Kanye West On The Cleveland Show [Video]

So I finally sat down and watched an episode of The Cleveland Show. I will admit to not being on the bandwagon, because I LIKE Family Guy and I wasn’t sure how a show could work around Cleveland. Well all that changed last night! No, not because Kanye guest starred as Kenny West, and no, not because they featured Obama. It all changed because I realized Cleveland’s wife is a FOX! Shawty got an ass on her!

Okay, I got sidetracked, back to the show! Kenny West is the town’s biggest star and by the looks of it he’s homeless. Cleveland takes him in, and tries to get him to ditch the rapping and do something better with his life yada, yada, yada. I’m acting like you all aren’t going to watch it, no need for a play by play. Check out the video and see if you can spot all the “sneak disses” on the episode. After seeing the season 2 kickoff, I might have to check out The Cleveland Show from now on…even if it’s to check out his wife!

The People's Champ/Founder
  1. Here’s why i don’t like the Cleveland Show…

    Seth MacFarlane pretty much thought: “Hey, we use all these black jokes in Family Guy, why don’t we just create a show around them!?”

    I’m fine with that, get ya money dude. The show just isn’t all that good. Family Guy is enough for me.

    1. exactly my thought lil bro. They need some black writers to give that show some authentic jokes and humor. Not to mention that the first season was half-assed with the way they always cut off someone in shots and the terrible storylines. Balls Deep was the best episode/moment on that show period. I don’t know if they’ll ever top that.

  2. I’m in the minority with this one, for me its…

    The Cleveland Show > Family Guy > American Dad (does anybody even watch AD? I quit)

    TCS actually has some heart behind it, Cleveland seems to care about the family (like Homer), where as Peter could care less if his daughter gets raped, if the baby gets run over, and for me thats always given Family Guy a kind of coldness that makes me uncomfortable. I mean its funny as shit, but I actually like the family on Cleveland….as queer as that sounds, lol

    The Simpsons is an all-around better show than all of em, but that could just be cause I grew up with it

    oh, this was a great episode, ‘Ye kills it (for the second time)

  3. I watch all the Animation Domination shows on Sunday. And even though I rank The Simpsons as one of my all time favorites (An ex-girlfriend gave me a framed poster one X-Mas. It clashed with all the ass I used to have on my wall though), the best written animation show of the bunch is (*drum roll*):

    American Dad. I know, but the writing in that show has been awesome in the last two years.

    1. wow, really? I’ve never once laughed at that show. I gave it a chance the first season, and while it has more “heart” than Family guy (and it doesnt do 100 “cutaways” every episode), the rest seems like a hodge-podged mess. A nerd, a hippie, the Super Spy dad, a german fish, an alien that sounds like Paul Lynde….its like they were throwing darts at a word board.

      I’ll give em points for taking shots at the American “norm”, but I dunno….I think its on last for a reason

  4. For some reason I could never seen this man having his own show……. I haven’t watched not one episode of Cleveland. I seen enough of him on Family Guy… His voice is so annoying to me.

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