Rick Ross feat. T.I., Jadakiss, & Erykah Badu – “Maybach Music III”

You know how a song comes on and it immediately puts a frown on your face on how good the beat is? This song does that to your face. You can say a lot about Rick Ross, but the man can picks epic sounding beats; especially J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League epic sounding beats. And who else didn’t think Ross could get Badu on a hook?

I’m sure a Teflon Don leak should be close by…

Download: Rick Ross feat. T.I., Jadakiss, & Erykah Badu – “Maybach Music III”
Bonus: Rick Ross – feat. Drake & Chrisette Michele – “Aston Martin Music”

Source: OnSmash

  1. i… might… actually… like this. The J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League and Don Cannon beats are just sooo good.

  2. SHIT.
    Maybach Music > Maybach Music 3 > Maybach Music 2, which is the general consensus here I suppose.
    Everyones said what I’m thinking already, but I’m now officially excited for T.I’s true return to fashion, and Jadakiss has found some new light for me.
    Shit is fantastic.

    1. And maybe Badu heard the Rick Ross remix of Window Seat, maybe she was impressed, who knows.
      I love when the beat builds to make Ross sound more like a don than he really is.
      Slim Thug is the shit, but dude better recognize this is bawse music.
      50 Cent is aight, but dude better recognize this is bawse music.

  3. I’ve never been a Ross fan, but first “Live Fast, Die Hard”, then that Spitta + Wiz remix, now this (and not to mention that “Aston Martin Music” too) I’m officially jazzed for Teflon Don

    wheres the leak fairy when you need it? (no fairy)

  4. Man Ross has BEEN killing it, dudes are JUST realizing this now…When ya’ll hear Teflon Don this year don’t say King Jerm and I didn’t tell you so.


    1. I wont lie Pitbull, the whole CO thing had me fucked off about dude for the longest.

      but these new tracks are making me think I should go back and give his catalog a proper listen-to, maybe I was too hasty in my judgement

      1. Him being CO means what again though? He has no street cred?…which means what when we have good music

        1. I cant really be the only one on here that feels this way….

          I dont see much difference in the man that puts you in jail, and the man that keeps you there. The man that beats your ass because hes enforcing a bullshit law, and the man that beats your ass for having an I-Pod in your cell.

          I just dont want my emcees/rappers to be actors playing a part.
          yall cant tell me if fuckin’ Chuck-D turnt out to be an undercover before he rapped, and never spoke about it, that it wouldnt fuck up his credibility for you.
          has Ross ever spoke on the CO thing? told his stide of the story, explained how he got from there to where he is now? I mean, maybe he clears that up on his reconds and I just dont know cause I’ve slept on em.

          1. Once again ya gotta realize that its a “persona”. Do you think these other NY rappers that tell stories are speaking the truth? or that they’ve been modified for some kind of deeper meaning? Did Jay-Z, Nas, Kool G Rap, Mobb Deep, AZ or even Wu-Tang do anything they claimed to do during the Mafioso Rap era? Nope. Its a persona and guys gotta accept that its for entertainment purposes.

            Do you think Russel Crow slaughtered niggas in Gladiator? How about Al Pacino was a drug boss?
            “But DJ LP watching a movie and music is different”
            There both entertainment lets get it straight people. If credibility counted for anything Gucci would be the best rapper alive.

          2. nah, I get what youre sayin’ LP, and I do give most rappers slack when it comes to crafting songs and stories

            but how far can we take it? a new rapper claiming to REALLY have superpowers? or Wayne starts claiming hes an ACTUAL martian? c’mon, we wouldnt accept that and you know it.

            for me persona only buys them so much leeway, I need to know theres SOME truth to what they’re saying. I go to the movies for completely made up, I listen to music for emotion, and I just PERSNOALLY have a hard time feeling the emotion from someone with no credibility.

            but thats me, and I realize everyone is different. and at this point we’re not even talking about Ross anymore, we’re just pontificating about hip-hop, so I’m going to bow out….

            y’all were right, Ross is dope, I was just being a hater. now GAME on the other hand…

  5. yo this shit right here izz some straight shit u blaze a ounce to and pop a fif on… big ups bawse

  6. *Looks at all ya’ll jumping on Rozay’s dick*

    @Pitbull…Nah, don’t say nothing…just look at em jump on the wagon. Seems like me, you, and Vic (VGizzle) were the only ones that were on board. We knew.

    @Verbose..For the umpteenth time. CO does not equal POLICE. A CO works at a JAIL and doesn’t have a gun, and can’t arrest ANYBODY. A COP has a gun and badge and has the right to arrest and kill. Ross was just a regular ass nigga, with a job at the jail. For all we know…he could have been bringing dope in the jail selling in there, or at least transporting for someone on the inside.


    1. no, youve got a point KJ, I get how that could clear things up for most people

      for me tho, I have a problem with the whole prison-industrial complex (and hell, to be broad about it, laws and govt. in general) so for me, its not that he was “a cop”, it was that he playing gatekeeper for “the man”, because of money. I’m just not down with anybody that could live day in and day out keping fucking humans in cages (most of which dont deserve to be there in the least), let alone one that then turns around and plays gangster.

      but to YOUR point, for all we know he was being subversive, helping out his brothers from the inside OR playing the “bad CO” and funneling in drugs and playing the system for his own gains (which for me is more honest than acting to the world like you’re doing something rightous, like the way the world sees police, and lets be honest, CO’s)


      he was all about it, then saw how futile a life it was, left and totally changed his life, using contacts and info he got while working in there. so I’m admitting, while I didnt just think of him as “a cop”, like most have, maybe I was smallminded in letting his past dictate his present.

      now dont YOU be shortsighted and damn me because I didnt see the light at first and now not let me join the fuckin party motherfucker!!
      I’m still drunk as fuck, I hope this made some sense……lol
      “I’ll throw a molotov cocktail at the precinct, you know how we think…”

  7. I made my earlier comment before I listened…..


    Ya’ll better be glad that I am not reviewing this one (I have been banned from doing it) I was starting the scale at 4.5!

  8. OH YEA!

    “Aston Martin Music” is spectacular. Miss Elisabeth and me are riding to it RIGHT NOW.

    The Macho Man is on the remix. “Black And White Limo Music”.

    DIG IT.

  9. T.I. >Rozay>Jada

    They all went hard though. It was kind of hard to decide over Ross’s and Jada’s verses, but to me T.I. killed the competition.

  10. wow i guess i’m the only one completely underwhelmed by this shit as a whole? granted i only listened to it once, but that was because no part of me wanted to hear it again. gave it 2/5 stars in my iTunes, for the Jada verse. ahhHa!

  11. wow i guess i’m the only one completely underwhelmed by this shit as a whole? granted i only listened to it once, but that was because no part of me wanted to hear it again. gave it 2/5 stars in my iTunes, for the Jada verse. ahhHa!

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