The FRO Horsemen: Episode #103

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Wrestlemania…..NXT Takeover Dallas…which will be the better show? We weigh in on this episode!

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Da Pocketsquare Kang
The Black Alex P. Keaton
  1. Okay so what about this: At WrestleMania Roman wins the title from Triple H. He’s taking it all in even though the crowd is booing him. The Rock comes out to celebrate with him but Roman hears the crowd cheering for him. He spears The Rock. The next night on the Raw he comes and turns full heel.

    1. I’ve read that one or something similar. I don’t buy Roman as a heel without the support of the Authority. I also don’t know how he goes heel WITH them either. I was bullshittin’ the other day but this is where the Fingerpoke of death would be epic. Roman pokes Trips, gets the win. Stands up and celebrates WITH Roman. So then we get this speech from Trips about how Roman is smart and how they just worked the universe over because it’s what’s best for biz. yada yada. Out comes Cena or Ambrose to confront Roman. They get a spear for their trouble….and now it’s on.

      1. Hahahahahah!!! You can’t have the finger poke of doom in the main event of Wrestlemania.

        What about this: Roman beats Triple H at Mania and gets booed out of the stadium. The next night, he spears a babyface (Cena, The Rock, Dean, etc) and says he’s done trying to please the fans. Then Triple H and him shakes hands, kinda like what happened after the Shield beat up Evolution and the next day Seth turned heel.

        1. I don’t hate it, but Trips is gonna want to come out like it was HIS idea and all a work. I’m curious to see how this plays out.

      1. They didn’t pay for this match though. Rumors are that people are going to walk out on this match anyway. I think it’d work amazingly. They’re paying for all the other stuff, this match, they don’t care about.

        1. Here’s a few things I think we all forget:

          The Finger Poke of Doom is basically one of the things that help kill WCW. It didn’t make sense then and it still doesn’t now.

          There was talk of rioting or whatever when Roman Reigns was scheduled to win at last year’s Wrestlemania. WWE actually ended up booking a great ending to that main event that made almost everyone happy. I don’t think just killing the match to pay homage to some shit WCW did to make Hulk Hogan champ again in 1999 is the smart move.

          If I drop over a $100 on a ticket, I’m paying for ALL of the matches.

          1. I’m just going by the comments online. Folks are talking about walking out on this match. It may not happen but there is a lot of disinterest in it. I expect them to boo this shit mercilessly.

  2. If this is the last Fro Horsemen is was a hell of a ride!

    Anyways, I’m actually really excited about this Mania. If it was up to me I’d actually have Shane/Taker close the show. As far as the outcome, I think Shane wins only because Taker lays down for him as sort of a “f*ck you Vince, I ain’t your b*tch.”
    Is there a chance Rollins gets involved in the HHH/Reigns match?

  3. …..but how long WWE pay for the damn FloRida song? They been using it for what seems like 3 years lol

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