I Don’t Want Mickey Factz In My Corner


I don’t know much about Mickey Factz, but over the weekend he was thrust in between the Joe Budden/Raekwon debacle. In case you didn’t hear over the weekend Joe got approached by Raekwon and about 5 of his goons. Allegedly it started off as convo, then all of a sudden Joe got caught in the eye. The reason why I’m calling out Mickey is for the Factz (pun intended) that he didn’t do anything at all! Not that I was expecting him to go in there and get all duffy on Rae and his clique…but you have to do something. I’m pretty sure Joe Budden is saying that he will NEVER hang solo with this guy again. I’m not really going to weigh my opinion on the situation because I think that both parties were wrong: Rae for letting him man swing on Joe. NOT A GOOD LOOK. You don’t get stripes by letting you man’s handle some of YOUR beef. Joe was talking about one of your Wu-Tang brothers, now unless that bodyguard was in the Wu, Rae is gonna have to take an L for this. On the otherhand, Mouse got showed some old school Hip-Hop tactics. People used to be held accountable for their actions in Hip-Hop. Nowadays people get on the internets and talk so flagrantly about so and so with no repercussions of their actions, well Joe found out that Raekwon is keeping that code in honor. Now back to Mickey, I saw this video of him telling HIS side of the story. NIGGA I’M SURE JOEY’S EYE DON’T WANT TO HEAR THIS. I want you guys to look at the video and tell me is this a guy that you want to have your “back”. Yeah, I know he is a skinny dude but the skinny niggas I hang around at least keep a 4-5 inch blade that they don’t hesitate to use. Mickey you better hit the weightroom or holler at B-Easy and see where he gets his blades from.

For these actions by Mickey Factz, I have to BAN this nigga!

The People's Champ/Founder
  1. The reason why I’m calling out Mickey is for the Factz (pun intended) that he didn’t do anything at all! Not that I was expecting him to go in there and get all duffy on Rae and his clique…but you have to do something. I’m pretty sure Joe Budden is saying that he will NEVER hang solo with this guy again.

    LOLOLOLOL. damn.

  2. I kinda agree, but Factz did say he stuck around to make sure nothin else went down. Budden didn’t go for a nigga head so i suppose Mickey didn’t do anything. Either way, the woulda got their ass beat!

  3. I feel you but how are u suppose to protect someone who didnt even pop off himself. Joe didnt do anything and he got hands put on him. Mickey seemed like he was trying to defuse the situation cause Joe didn’t wanna fight neither. I’m just saying….

  4. Well Factz did say he isn’t a “street dude”. So you know how that is. Plus if ya see a picture of one of the guys that was with Rae you would realize he was probably twice Mickey’s size. So I don’t think it would have been a smart move to fight back. So smart thing was to just let it go. Niggas wanted to talk..then out of no where a sucker punch. Bitch ass move.

    Saw this on HipHopDX
    ‘Crooked I, who reportedly gathered his Circle Of Bosses entourage and went looking for the assault culprits has publicly said, “Ain’t nobody gonna disrespect one of my dudes when we on the west coast.”‘

    I mean I like Mickey’s Music but when it comes to the streets I’ll take the other members of Slaughterhouse…even Joell Ortiz over Mickey

  5. Man the skinny ass dude i hang with will knock someone the f**k out! Not trying to sound hard or immature, just honest, dude’s NUTS!

  6. First of all, Mickey would get dropped in two seconds if he tried anything with his skinny ass.

    This is how it all went down (Budden was doing a live net feed while all this happened then it got disconnected before the punch)…

    Rae stormed in there with a few goons (one being Killah Priest, a member from ice water, and few other people) and demanded someone to close the door because they had something to talk about. Rae then tried to make Joe Budden apologize for everything that has gone on this past month. Next, things got out of hand, and someone (not rae or kp) punched budden without rae’s say. A while later, Budden goes on his feed and talks about how he just got punched out of nowhere.

    No matter how fucked up it may sound, Budden had this coming. His whole life is a publicity stunt and it finally caught up to him.

    On another note… Wu-Tang Clan Ain’t Nuthin’ Ta Fuck Wit!!!!

  7. He had it coming? How? Just cuz he gave his opinion over a bracket. GTFOH. As a rapper aren’t you suppose to be confident in your abilities and think your better then everyone else. I bet NaS thinks hes better then everyone else. Along with Jay, Game, Wayne, ect.

    1. Hip Hop is about respect. Nas will not go out of his way to diss someone who has paid dues to hip hop. If it wasn’t for the Wu, Nas, Tribe, Rakim, KRS-One, etc; half of these rappers wouldn’t even have careers. However, some of these niggas like 50, The Game, and Budden are just running their mouths off for publicity. You act like this is the first time Joey has crossed the line. The only difference now is that he came across some niggas he shouldn’t of fucked with.

      The worst part of it all was that Budden broadcasted it online minutes after it happened. Haha. C’mon, this nigga needs more attention than Terrell Owens.

  8. OK, is this even remotely relevant to music? BARELY, this is just talking about artists fighting, once again, King Jerm being a dumbass. Anyone who has half a mind doesn’t really care about minor beef so try not to call out people who have legitimate talent, for reasons outside what they should be known for.

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