The FRO Horsemen: Episode #94

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Yep, ‘nother special event on hand, this time WWE Hell in a Cell is on hand. We go over our predictions as well as ramble through some dope topics like only the Beards of Bedlam can do. Reply with your picks, let us know what you think we got right or wrong and your hopes for the PPV if you want. It’s another episode of the blackest podcast about wrestling from a guy in Texas and a guy in Kentucky, the FROhorsemen. Now ring the damn bell!

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The Black Alex P. Keaton
Da Pocketsquare Kang
  1. ECW: 3 matches: 1 win (Chavo), 1 Successful defense (Chavo), 1 Loss (Mark Henry)

    WWE WHC (Post 2013 Unification): 5 matches: 5 Losses (Bryan, Cena (Ladder match at MiTB), Cena (4 Way), Cena (House show), Rollins


    King of the Ring 98: Won
    Lost the next night to Austin
    In your House 25: No Contest

    Jan Raw: DQ Win Mankind
    Unforgiven 99: 6 pack Challenge Lost
    Nov Raw: Lost to Big Show
    Dec Raw: Lost to Big Show

    Jan Raw: No Contest Triple H
    Feb SD: No Contest Triple H
    King of the Ring 2000: 6 man Tag Match (Rock won the belt)
    Aug Raw: Lost to Rock
    Sept SD: Lost to Rock (2 on 1 Handicap match with Christian)

    Jan 2001 SD: Lost to Kurt Angle
    Backlash 2001: Lost to Austin/Triple H (Brothers of Destruction tag match for WWF/IC Title)

    New Year’s Revolution: Lost Elimination Chamber

    SD: Loss to Punk
    No Way out: Loss to Punk
    6 Live Events: Loss to Punk

    World Heavyweight Championship:
    No Mercy: Loss to Triple H (Lost IC belt too)
    Survivor Series: Elimination Chamber Loss to HBK

    Dec MSG Show: Loss to Goldberg
    Armageddon: Loss to Triple H (Triple Threat with Goldberg)

    Bad Blood: Loss to Chris Benoit (WHO?)
    Jun Raw: Loss to Chris Benoit (Seriously, Who?)

    Jul SD: Loss to Great Khali (battle royale)
    Great American Bash: Loss to Great Khali

    Unforgiven: Loss to Y2J (Championship Scramble)

    No Way out: Elimination Chamber loss to Edge

    MITB: Win over Rey Mysterio
    Jul SD: Win over Rey
    Aug SD: Win over Swagger and Rey
    Summerslam: Win over Rey
    Sept SD: Win over Taker
    Sept MSG Show: Win over Taker (NYC Street Fight. Like really? These two? Street Fight? 5 years ago? They were still old back then)
    Hell in a Cell: Win over Taker
    Oct SD: Win over Big Show
    Bragging Rights: Win over Taker
    Nov SD: Loss to Edge (DQ Loss)
    Survivor Series: Draw against Edge
    Dec SD: Loss to Edge (DQ Loss)
    TLC: Loss to Edge (4 way)

    Elimination Chamber: Loss to Edge

    SD World Tour: Loss to Sheamus (4 way)
    SD World Tour: Loss to Sheamus (4 Way)
    SD World Tour: Loss to Sheamus (3 Way)

    In Summation: Kane won the WWF Championship 1 time and the WHC 1 time. His WWF Title reign lasted 1 night. His WHC Title reign went from July to December 2010.

    Total wins: 2 (3 if you count a DQ Win over Mankind)
    Total Losses: 29
    No Contest: 2

    If you include ECW Wins:
    Total Wins: 4 (5 with the DQ Win over Mankind)
    Total Losses: 30
    No Contest: 2

    That’s 36 total matches:
    Win Percentage: 11%
    Loss Percentage: 83%

    Analysis: Why is anyone afraid of Kane?

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