DMF of the Week: Gilbert Arenas

The biggest news-maker of the last week hasn’t been Tiger, but good ol’ Agent Zero, Gilbert Arenas. Not only did Gil make the news by “allegedly” threatening a teammate with gunplay, but he also plead guilty to those allegations. WHY? You had a guaranteed 100 million dollar contract! Now you are falling under the same umbrella as Plaxico, an example will be made of you. Let’s all come together for a round of applause and congratulate Gilbert Arenas for being this week’s DMF winner!

“I’ll shoot you in the face!” (c) Gilbert Arenas

The People's Champ/Founder
  1. Damn… Well I guess somebody had to take the sports news focus off Tiger and Arenas did a perfect job in doing that. How stupid do you have to be to pull a stunt like this, in a league with a commissioner that obviously has previously had problems with certain African-American players (i.e. Allen Iverson). This shit made David Stern’s day and his job a whole lot more enjoyable (he was waiting for the next dumb fuck to make a mistake and tarnish the NBA’s name and image). Just as you mentioned he’s definitely gonna make an example of Gilbert Arenas and his costly mistake for current and future NBA players. Like Paxico, I think Arenas deserves some jail time for his actions (athletes are getting too many passes for stupid shit andunexcuseable acts… MLB x Steroids I’m looking at you). Other than being the standout player on a sub par team like the Washing Wizards, Arenas didn’t really have too much else going for him, so this is now going to be the sole thing that people connect him with. Might have just fucked his whole career with thone… Plus the whole shit with Shaq and his fiance just makes matters worse for him. 2010 DMF of the Year contender so far.

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