Play It Again Sam: Chamillionaire – Ultimate Victory

With “Chamillitarymayne” coming out with the last of his mixtape series, Mixtape Messiah 7, I figured now was as good a time as any to start a new column…or at least write this article. I plan on doing this and hopefully the staff will get involved and do a few of their own because let’s be honest, we don’t always get it right the first time…even though I think we do more times than not. Sure, we could just change the score but sometimes, we may want to talk about it. So let’s get into this.

My rating on Chamillionaire’s Ultimate Victory back on September 18, 2007 was 1.5 / 5. I can’t really openly say that I’d change that grade based on aging because hey, I haven’t played that album since that review posted. I have, since that date, listened to some of his mixtapes in the series as well as have written MANY more reviews (I think that may have been one of my first reviews). I can freely say that this was not a shining moment of me being objective. I don’t dig dude’s style or delivery at all, I think that his music is kinda run of the mill and all that detracts from what is some decent wordplay and pretty fly concepts as an approach to the game. That said, it’s hard to grade dude. I’ve listened to his last mixtape and it’s the same guise. Good/dope concepts, nice wordplay, terrible delivery and hooks, and mediocre beats. I just can’t get into dude, pause.

So the questions comes, is his music BAD or do I just dislike it? I can say that Cham, even on his latest mixtape, doesn’t get any more spins from me personally. I can respect him for having his lane, and doing his thing, but this is not my kind of music. Yeah yeah nigga, but is it BAD music? Did UV really deserve a 1.5? I think if I were reviewing that long ass album today, I’d probably grade it higher than that because I’ve better learned how to be more impartial and separate my opinion from the reviews. Let’s not go crazy, I don’t feel like that album would get a 4 or no shit like that, but a 2.5 (from what I can remember) may be applicable. I can appreciate his message, I just don’t like his methods.

The Black Alex P. Keaton
  1. Man i thought at first you were going to do a whole new review and amp up the rating…THANK GOD you did not.

    Believe it or not, i am a chamillionaire fan at heart(I guess you just have to be from Houston to like him…he’s like the Gucci Mane of Houston…his style never changes) Back to the topic at hand:

    The original review and rating for UV is the reason i started coming to this website. All my friends loved UV and i F*N HATED IT! I thought from Sound of Revenge and the hype built in Mixtape Messiah 2&3 to this?? WTF happened?? It’s not chamillionaire at all and even he admitted it on MM4 and MM5.

    Bottom Line: (these words might be a little blunt) Ultimate Victory sucked and it was a big disappointment, the original review and rating were just fine because honestly that’s what i would have given it too and i was a HARD-core Cham fan back then.

  2. You guys are titled to your opinion.. but it seems that you are judging Cham’s album off your opinion of what is good music and bad music.. To review albums.. being critical but away from your personal opinion is key..I’m a Chamillionaire fan but he’s no Bun B, but to call him the Gucci Mane of Houston?.. First off he doesn’t even rap about the same topics as Gucci Mane and is a far better rapper than Gucci will ever be..Now I’m not saying “Ultimate Victory” was a down right classic because I can name the flaws
    First off, the album was 79 minutes and some odd seconds long
    That’s way too long for a single disc rap album….
    Some of the people featured on the album weren’t necessary…
    Like the Lil Wayne featured “Rock Star” just seemed like a very forced collaboration
    And I can say that the production could have been better
    Because every track had the same sound..
    So I am saying you can’t give the kind of rating you did.. because it’s not your kind of music.. Respect the artist’s strengths and weaknesses and judge from there..

    Now tracks like The Morning News, Hip Hop Police and The Evening News” are what expose Cham as a creative lyricist… Putting Current Events, with a little bit of his own humor into it..into a very smooth way… Now ask yourself Does Gucci Mane do this?
    Or better yet.. come back when Gucci Mane actually makes an actual “album” rather than a bonafide store mixtape…

    Not only that.. not too many rappers can make an album this day in time with limited explicit language.. and still make quality rap tracks
    If I had to sit down and throughly rate this album.. I would say between 3 to 4.. because I believe Chamillionaire’s lyricism from track to track is more consistent than the originality of the production..

    1. Ultimate Victory was terrible. Just because its long doesn’t mean anything, it’s because the album was just bad in general.

      The reason why all of the beats sound the same is because Chamillionaire went and got Kane and The Runners to produce mose of his tracks. He did this thinking it was going to be something big since in 2007 The Runner and Kane were producing some banging ass beats.

      Also how can you say the Lil Wayne collab felt forced? Lil Wayne probably had THE BEST verse on Sound Of Revenge. Lil Wayne sounded horrible on Ultimate Victory because it was edited, not forced.

  3. @ AR
    he is not saying he is like gucci mane lyricaly. he is just that kinda dude that he the hometown dude so u gotta be a fan. he is popular there. imo gucci mane is better. not lyrically but at makeing music in general. u dont see cham makeing songs with mariah carey, black eyed peas, kanye west. and many other notables. first of all. think ppl. this that same dude everyone hates for saying YEAHHHH and makeing dull trap music. but you cant deny that he gettin mad popular. and someone made a comment about never seein him trap. he got vids on youtube of him at the stove cookin. and showin off his ak’s and shit. just sayin. he IS real. but honestly i think many ppl starting to become fans cuz they accept he aint tryin to be nuthin but gucci. sure he is spawning soon to be clones (soulja boy) and various similar artists (waka flaka and juiceman) but all in all they kant live up to him. his mixtape game is great and he does have some classic material. well street classics anyway. such as so icy and trap house. is there any other gucci fans here besides me and king jerm?

    1. Spyzyda,

      I feel what you’re saying but.. about Gucci and cham on lyrics.. but you brought up something interesting.. he’s on youtube showing off Ak’s and at the stove cooking.. it seems that he’s more popular for being who he is than.. making great songs/albums..
      Nothing wrong with Gucci being Gucci. because.. we need more realness to hip hop anyway… I just wished he could deliver in a more lyrical manner..

      As far Cham being more lyrical.. but Gucci makes better music.. how can you possibly have better music…and not be lyrical..

      To Pitbull:
      First off, you really haven’t declared what was bad about Ultimate Victory, other than the production.. which really wasn’t that bad.. just every song nearly sounds the same
      Lil Wayne’s verse on Sound of Revenge was good no denying that.
      07 was Year of Wayne.. he was just appearing on everything.. and
      I think Cham was just trying to add more buzz to the album.. nothing wrong with that.. it’s just that some collaborations aren’t needed.. and that was one of them
      and long albums… always have a big risk factor of containing more filler tracks..

  4. I always thought this album wasn’t that bad. I’d say about a 3, nothing really special, but the beats are pretty decent and his rhymes are actually saying something most of the time this time around.

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