Tyler the Creator – Goblin [Review]

By now I think we’ve all heard of OFWGKTA. The group that took the world by storm in 2008 has been called everything from gimmick to this generation’s Wu-Tang clan. If that’s the case, then Odd Future’s RZA would undoubtedly be Tyler the Creator, who’s production, video direction, and charisma has brought all of the members into the limelight. His first televised performance on Jimmy Fallon signaled a turning point; it proved that DIY-marketing as an artist can help you to make leaps and bounds as an artist. After turning down major label deals, he’s finally signed a one album distribution deal to release Goblin, his first album to be released in stores. Will going commercial change Tyler? Let’s check out Goblin.

The intro track of the album which mirrors that of his last album, Bastard, with Tyler talking to his therapist. I don’t think this lives up to the intro from his last album; rather than a long tirade like last time, this intro deals with a lot of the critiques Tyler’s been getting about his music: being classified as horrorcore, his lyrics, and some real details about his life. I feel as though this intro is more personal than the last one because he’s dealing with actual problems rather than just filling it with random ridiculous lyrics. This is definitely a standout on the album, but I don’t think it tops Bastard‘s intro, that was crazy.

The first single of the album mirrors the rest of the album lyrically; it mostly contains non-sequiters about Jesus, threesomes with triceratops, and killing B.o.B. This is all rapped under the Wolf Haley alias that Tyler uses for some of the album. Most people will jump to this track for the beat and the lyrics, but in my honest opinion, the lyrics aren’t really anything to write about; he’s not really saying anything on the beat. His flow over the beat is pretty impressive, however.

The song starts with a random disclaimer about how the entire song is fiction, which to me is pointless; I’d assume that if Bill O’Reilly or whoever wanted to attack him for the lyrics in his music, he’d do it anyway. But back to the song: the chorus goes “Kill people, burn shit, fuck school”, so the PSA kind of looks stupid. This beat is ridiculous, and again Tyler flows adeptly over it, preaching tolerance for everyone’s beliefs and just doing what you want. I like the message, but the song is a little too long for my taste, and he barely even spits 16 bars on the whole thing.

Featuring Frank Ocean
This is the song for the girls. I like the beat and the hook, but Tyler sounds really weird and out of his element on this beat; he sounds like he’s trying to make a song for girls awkwardly on the second verse, and then makes it a catchy “date me or else” refrain on the third. It’s an OK song, nothing too special.

Co-Produced by Left Brain
This is Tyler, back in his element. This is basically the less soft version of the last song just played. So instead of rapping about getting date, he’s rapping about kidnapping and raping women. Still, I think he sounds better over this song and he flows better over the darker beat. This is just one long verse, but again, it’s not a song I would consider memorable.

Once the beat drops, Tyler wastes no time and just goes in: “My only problem is death/Fuck heaven, I ain’t showin’ no religion respect/Brain-damaged, therapy’s the only thing I regret/Talking to me is like a fuckin’ body missin’ a neck.” This song is pretty personal, about the trials and tribulations he’s been going through, and how his life was hell. He raps about going from being a misfit in high school to drunk driving in cars. This is the most lyrical display yet on the album, definitely another stand out track.

Tron Cat
Within the album’s storyline, Tron Cat is described a dark side of Tyler’s persona, whose voice he hears in his head telling him to do bad things. So this track is an excuse for another “Kill Them All” track: “You niggas rap about fucking bitches and getting head/I rap about fucking bitches and getting heads/While you niggas stacking money, I could stack a couple dead/Bodies, making red less of a color, more of a hobby.” This song is hella lyrical, but again he’s discussing the same topics as before. “Rape a fucking pregnant bitch and tell my friends I had a threesome/You got a fucking deathwish? I’m a genie, it’ll get done.” Even the therapist says WTF after the song is over. There’s not really any substance here, and while the beat is kind of cool, the song just doesn’t grab me.

This is another song about girls, but it’s better because it plays out like a story. It’s about this girl he sees around the way who he likes, but she’s with someone who treats her badly. Still, he just can’t get her to leave the guy for good. He raps some real shit: “My nigga asked ‘Aye, what happened to such and such/I could stutter her name and then tell him I fucked/Or I could tell him the truth and say she ain’t like me much/Instead I lie and say she moved to Nebraska.” It’s a nice change in pace from the previous tracks.

Featuring Hodgy Beats
I like the live version of this song a lot better, but at the end of the day, this’ll do. The song isn’t as hot as it could be, but lyrically it shows off the best of the group: “Those privileged fucks gotta learn that we ain’t taking no shit/Like Ellen Degeneres’ clitoris is playin with dick/I’m jealous as shit, cause I ain’t got no home meal to come to/So if you do, I’m throwin’ fingers up screaming FUCK YOU!” Hodgy Beats definitely came correct, but his lyrics might be a bit much for the religious hip-hop listeners. I don’t get how an ENTIRE song can be filled with references to satanism, forced abortions, and murder, but you can say your music isn’t horrorcore? Maybe Tyler just doesn’t like being categorized. This song is sick as hell though.

Fish/Boppin Bitch
This is another song about the girls, but it’s back to raping fantasy. The beat is very well done, but it’s all over the place as an actual track. Frank Ocean even comes in and sings a couple lines, sounding even more out of place in what was already a mess. This is a borderline SKIP to me.

Featuring Hodgy Beats
This song is more like an interlude for Hodgy Beats to rap on. I don’t really like the hook or Tyler’s contribution, but Hodgy’s verse is pretty hard and he fits the track pretty well. Regardless, this song is pretty forgettable.

Bitch Suck Dick
Featuring Jasper Dolphin & Taco Bennett
Seeing the title and the infamous Jasper & Taco combination of the Wolf Gang is a clear sign that this song isn’t to be taken seriously at all. It’s a completely different from the album; it sounds more like it belongs on Waka Flocka’s album than this one. At the end of the song, he kills both Taco and Jasper. This is definitely a SKIP.

Featuring Domo Genesis, Mike G, Hodgy Beats, & Frank Ocean
The therapist introduces this posse track by announcing that he called his friends to the meeting to talk to him, hilariously saying he couldn’t find Taco and Jasper. Domo starts off, rapping about his smoking, his trademark. Mike G comes on rapping similar to Tyler with his stories about the Wolf Gang. Hodgy, rapping third, raps about females, while Frank Ocean raps as well, though not as well as the others. Tyler continues on with his personal look at his life, discussing failed house payments his mom was struggling through and dreams of paying bills for his family. Of course, at the end, Tyler takes a machine gun and murders everyone in the room. Everyone came correct on the track, good song.

This is just an instrumental. Nothing much to really say here, it’s a good beat.

This last track takes place after Tyler just killed all his friends. He raps about the stresses he still deals with as a rapper now, and the fact that several of the things he’s gone through he just won’t be able to get over. At the end of the album, the story comes full-circle, with the therapist revealing that he and all of Tyler’s friends are just figments of his imagination, and that he is actually Tyler. It’s a great way to end both the story and the album.

Bottom Line:
Overall, I still don’t really see all the hype behind OFWGKTA. When I first heard their material, I was very interested in hearing more from them; they sounded like a mixture between the Wu-Tang Clan and Eminem in my opinion. However, after 12 free mixtapes, this just sounds stale. I get the fact that Tyler has been through a lot of things in his childhood, but when you talk about killing and rape on every single song, it just gets boring and tedious. Why do you think Eminem gradually shifted out of his Slim Shady persona? It’s because, at the end of the day, you can’t just sound good on a track; if you rap on a track about satanism, rape and murder, put all that on your merchandise, and then at the same time say: “No, we don’t do this in real-life, and no, we’re no horrorcore. Stop calling us that,” I can only assume you’re doing it for shock value to get attention. For me, their 15 minutes was up after Earl, who is easily one of their best members, disappeared and they decided not to change up their material. I don’t care how big a fan of this group you are; anyone who says they’ll be listening to this ENTIRE ALBUM (yeah, that includes the Taco & Jasper song) and will be enjoying it about 6 months from now is LYING. About less than half of these songs are worth keeping, let’s be honest here. I’m probably gonna get slaughtered by fans for my review, but I think I’m being more than generous.

  1. I know that most people don’t care anymore and that they are going to curse me out for saying this stuff. No wonder this country is messed up, when people listen to this kind of music with profanity, sexual garbage and violence, they think it is all right. First of all don’t give me that crap about freedom of speech, freedom of speech is not about behaving or acting like this, if the founding fathers who wrote the freedom of speech found out that it would end up like this they would be devastated. When I look at the kids today they all have filthy things coming out of their mouth with no respect for anyone, sleeping around with everyone, no wonder half of them are suffering from STD’s and other sexual diseases. This kind of crap has to stop, again I know you want to curse or beat the hell out of me, but I know that there are still decent people out there who think that this kind of stuff Is wrong and it is wrong. We have taken freedom of speech and threw it in a toilet ball with raw sewage swimming around it. The way society is going the way it is (Lack of respect, STD’s, Violence, Divorces, anything goes and nothing is wrong any more) imagine how bad it is going to be in another 25 years, we have to change our ways and become decent with high morals or this country is going to go down. Again I know most of you reading this don’t give a crap and are laughing at me really hard, but that’s the truth.

    1. Decent with high morals? While society has undoubtly become increasing less polite, decency in just a facade. 50 years ago, when every one was much more decent Jim Crow was the law of the South and was either ignored or accepted by the rest of the country. So if you don’t like the music, or don’t agree with the subject matter that’s fine, but as for other bullshit, cut it out.

    2. I see where you’re trying to come from, but your argument is a non-issue. Music is music, just like Schwarzenegger been killing whole countries inn his movies in the 80s, violent imagery and lyrics is nothing new – look at rock music in the late 70s/early 80s. Listening to something like this or using bad language isn’t a sign of a bad person – words are just words at the end of the day, and if you take offense to something that someone says, which has no physical impact on you, well, that’s just being a sensitive bitch.

    3. man, first off, thanks for coming to the site. Secondly, what the fuck are you on? Let’s not try to blame the problems of society to what happens in music. This society and it’s freedom of speech have been a fucking joke since it’s inception. They wrote those revolutionary lines, while slaves were outside picking cotton on that very plantation. They used the freedom of speech idea to promote the Harrison Act of 1914. This law enabled policemen to get larger caliber handguns to combat “sex crazed super mexicans and negros that were raping white women.” Those lines were printed in papers and on flyers to push this legislation forward with NO proof or validity. This same society and it’s freedom of speech were the cornerstone of Hitlers race cleansing theory which was born from the theory of Eugenics, a theory that was founded by Charles Benedict Davenport, an American. I get so tired of folks coming in here and scapegoating the arts and more specifically the Hip Hop culture for the ills of society.

      Hip Hop is less than 40 years old and has been blamed for the mortality rate of black men, racial tension and violence, sexual deviance, sexism, and all kinds of OTHER bullshit that are staples of this very society. Hip Hop is the effect, this society is the cause. No one gave a damn when Ozzie Osbourne was biting off heads of bats, Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13yr old 1st cousin, or Johnny Rebel was sweeping the nation.

      So don’t talk to me about the issues of society and the miss use of the “Freedom of Speech” from a document that openly says that I’m 3/5ths of a man and systematically castrates those that look like me. I don’t really get into an abundance of Odd Future music (even though that Frank Ocean EP is amazing), but I’m not going to fault this man for the ills of society anymore than I would Twisted Sister or Quiet Riot.

      Take this shit to the ballot box, and leave my Hip Hop alone.

      Call me mad if you want to, but as long as you call me sincere and honest in the same sentence, I could give a shit.

    1. Why would he be mad? He wasn’t raging, just said the album’s not that hot – and it’s not.

  2. I kind of liked this album, listened to it all the way through a few times, but I do agree with you, H2O, their shtick is getting really old, really fast. Also – I wouldn’t call this horror-core any more than I would call Eminem’s first few albums that – it’s just angst coupled with dark beats and black humor. I don’t know why you’re so impressed with him lyrically though, he would be in the mid-tier of commercial rappers, but as an underground artist, he leaves a lot to be desired. I can think of 20 underground rappers off the top of my head that would roast Tyler. I’m sure he realizes this, that’s why he goes for the shock value.

  3. idk about you guys, but this album is the shit to me. i must say OF is my favorite shit now, even over brother lynch. tyler made him sound like a pansy! i mean shit, i thought it was great. my favorite album of the year so far next to the hotsaucecomiteepart2. i think this should be a 4 cuz there are slip ups.

  4. I would first like to thank Nappyafro for getting me into Tyler The Creator, and 2nd I would like to say that this is the kinda shit rap needs! They need people with persoality and who are different and not scared to be different. I love the originality of Tyler its a breathe of fresh air. I would give this album a 4. Compare it to some of yall Jay-Z albums or this other shit that comes out and its definently better. A lot of shit he makes like Bitch Suck Dick isnt made to be taken serious or to be a classic its made to be entertaining. At the end of the day rap is all about entertaiment so get yall heads out yall ass about artists like Lil B and Tyler and see if u like it, and dont hear the lyrics and immediately freak out saying he’s going for shock value or whatever. He is one of the best right now period. I cant remeber a rap album like this that was actually structed in somewhat of a story or plot its genious.

    1. 2007-T.I. vs. T.I.P., The Cool, American Gangster

      2008-Thr33 Ringz (LOL)


      2010-MBDTF, Mr. Rager

      Dude is not any different from what’s been done. Hip-hop DOESN’T LIKE CHANGE. Otherwise, Charles Hamilton would’ve ruled the game. How do you get any different than that?? No, Hip-hop is all about the commercial now, which is what Tyler’s doing. What is he actually talking about?? The most personal thing we get from him is that his dad left him.

      1. Of course Hip Hop likes change… ever heard of the Underground? The reason Commercial music doesn’t change is the same reason Blockbusters don’t. or AAA games – they have a formula that works, so why should they differentiate from it, especially when there’s millions of Dollars involved? When you’re into something that big, there are investors, board members and marketing teams that you have to worry about, that’s why true innovation will always come from the Indie market, be it movies, games or music. If something from the Indie market works and catches on, then the Mainstream will catch on.

      2. True but I wouldn’t call Tyler’s raps commercial either, these definitely aren’t songs you would hear on a top 40 radio station or even songs to blast around most girls. And while Tyler’s schtick can get tiring after sitting through more than a few songs of it I do think dude is pretty funny, plus he opens up about some pretty personal stuff on some songs like missing Earl and feeling like an outcast, Tyler might seem like a freak from his music but if you’ve ever watched him Odd Future do stuff you’d see their just pretty normal guys. I feel like seeing them in person made his music easier to stomache for me, Tyler went from being like a creepy guy who seemed like he would kill somebody to that weird friend that says messed up stuff but is still cool enough to keep around.
        On another note Earl>>>> Anything else Odd Future related

  5. Wow i have never heard of this guy until a week ago..

    I listened to about 15 seconds each of a couple song and this guy/guys is fuckin super wack

    I listen to everybody and i mean everybody but he/they is just too different for me and not in a good way

    Definitely on that Killer Mike Pledge x3 though ha

    Oh Ya good review H20

  6. co-sign rickjamesbitch on that earl comment. dude is literally a beast. and yeah they pretty much act like me and most of my friewnds just normal people who do dumb shit

  7. Ok I don’t know why but I just can’t get into the album. I’ll have to put it on the ipod and ride on marta to get that vibe I suppose. I like horrorcore but his horrorcore isn’t as dope as Triple 6 Mafia/Gravediggaz was.

  8. He has a few good songs, but most of the album is mediocre. He doesn’t impress me at all on a lyrical standpoint. I’ll give him props for producing the album with no samples. The concept is different, but nothing new (Cage did it way better). My favorite joints: Tron Cat, Sandwiches, Au79, Legend, Burger. 2/5 at best.

    “You fuckin’ up, and truthfully I had enough, and fuck rolling papers, I’m a rebel bitch, I’m ashin’ blunts”

  9. man, I tried to listen to this album. Damn near made me go to church on A Thursday morning just so I wouldn’t miss Sunday service. This shit is too dark for me, fuck that.

  10. It’s a decent album. His music is refreshing. He don’t sound like Nothing on the radio. I guess that is the main reason for their appeal.

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