Second Opinion: Eminem – The Marshall Mathers LP 2

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by P-Body

You know it took me a few years to forgive Eminem after he butchered 2Pac’s Loyal To The Game album but I moved passed that. After having a few albums that was kinda duds I’ll have to say this album he made a comeback. I liked Recovery also but not as much as I like this one. Eminem at age 41 is still light years away of the competition in the game right now. Of course he isn’t as crazy like he was back in ’99 (Which made me a fan) but dude delivery is on point. He can rap fast, slow and very lyrical. I couldn’t believe he actually made a song about how he love his mom that was shocking to me. To me this is one of the best albums out in 2013 unless Rick Ross come up with something really wicked which I’m sure he would on the production. I give this album a 4 out of 5; not classic but it is a good listen. Anybody that say Eminem can’t rap or isn’t lyrical need to be checked into a mental institution.


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