolly peaked wen he was realeasing those weekly things…jus my thoughts

  3. how can you say Young Chris is the future? he was rappin when Von Dotch hats were in style. granted he is only 25, but still, there is no east coast/philly following anymore……if he couldnt make it with tracks from kanye/legend then he aint finna make it now. THE GUY IS ALL DONE.

  4. young chris is going to make a big name for himself in 2010. i heard he is chillin in jamestown, ri right now with a bunch of dudes. he is preparing himself mentally for his comeback.

    his money is long and his island is strong.

  5. damn, Ts, u needa listen to some actual shit man. look where kanye went…dude used to preach he the savior of hip hop and all that, now he one of the top people killing the shit. wtf u talking about dude couldn’t get on, young guns shit sold a million records off their first lp alone. if people support that real shit and stop upping niggaz that don’t actually put real effort into their music, then just maybe hip hop could go back to how it used to be. the golden era that most niggaz miss

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