Payback! Remix Contest


Y’all know we rock with Danny! here at the ‘fro (check the review of his latest album here or feature we did here). So when he hit let me know about this contest, I was happy to get the word out! Also, for all you producers and aspiring Dr. Dre’s that send us music to put on the site, here’s a way for you to get down and maybe even get some cash. Hell, I may even try and submit something…not because I’m talented like that, but because $500 and some SONOS headphones would help me out too. I could try and explain it all to you but Danny! does a great job of that on his site HERE. Happy producing, good luck, and when you win, tell em nappyafro sent ‘cha.

Official Rules and Details: Danny Swain – Payback Remix Contest