Curren$y – Pilot Talk [Review]

It seems like the third’s times a charm for Curren$y. After going from No Limit to Young Money to Fly Society to Amalgam Digital, Spitta is all set up to release his first album on a major label. The New Orleons rapper’s fly talk of women and weed has gained him a strong following but now he’s got a team behind him. With Dame Dash on the business side (DD172/Def Jam), Creative Control handling the visuals, and a reawaked Ski Beatz on the production, it looks like Cyrren$y’s career is ready to fly to new heights. Lets’ check out Pilot Talk.

Note: On this review we’re trying a new method called Group Therapy. We’ve called in nappyafro regulars P from da D & Chew in so we can get a broader look at this album. If you would like to see full review of Pilot Talk for the participants just mentioned, you can go here & here.

1. Example
Produced by Ski Beatz
P from da D:Cool intro. Really smooth track but it’s not gonna jump out at you. Its cool.
Chew: You notice the live instrumentation.
B-Easy: For first time listeners of Curren$y, this is a good setup. All of his metaphoric rhymes are here.

2. Audio Dope II
Produced by Ski Beatz
P from da D: Curren$y is not impressing lyrically though a beat like this could have been murked by someone more aggressive lyrically.
Chew: “Spitta get this whole shit jumping like, kangaroo pouch, louis vutton, the small thangs make me different from these fools.” It just grows into more calypso-boom bap bliss.
B-Easy: This is one of favorite tracks by Spitta. “Kick the shit out of beats till it die/Call CSI”. Who knew Jamaican steel drums could go this hard?

3. King Kong
Produced by Ski Beatz
P from da D: Is it just me or is it a lot of rap songs titled “King Kong”? Anyway, for a track called “King Kong” I would expect the beat to be harder.
Chew: Incredible when it’s dark and rainy, great any other time.
B-Easy: This was the first single off the album. The thought of the song is cool as is the imagery used by Curren$y. I’m still not crazy about it but that hook is effective.

4. Seat Change
Featuring Snoop Dogg; Produced by Ski Beatz
P from da D: For some reason I really like this one. And what the fuck happened to Snoop? His verse was GARBAGE! I’ll look past it though.
Chew: The live instrumentation helps this song out a lot.
B-Easy: Weed smokers unite! I can see this getting played live and loving it. But here it can come off a bit boring.

5. Breakfast
Featuring Mos Def; Produced by Mos Def & Ski Beatz
P from da D: The first track I ever listened to from Curren$y. And I like this one. Really smooth with a great beat but its too short.
Chew: I’ve memorized the whole song already, including the ad-libs.
B-Easy: This track has been out for a minute but it wasn’t until the video that I actually started to like it. Looks like Ski Beatz remixed it a bit for the original too.“Crane kick. Whaa!”

6. Roasted
Featuring Trademark Da Skydiver & Young Roddy; Produced by Monsta Beatz
P from da D: I dont know who these dudes is but you don’t really notice them. This to me kinda just blends in with the rest of the album.
Chew: “Olympic swimming in bitches Michael Leon, Phelps.” Everyone is consistent here.
B-Easy: I always like beats with a good piano loop. This sounds kinda old school too. It’s still an average posse cut.

7. Skybourne
Featuring Big K.R.I.T. & Smoke DZA; Produced by Ski Beatz
P from da D: This one is elvated a little though from the rest because of a nice hook and a verse from Big KRIT.
Chew: Soothing piano airplane feel
B-Easy: I saw this performed live and the vocals on this version sound MUCH better.

8. The Hangover
Featuring Mikey Rocks; Produced by Ski Beatz
P from da D: Im pretty sure if I was high this would be amazing. We got Mikey Rocks from The Cool Kids and his verse fits with the song well.
Chew: The chorus is intoxicating, especially when you’re walking early in the morning listening to this.
B-Easy: To me this has a “sitting around chillin’ and having drinks with my friends” kinda vibe.

9. The Day
Featuring Jay Electronica & Mos Def; Produced by Ski Beatz
P from da D: Now this is what im talkin bout. Mos Def Curren$y and Jay Electronica thats one hell of a good combonation. Best track so far.
Chew: Ski switched up on the production here.
B-Easy: “You was cool 10 years ago you fuckin Lex bubble!” I don’t know what that mean but I’ve been saying it all week. This hands dow the best track off the album.

10. Prioritize (Beeper Bill)
Featuring & Produced by Nesby Phips
P from da D: I like tracks with a topic/purpose. Okay track. I dont really think it was album material though and once again it was slow and short.
Chew: “That’s a mean pair of kicks, kudos love.” Not sure why this is my favorite line.
B-Easy: This is another one where the whole thought of it is cool but I can’t see myself listening to this one over and over again.

11. Chilled Coughphee
Featuring Devin the Dude; Produced by Ski Beatz
P from da D: WOW. I love this one! Crazy beat! This is more of the kind of shit I was expecting.
Chew: This song over time has grown to be more humorous than originally thought.
B-Easy: I’ve said this before but i think it’s a federal law that Devin has to be on you album if you have a “weed” song.

12. Address
Featuring Stalley; Produced by Ski Beatz
P from da D: If Curren$y was a better rapper he could really carry these tracks into great songs. Stalley fit perfectly over the track.
Chew: Howling vocal samples repeated throughout. Reflective.
B-Easy: This is another one where Creative Control’s touch made me like the song more. “Ain’t nothing change but the address…”

13. Life Under The Scope
Produced by Ski Beatz & Michael Sterling Eaton
P from da D: Its a really nice track but it just doesnt stand out or demand attention.
Chew: The rumbling bass hides under the pianos.
B-Easy: “Evict yourself/From the house/Like when Beth instigated that situation with Tammie/Got David kick out”. That’s pretty cool line for the people who caught it.

Bottom Line:
P from da D: I came to the conlusion that this a strictly a smoker’s CD. I just dont understand why on his biggest album yet why it would just sound like another mixtape. This is why you dont make a whole album with the same producer; it just sounds like one long ass song. And only 13 tracks (Not counting bonus)? Not only that but some where short. But on the other hand it wasnt bad, dont get me wrong I dont hate the album and thats why im having a hard time picking a rating. He doesnt deserve any lower than three stars because nothing on here was terrible just a little boring. [3 out of 5]

Chew: Sometimes, it’s not about what the artist really has to convey to us, it’s how he conveys the ideas and philosophies that he already knows to the best of his knowledge.

I’ve played this straight through everyday ever since the album came out, and this album does not fail to impress, growing on me more and more as the days went by. Sure, I initially thought the hype was too much for Curren$y to truly deliver, but apparently to him, none of that really matters. Let him do this thing, and we’ll appreciate it, regardless of what he does. Simply, quite a fantastic album. [4 out of 5]

B-Easy: If you were looking for Curren$y to change up his style for this major treatment, you were thoroughly mistaken. And that’s not a bad thing. He stuck to his guns and what we get is an album that isn’t like most released by major labels. It’s full of smart metaphors, plane fixations, and things that created fans for Curren$y.

The draw back here is that the album will be hit or miss with most fan; they’ll either think it’s boring or love it. Thanks to Ski Beatz handling most of the producing duties it has cohesiveness but what you get early on in the album is what your gonna get in the end.

Smokers, underground heads, & backpackers will love Pilot Talk. For new listeners it may take a minute. [3.5 out of 5]

Download: Curren$y feat. Wiz Khalifa – “Scaling The Building” [Bonus Track]
Download: Curren$y feat. Klassik – “Clothes Off” [Bonus Track]
Curren$y – “Breakfast (In & Out)” [Original Version]

Note:Ratings: 3, 4, 3.5 Average Rating: 3.5 Stars

  1. Decent album, really boring but I like King Kong, The Day & Adress. It looks like Def Jam undershipped the album b/c its hard to find.

  2. I’m not a fan of the dude, only time i heard his stuff more than once was on “Grown Man”, off the Carter II. Speaking of the Carter II doesn’t Wayne have a line that goes, “Big wheels make it look a little bulky, you look a little salty, have yourself a chilled coffee”

    Is Curren$y goin at his old “boss” on track 11?

    Yeah I didn’t think so either.

  3. I got bailed out by all three of you. This album didn’t do it for me, and I didn’t want to give him a bad score just because I thought the album was boring.

  4. Dude album isn’t that bad but it isn’t great either. Some of the beats are nice and I like the Roasted track a lot, I wish Nas could have had that beat instead or it’ll be nice to hear Jay-Z or Black Thought on it maybe Rick Ross.

    Anyways hip hop needs a different balance instead of the same bouncy bass rattling shit… I love bass with me being from the south but sometimes we need a balance so we can listen to different stuff sometimes instead of the same shit.

  5. but… Curren$y is better than Rick Ross and most of the raps Jay-z does now…

    like seriously. I liked Officer Ricky’s last album, but Curren$y is obviously the better rapper there.

    Also I’ve always thought Black Thought was just politico babble that The Roots sort of held under raps by putting a huge amount of guests with. Nas is turning to politico babble.

      1. . uhhh duh. Curren$y has a much more unique style, odd ball rhyme scheme-ing, and in just a complexity sense of the way he organizes his words he is infinitely more technical rhymer than Ross. In terms of rapping too, Curren$y uses his unique-ness in rapping to make a topic as typical as smoking weed 24/7 interesting and funny. Rick Ross takes regular rap content and pushes it the same way over fantastic beats.

      1. ever listened to Nas on N-Word when he switched to talking about the government? total nonsense.

  6. Man I love this album….I’d give it a solid 4 stars. Fav Songs: Life Under The Scope, Address, Breakfast, and Audio Dope II.. Likin the group review too…..pretty dope

  7. pilot talk official stoner review

    so when i moved to va beach in march i got a gram of chronic march 23rd or whatever day pilot talk was originally supposed to come out. turns out i waited 4 months later and ended up being in north carolina smoking kush listening to pilot talk. i downloaded it right when i woke up. and baked.

    example: one of the beats you heard in the promo commercial for pilot talk. i personally think this song would have sounded better without the live instruments. im actually really fucking upset that they didn’t use the beat on this video oh my god its way better. but i still love this song. great intro. I AM AN EXAMPLE

    audio dope ll: i basically knew id love this song once i saw the video above, and when i saw the actual video of the recording. this beat is so fucking raw. last night afghan kush and MASS BASS in my niggas whip. this song fucks shit up. this is typical curren$y and he doesn’t have to be super lyrical to be nice cause i understand all his rhymes, well most.

    king kong: sick ass beat. ski beatz is a monster i’d rip alot of these beats if somehow they came out with instrumentals but i doubt it. actually im pretty much positive i wont get a hold of these beats. hook is awesome. not my favorite song but still pretty good. idk i just expected more when i saw the video(which is awesome)

    seat change: totally agreed from everyone on this sight snoop dogg fell off. song does take a while to get to the lyrics but trust me when your high it doen’t matter this beat is sick. the guitar is what really gets me. i love the concept cause its again typical curren$y, ride with a g then get kicked out type shit.

    bitches with whom i’ve slept solidify my rep haha.

    breakfast: i feel like im on an island right now listening to this. its probably because of the breakfast video bc i wanted to be there when i saw it. but this opposed to example sounds alot better than the original with the live instrumentals and i like the hook too. definitely too short. fuck. but still great cause i catch my self spittin this shit all the time. its the perks of wakin n bakin i like it.

    roasted: i honestly didn’t really like this song till i was stoned. and you know what i fuck with young roddy and trademarks verses just as much as spittas. see trade is really slept on supervillian 2 .. good ass mixtape. smoking mixtape not for everyone. and i love the flute on this beat besides that the whoel beat is sweet. not the biggest fan of the hook i love how curren$y comes in.

    skybourne: i like the owee owee owee sound alot and the beat is smooth but hasn’t really caught me to become my favorite songs. hooks good not really for me though, i got a feeling ill end up liking it though cause i listen to the album all the way through alot which is the only thing about how short it is. big krits nice and talented. good mixtape. but idk much about what he’s saying, and smoke dza kills 8 grams nigga fuck with me

    hangover: another good ass beat. didn’t really catch my ear the first time i heard it when it leaked but now i like it alot more, i feel cool as shit when i say
    im in the fire 12s

    HIGH as hellllll
    curren$y flow is smooth too.

    theday: wow. wow. wow. wow. i always say the lexbubble line too hahah. spitta rips the shit, jay does, mosdoes, the beat.. crazy. not really much else to say. best song on the album.

    prioritze: race cars and weed jars. i love this beat. i actually put this up with theday and nesby phips is nice all his verses are catchy and this beat is so trippy that what i love about it. 21 joints burnin for me? i bet nobody doubts that actually happened
    sippin cranberry no likkka. no blunts ! (fuck that though)

    chilled coughphee: i expected something like this on the feature with devin but its hot. the beat is good, but at the same time not my favorite but i like devins verse and agreed the shit is funny. i like this song just cause its a feel good song.

    address: i like currensy and stalley on the track together. once again smooth ass beat from ski and the video for this is great. summertime l ride pink sky type of shit

    life under the scope: i like this better than the original. i didn’t like it much at first but definitely one of my favorite songs on pilot talk now

    all i gotta say is curren$y im not as happy with pilot talk as i seem bc you made me wait forever nigga. you ruined my day that one time, and i heard literally half the cd before it dropped. but i DID buy it
    itunes the only way to go
    anyway hope you guys like the stoner review

        1. haaha thanks man i’m a big fan of the site. and definitely roasted does start to catch you it was just a regular song to me cause the shit leaked everywhere. but trademark is nice. but thaniks bro

  8. hey, good job to all involved. I’m really diggin’ the Group Therapy thing, It’s like the review version of a posse cut. next time yall wanna do one, Boastin’ Verbs will jump on if need be

  9. By the way if you guys really want to fall in love with Curren$y listen to JET FILES and THIS AINT NO MIXTAPE which are both sick and not as boring as this one.

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