Jay-Z feat. Drake – “Off That”


Damn. I really didn’t think this track would leak this early. Did Jay-Z “Hello Brooklyn” Drizzy? Yes. No verse from Drake just the hook. But let me stop hating off rip. The production is done by Timbaland and the song itself is okay. I can still see why “Run This Town” was chosen as the “commercial” first single for The Blueprint 3 though. Tell us what you think (And let me get back to my laid back Sunday; they should have never gave you nigg@s the internets).

Download: Jay-Z feat. Drake – “Off That”

    1. I ain’t never gonna stop thinkin’ that Hov is the best rapper alive. But it’s become obvious that BP3 will not be the classic album we all thought it would be.

  1. BP3 = Classic… “Get Off That!”… This track is really disappointing to tell the true especially coming from Jay-Z and an album with so much anticipation and expectation like Blueprint 3. I know Jay is trying to be different in labeling this album the “new classic”, but if this is how new classic albums are supposed to sound I’ll stick with the old formula. Jay-Z in sub par form, no verse from Drake, and an “Ayo Technology/FutureSexLoveSounds” type beat from Timbo is a bad combination and doesn’t see success. I really hope that the other songs that we haven’t heard on the album are a lot better than it’s looking to be cause right now the loss column > the win column in terms of songs.

  2. in order for this album to be classic, EVERY other song needs to be top-notch. idk about people saying Jay needs to retire, the shit ain’t THAT bad, but I mean Jay can do a lot better than this.

  3. Wooooooow… Jay is sooooooo gay for this… MOST EPIC FAIL EVER… I’m exaggerating but Jay must have been off that shit when he held my nigga to a hook. Smh…

  4. Uh huh. I mean, the Timbo production isn’t necessarily bad, but it’s not suited for someone like Jay-Z, he needs a more “mature – ish” beat suited too him. And the Drake hook should’ve least had some singing on it, damn. The verses are kinda of disorienting me because I can’t really focus hearing this.

  5. @ chew

    i agree the beat shoulda been less pop n more hip-hop…

    and i usually dont say this but drake shoulda been singin on the hook or came w/ a better one thats more catch or sumthin lik that hook on “money to blow”

    n ya the beat has alot goin on but yall havent mentioned jay had sum cool lines in here….average track from above average artists

  6. It’s ok. I actually think it’s crazy how Drake is just on hook, kinda bumping the get Drake on every feature trend. I’m cool with it as long as Cudi is only on the hook too

  7. Wtf!! This shit is fucking weak. Jay has definitely fallen off. BP3 is not gonna close to a classic. Hov needs to take Games advice and retire while he’s ahead. I dont think the dude has it in him anymore. I hope im wrong tho and the rest of the album is the good ol Jay, but this and Run This Town just isnt doin it for me. Hopefully itll be like Em and Relapse….the first leaked singles were whack but the album turned out to be good.

  8. I’m gonna be the odd man out and say I like this track. It’s the weakest leak from BP3 so far, but imo DOA and Run this Town are pretty strong so it ain’t all bad people. (btw anyone peep that Run this is now Jay’s highest charting single now, mission accomplished i guess). I think Young Chris said it best, we hold Jay to such a high standard and we view some shit as subpar because we know what he can do when he goes all the way in (pause). Am I saying we should take Jay down from that pedestal? No. This is a shot at radio and clubs and he has done and can do better, Timbo can too. But just because he can doesn’t make it bad. Gets a B- from me.

  9. Actually I’m riding with Chip on this one. I was mad when I first heard it but now i think its just alright. It’s starting to grow on me.

  10. Haha told ya’ll the song with Drake was going to whack..well not all the way whack, but ok. I’m telling you the song with him and Kudi is going to WRECK!

    No because i think Cudi is better than Drake (not at all) but because jay’s been biting off Kanye’s style and Kanye and Cudi work REALLY well together…so we’ll c.

    P.S. I think Blueprint 3 is STRICTLY aiming for heavy radioplay…not much DEEP American Gangster Jay.

  11. Jay came harder on this than he did on run this town, but I still prefer run this town because of Kanye’s verse. I think Timbo and Jay been apart for too long, I was expecting a harder sound but instead got Timbo’s new pop sound, which is okay but I’d take Nigga What, Nigga Who over this any day.

  12. For anybody feeling underwhelmed, just imagine if Timabaland actually produced the bulk of the project *shudder*. (to be fair I haven’t heard the Reminder beat)

  13. Man wtf is up with this? Jay-Z is slipping big time. I definitely know this album isn’t going to be classic now. I hope Raekwon don’t make no bullshit and come with a solid effort. I know Ghostface won’t disappoint and hopefully that new Outkast album will be good if it ever release.

  14. What the hell happened to those “Young Angel and Young Hova” pics that had them in the studio ALONG WITH justin. Every time Drake talks about working with Jay he alludes to having more collabs than just this in the bag, I can’t imagine this being better than whatever they cooked up with Blaze.

  15. Man, i know i’m probably going to get BASHED for this…after a few listens i’m digging this HARD!

    IMO Jay is really going in at the regular hip hop artist subject-clothes, rims, crys, “making it rain”, etc.

    At first i thought it was just a club song but now i see it as deeper than that. Yeah it sucks that Drake only did the hook, but it’s catchy as hell.

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