Note: First off, shout out to P from the D for reviewing this album. We didn’t ask him to, but thanks for the love man. And just to clear things up, this review is for the version of The Hybrid that was released on March 16th of 2010 and not the “Deluxe Version” that was recently released on February 8th of this year (That version has three more songs). Also, with all honesty, this may not be the most unbiased review but it’s still worth the read. Detriot stand up! – B-Easy
I been waiting for Danny Brown’s first major release, The Hybrid, for a long time. Danny Brown is a rapper from my city (Detroit) who made his way up through the same underground circles of artists like J Dilla, Black Milk, and Slum Village. To me he is the rapper that best represents Detroit through his lyrics and personality. If you wanna hear gangsta rap why not hear it from someone who is still in the hood and lives what he writes. He is gritty and I mean GRITTY. But at the sime time you get amazing lyrics and a lot of comedy. I’m excited for this one and I hope Danny doesnt let me down.
1. Greatest Rapper Ever
Produced by Quelle
I heard this a while ago and my first  thought was it’s weirdness. But when you really listen to it, the lyrics are crazy. He said “I’m spittin the dope shit, smoking on regulars writing 16’s like internet child predators”. That ish is gritty as hell. Another one: “Said fuck class off them same pills that had Carlton dancing fast” LMAO
2. Need Another Drink
Produced by Mainframe
This beat is making my head hurt already but Danny’s flow and lyrics carry it and make it enjoyable. “All my bitches eat pussy like Missy” (Another funny Brown line).
3. New Era
Produced by Nick Speed
This tracks main point is talking about wearing New Era Detroit hats. Even though it sounds shallow, once again Brown kills it with lyrics and grittiness over a crazy dope beat from Nick Speed.
4. Exotic
Produced by Danny! Swain
Sounds like a D-12 beat but its kicking like crazy. The hook goes like “Coke on the corner, guns in the closet, bills on the table blowing on exotic, 100 on a model fuck direct deposit, rollin’ old school chevy’s, next year we ride exotics”. I like it
5. I’m Out
Produced by Chuck Inglish
He starts off the track telling a sad story about the death of a friend; giving you another side of him. Not much to say about this other than it’s good, although short, track.
6. Re-Up
Produced by Quelle
Man this sounds like some early Wu-Tang Clan ish. And I love it. This is definently some Detroit rap. Hook is gritty as ever goes like “I’m just trying to make re-up, fuck around put a G up and blow a blunt wit mans, I’m trying to make re-up and drink a 5th with my niggas”. This sounds a lot like “Greatest Rapper Ever” but still dope.
7. Nowhere To Go
Produced by Denmark Vessey
*Jaw hits floor*
This track is crazy beat/lyrics/just everything. This is also the first song that has a positive feeling. Nothing to say but crack.
8. Shootin’ Moves
Produced by Franky Dukes
Even more dope production without a single beat by Black Milk. Hook is simple but effective “Nigga quit worrying about what I’m doing cuz I could give a fuck about what you doing, I’m shootin’ moves”. Brown says “If I ain’t in your top ten than bitch you cant count only thing that makes sense is dollar amount”. Y’all can’t mess with us Detroit boys.
9. The Nana Song
Produced by Danny! Swain
Another extremely gutter and gritty song. When I saw this song I figured it meant “NaNa” as in women but I was wrong it is saying, it’s “Na Na Na Na Na” like in a kidish teasing way. “Keep sleeping on me Ima wake up with your bitch rollin over askin her, know how to make grits?”. Danny is hilarious
10. Guitar Solo
Produced by Quelle
Brown goes into a storytelling mode with an amazing beat thats basically a guitar playing for the hook. Man just when I think this guy can’t get any better he makes tells a dope ghetto stories. It is also a little short as most of the song is the guitar playing.
11. White Stripes
Produced by Quelle
A rock inspired beat (I’m guessing a White Stripes’ sample?). Funny Brown line: “A bay bay this is not a diss but your bitch look like Hurricane Chris”. Not bad by any means but it could have been better. Tons of funny clever lines in this one though.
12. Juno
Produced by Mosel
Songs basically about ghetto single baby mamas; he spits some knowledge on this one. This is like “Brenda’s Got A Baby” as far as subject matter and Brown tells it like it is out here.
13. Thank God
Produced by Mosel
He made me laugh in this one just listen to the hook, “Let’s bow our heads, hold hands and thank God. Let’s hit the market my baby and go hard. Lets hit Save-A-Lot and we can buy it all thank God for a Bridge card” LMAO! But on a sidenote, thats another thing missing from rap; rapping reality and actual talking about being broke. I don’t really think he meant it to be funny but this whole thing is hilarious. “And she got the WIC card so that’s mad Juicy Juice”. I guess you have to be broke or around broke people to understand this.
14. Drinks On Me
Produced by Quelle
Another ghetto preachy song and I dont mean that in a bad way from Brown. He’s deeper than I thought. I guess he knew Max B being that in the hook he says “Take a sip and say Free Max B” (I’m gonna have to look that up).
15. Generation RX
Produced by 14KT
Clever, very clever. I get the title 1 minute into the song. He speaks on our nation’s new addiction on perscription medication. I gotta admit I didnt expect all this from Brown.
16. S.O.S.
Produced by SlopFunkdust
I hate to hit the end. This is a more laid back song than the rest of the album. A lot more gems from Brown. Now that we hit the end I truly understand the album title: This guy can do almost anything style well.
Bottom Line:
Man I have so much positive things to say about this I don’t know where to start. I didn’t pump this review up because Brown is from Detroit (Not one bit). I truly didn’t expect this to be this good. This is the best rap album I’ve heard in a while. Man just when I think our city ca’nt bring more great albums after The Preface, Tronic, The Slum Village albums, and Royce’s albumsm Brown comes with this. This should’ve been in discussion for album of the year and everyone from the site to listen to this. Round of applause to Mr. Brown