WWE Live from MSG Recap: The Big Show Goes To Suplex City

Cena Cage Face

Seth Rollins vs John Cena (c)
Steel Cage Match for the WWE United States Championship

With both men facing each other recently and putting on some of the best matches in recent memory, this match was bound to be good, and it was. Was it the best steel cage match of all time? No, but it was definitely not the worst. Nice back and forth action with both men hitting some big moves and even reversing some big moves. Kane distracting Seth Rollins made for a good ending and Kane attacking a helpless Seth Rollins inside the steel cage was a good way to end the show.

Overall: It was a good match with some good back and forth action and enjoyable all the way through. Both men put on a very good match to end the show.

Move of the Match: Frog Splash from the top of the cage

Frog Splash

Match Rating: Two & 3/4 Stars


Overall: Maybe the best WWE Network special to date.

Overall Show Rating: Three Stars