WWE Night of Champions: Daniel Bryan Beats Randy Orton

Night of Champions
This Sunday’s WWE pay-per-view, Night of Champions, was kinda hard to watch for me. Not because it was a bad show; in all aspects, it was actually an okay show. Maybe it was just too much going on on Sunday. There was the NFL, Breaking Bad, Dexter, and maybe I was still tired from watching Mayweather vs. Canelo the night before.

But all that bullshit aside, the biggest thing to happen at Night of Champions was Daniel Bryan beating Randy Orton for the WWE Championship. I don’t think anybody really thought Bryan would actually win the title and if he did, maybe a unemployed Cody Rhodes or Goldust would help or something.

Then again, it’s good chance Daniel didn’t actually win. If you saw the match, you know that a referee got knocked out, replaced, and then came back to replace the replacement (Not to mention a fast count). So it’s almost 100% chance Triple H comes out on Raw tomorrow and either awards the title back to Orton or issue a rematch because the ruling tonight was invalid.

  • Tag Team Turmoil Match for a Tag Team Championship Match: The Prime Time Players defeated Tons of Funk, 3MB, & The Real Americans.
  • Intercontinental Championship Match: Curtis Axel defeated Kofi Kingston to retain the Intercontinental Championship.
  • Fatal Four-Way match for the Divas Championship: AJ Lee defeated Natalya, Brie Bella, & Naomi to retain the Divas Championship.
  • World Heavyweight Championship Match: Rob Van Dam defeated Alberto Del Rio (c) by disqualification. Alberto Del Rio retains the World Heavyweight Championship.
  • The Miz defeated Fandango.
  • No Disqualification Elimination Handicap Match: Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman defeated CM Punk.
  • United States Championship Match: Dean Ambrose (c) defeated Dolph Ziggler to retain the United States Championship.
  • Tag Team Championship Match: The Shield (c) defeated The Prime Time Players to retain the Tag Team Championship.
  • WWE Championship Match: Daniel Bryan defeated Randy Orton (c) to become the new WWE Champion.
  1. Ehh, I don’t like the decision to put the belt back on Bryan this early. For an evil corporate CEO with the strength of the entire business behind him to be toppled in 3 weeks is bad writing. Luckily, there are ways to write it.
    Example, Triple HHH comes out tonight on RAw, tells the locker room that he is fair, and that he proved it last night by letting Bryan have a fair match against Orton, and that all along he was only doing whats ‘best for business’. Have him apologize to Bryan, etc, but tell hium, since he’s being so fair, he let’s Orton invoke his rematch clause tonight. Then it goes back to the Shield trying to cheat and help Orton win, But then Big Show comes out, looking like he’s gonna save Bryan. But instead he KO’s Bryan, Orton is the champ, Show is in the the corporation and now you have a full team for Survivor Series (Orton, Show and the Shield)

  2. I really like the idea that Bry won. I say have him beat Orton YET again. Next you put show out there and tell him to win or get fired. Show wins, is now the champion and once Trips and Steph start lavishing him with gifts, he starts to go full heel and enjoy it. Orton is then run in the same scenario you did with D-Bry but now with Sandow. Corporation on 2 shows really makes more sense. Orton as the World champ on smackdown carrying out the agenda, Show on Raw carrying out the agenda, it’s dope that way.

    So, you have ADR lose to RVD, Sandow come in to cash in LOSE. RVD is the champ, Orton is declared the number one contender since he’s their guy and is now showing the mean streak they want. RVD scheduled to have a match with Orton, Shield kicks his ass, Orton comes in and plays clean up, new champ. OR since Santino is back, you can have Ricardo turn on RVD because that shit sucks anyway, Orton plays clean up, and now Ricardo is Corporate as well. As far as what to do with ADR, who gives a shit, he needs to be rewritten anyway.

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